The Mike Church Show

Today The L.A. Dodgers Open A Portal To Hell!

todayJune 16, 2023 22


Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

LA Dodgers and the Sisters of Perpetual Help

  • Today we will fast for reparations of the MLB allowing this to happen.
  • This should not happen.
  • Maybe in the days of old the local police department would refuse any kind of detail near the stadium and for these men.
  • Would it be a sin against charity to pray that the ground of Dodger stadium be opened up and the ‘sisters’ be sucked up?
  • What is about to occur today is truly depraved.
  • They were founded in 1978 – they have been around THAT long and we have allowed it.
  • Bishop Strickland from Tyler, TX is in California and they are doing a Eucharistic procession, reciting the Sacred Heart litany and then processing to the stadium.
  • The City of the Angels – 

HEADLINE: Firebrand Texas Bishop Strickland to lead procession to protest LA Dodgers by Brian Fraga 

  • Some faithful Catholics in the state of California might change the whole state!
  • Could this be a set-up for our fellow Catholics?
  • Could this be the Catholic version of January 6th?
  • What has happened to the faithful?
  • What has happened to our willingness to stand up and defend Christ?

HEADLINE: Close Your Wallets, Cleanse the Temples—and Hit the Streets by Dr Matthew Petrusek 

  • What to do? The most tempting response is also the most useless: get angry and indulge in defeatism. Shake your (lowered) head. (Re)post, (re)tweet, and whisper your consternation among other believers. Feeling a bit bolder? Write a whole article about this new absurdity (same verse, just like the first) in tones of deep indignation.
  • It won’t change a thing. The reason is because no one who has the direct power to stop this carnival of prejudice and depravity cares what any of us think. They do not care about logic, about arguments, about science, about hypocrisy, about civilizational stability, about tradition, about religion, or even about whether, outside of their peer group, they are widely disliked.
  • Jesus Christ commanded us to love our enemies, not to guide their boots onto our necks. So let’s put away our wallets, pick up our cross, and make it clear to every marketer, accountant, and CEO who still cares about staying solvent that they now have a choice to make: it’s either us (people who are content giving you money and being on our way as long as we aren’t excluded and insulted) or them (people who have no qualms running your business into the ground if it serves the totalitarian elite).



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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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