Church Doctrine

18 January, 2011 – The Church Doctrine

todayJanuary 18, 2011 7


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    18 January, 2011 – The Church Doctrine TheKingDude


If Congress Won’t Cut Up Credit Card File For Annulment

2011 Mike Church

Hi folks its Mike Church with todays Church Doctrine

Tomorrow House Republicans will introduce their HR 5 bill which purports to, in their words, rollback federal spending to 2008 levels. if only that were true! What HR 5 ACTUALLY does is BEGIN the process of rolling back non-security related spending, which is less that 1/2 of Leviathans budget – to 2008 levels and even that will take 5 years.  

Now only a member of Congress could tell you with a straight face that the increases in federal spending only took 2 years to ramp up but phasing them out will take 5.

To make this matter even worse it is Republicans who are making these propositions. These are the same Republicans who have promised to get our fiscal house in order which I imagine will take 5 or 6 decades if this is the pace they proceed at.

This little example of Congressional incompetence makes the importance of ABOLISHING federal control over 90% of what it has seized the only option that makes sense to preserve the union. Anything short of that should have responsible adults calling their divorce lawyers and looking for an annulment.

Written by: TheKingDude

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