Month: September 2009

2 Results / Page 1 of 1


The Constitution

Ronald Reagan LOVED Constitution Day

Ronald Reagan LOVED the Constitution and in fact, issued Constitution Day Proclamations on every Sept. 17th that he was in Office! Were it only so today. I can find no mention of Constitution Day anywhere on the Whitehouse website and have heard nothing from President Bush. Most people will give some sort of "really. today is the Constitution's Birthday!? Yeah, whatever" or ".... hmmm, that's cool" response when learning of […]

todaySeptember 17, 2009 8

Founders Corner

Dr Gutzman: The Founder’s Generation…

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript Mike:  What is the difference between the men that were in public life at the turn of the 18th Century – from 1760 to 1800 or 1810, say – what is the difference between those men and the citizenry at large, for that matter, and between us?  And the big difference, I think, and I’ll get your take on this, is that that generation grew […]

todaySeptember 8, 2009 5
