Month: February 2010

2 Results / Page 1 of 1


The Constitution

Incorporation Doctrine for Dummies

The most frequent question I get from listeners about the Constitution is "Why don't you believe that the second amendment applies to the states you gun grabber!?" This then brings up the most misunderstood use of the Constitution: to "incorporate" the first ten amendments to the states (using the "due process clause of the 14th amendment). We need look no further than the complete Bill of Rights itself, in the […]

todayFebruary 3, 2010 12

Founders Corner

Bradford vs Jaffa-Why Lincoln was NOT a Founder & The Origins of Exceptionalism

Mandeville, LA - If you have ever heard the term "Straussians" you may have wondered "who was Strauss?" The next question should be then "how did Strauss come to influence so many if so few know about him?" Leo Strauss was a German emigre who escaped the war and landed as a professor at the University of Chicago. Strauss earned a cult following for his views on "equality" and the […]

todayFebruary 2, 2010 11
