Day: December 3, 2012

7 Results / Page 1 of 1



Stephen Masty’s Christmas Story on the Real Meaning of Giving

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Not enough happens every year during the celebration leading up to the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Not enough happens every year of the reason for the season. If you’re running around saying “Seasons Greetings” or “Happy Holidays,” exactly what holiday is it -- unless you are celebrating Hanukah, and that begins shortly -- exactly what is the reason for the […]

todayDecember 3, 2012 3


MIA: Men as Head of Households and Leaders

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - You go to a sporting event, any public event, and unless it’s maybe a Neiman Marcus in-store parade, you will see the absence of the American male, the absence of the assertive and domineering American father. You’ll see it everywhere. This is, I think, and I would wager that many people once they’ve unplugged the matrix cable out of the back of their head […]

todayDecember 3, 2012 13


Bob Costas turns NBC into “Sunday Night Football in an America without Guns”

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Transcript - If you want to be culturally and intellectually relevant, Bob, then you need to consider all other points of view. That’s what the intellectual does. The intellectual is merely just a thinker. He actually thinks the problem through. You know what the intellectual process actually requires you to do, Bob? It actually requires you to consider all alternatives. You do not have […]

todayDecember 3, 2012 1

Daily Clip

Caller Lucas: Everything Can Be Fixed With Term Limits

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio - "One single term", one of the most clichéd "solutions" to our problems in Government. Well it's not really a solution because who's going out and voting for the corruptocrats every 2 or 4 years? You are. We are. Term limits don't matter because the people spending the money, the lobbyists, the assistants, the corporations, are still there and still corrupt. But Lucas seems to […]

todayDecember 3, 2012 43

Founders Television

Time for an Article Five Convention?

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - Why should we have an Article Five Convention? Well, let's look at what happened on Thanksgiving and the day after, Black Friday, just as an example: on Black Friday, the US Treasury increased the National Debt by over $24 Billion dollars, divide that by each household in the United states and it comes out to over $200. So even if you didn't […]

todayDecember 3, 2012 3

Pile Of Prep

Christmas Spirit is To be Found by Having Kids Give Up Their Old Before Getting Any New

Mandeville, LA - Mike Church's daily Pile of Prep, chock full of Founding Father, Christmas Spirit goodness and other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125 It is expensive to be an American: The staggering costs associated with just preserving the Federal Leviathan "as is" are enough to inspire talk of secession, Article V and nullification with or without a "fiscal cliff" "There's Gold […]

todayDecember 3, 2012 3
