Day: November 20, 2013

4 Results / Page 1 of 1



Just Admit Defeat Already, Obamacare Should Be Reformed, Not Repealed

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – One of the things that we talk about here on this show that I think distinguishes it from others is that there is no partisan solution. First of all, the conservative does not believe there is a political solution to life. Let me repeat that. The conservative does not believe that there is a political solution to life’s problems. Life’s problems have to be […]

todayNovember 20, 2013 3


Billions Of Dollars Was Taken By States To Use On Obamacare, But That’s Not What They Spent It On

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – This is the way the game works. If you think it’s just a game about ideology and politics, again, I say you’re wrong. The game is all about the money, boatloads of federal money. Follow the boatloads of federal money and you will always wind up where the pot of gold is at the end of the lib rainbow, always. They’re all about the […]

todayNovember 20, 2013 1

Founders Television

How Does The NSA Affect Our Foreign Policy?

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - It's true that every country spies on each other in some form or another, but not to the extent that the NSA is doing. And aren't other countries supposed to look up to us as the standard of freedom and liberty throughout the world? So what does it tell everyone when the NSA is out there collecting e-mails and texts from France, […]

todayNovember 20, 2013 7

Pile Of Prep

South Baton Rouge to Secede from North B.R. [r]epublicanism Alive in Louisiana

Mandeville, LA - Mike Church's daily Pile of Prep, chock full of the latest Secede or die news from Baton Rouge, the REAL point of Gettysburg with Mike's historical viewpoint to help make sense of it all plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125. "A propositional nation like Lincoln’s is “teleocratic,” in philosopher Michael Oakeshott’s use of the word, as distinct from “nomocratic.” That […]

todayNovember 20, 2013
