Transcripts Wilhelm Röpke Diagnosed Austrian Economics Flaw: It Needed Morals Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Most of you know, have read, and love and admire Professor Tom Woods. He’s affiliated with the Mises Institute, has written about von Mises. Many of you go to and you're very familiar with von Mises’ work. You're probably not familiar with Röpke’s. The reason you’re not familiar with Röpke is because, one, Röpke was a Catholic, and, two, he let his Catholicism […] todayAugust 27, 2015 10
Pile Of Prep Thursday Pile of Prep Mandeville, LA - Mike Church's daily Pile of Prep, Welcome to's Pile of Prep, all the materials used to prepare the Mike Church show. So why am I opposed to a WALL being built to keep "Illegals out" and ostensibly, 'Muricans in? For starters, we are lectured by DeceptiCON war-hawks that "fortress America" will "never keep us safe" from ISIS, SHIELD, HYDRA et al because we must "fight them where they are" […] todayAugust 27, 2015 15
insert_link Interviews Gutzman Interview Pt. I: Incorporation of 1st and 2nd Amendment is for Progressive Losers Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - The lunatics from the Westboro Baptist Church were threatening to go protest and disrupt these people’s grieving ceremonies and funerals. Again, the incorporation doctrine would prevent the City of Newtown from calling an ad hoc meeting of their council and passing an ordinance that said you can’t, and if you do we’re going to have our police chief arrest you. Of course, some ACLU […] todayAugust 27, 2015 15
Transcripts Agreeing To Disagree Is Not How Intelligent People Debate Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – I was reading this essay by Alan Jacobs at The Imaginative Conservative last night, under the title of “Agreeing to Disagree.” Mr. Jacobs posits that there's not enough agreeing to disagree out there. Too many people are not agreeing to disagree, practicing judgment porn and using microaggressions to get angry at people. Check out today’s transcript for the rest…. FOLKS, a message from […] todayAugust 26, 2015 20
Pile Of Prep Wisdom Wednesday Pile of Prep Mandeville, LA - Mike Church's daily Pile of Prep, Welcome to's Pile of Prep, all the materials used to prepare the Mike Church show. So why am I opposed to a WALL being built to keep "Illegals out" and ostensibly, 'Muricans in? For starters, we are lectured by DeceptiCON war-hawks that "fortress America" will "never keep us safe" from ISIS, SHIELD, HYDRA et al because we must "fight them where they are" […] todayAugust 26, 2015
Transcripts Do Not “Agree Disagree” To When The Truth Is On One Side-Error Has No RIghts! Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – This is one of the greatest errors, I believe, that modern man is struggling with. We're struggling with it precisely because opinion has been elevated to the level of certitude. It's not certain. Someone's opinion on a matter of politics, if it's not an ethical matter, is not something that is certain. Check out today’s transcript for the rest…. FOLKS, a message from Mike […] todayAugust 25, 2015 6
Daily Clip Homosexual Lib Calls, Demands I Stop Making Him Feel Like He Is Going To Hell Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Well, you were taught incorrectly, sir. I hate to break it to you. And this is not me speaking because I didn't do the teaching and I didn't write it. I'll acknowledge it and I'll humiliate myself. Even though I wish to send -- you know, Jerry, every day I want to sin, brother. Check out today’s transcript for the rest…. FOLKS, a […] todayAugust 25, 2015 8
Transcripts There Are Two Classes Of Citizens, State And Federal, Because There Are Two Governments Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – We have this alleged debate now going on over whether or not there's an inherent, inalienable right to birthright citizenship. This has inspired many people to come out of the closet and proclaim themselves as constitutional scholars, scholars of the founding. Now we have a gentleman out there at The Federalist who is claiming that – I’ll read this to you. How many […] todayAugust 25, 2015 10
insert_link Catholicism Galileo Was Wrong – The Truth About Earth’s Orbit Will Set You Free Mandeville, LA - It is one of the great urban legends of our time that Galileo Galilei was right to have proposed Heliocentrism to describe Earth's place in the cosmos and the Roman Catholic Church was wrong on this count. In fact, in 1938 even Einstein conceded he had failed to disprove Geocentrism. Listen to Part I of Mike Church's "Back To Schola" series, Darwin Was Wrong - Starring special guest […] todayAugust 25, 2015 35
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757