Month: June 2016

159 Results / Page 12 of 18



It’s Official: My New Home of Papa Sonstray Island Is Being Prepped In Case Ol’ Glowing Ovaries Prevails

Mandeville, LA - It is now official, barring a convention miracle that would be no miracle at all, Slick Hilly Clinton, demon spawn of American-Mengele, Margaret Sanger, has clinched the Dumbocrat nomination. To add insult to injury and agony to the living, who survived to regret 56 million abortions, one possessed Hillary fan writes of her "glowing ovaries" at Hillary's nomination. Glowing to do what? Find a 1 night john […]

todayJune 7, 2016 2

CRUSADE channel

Modern Wrong World Made Right: Calvin Was Wrong Episode 12

Mandeville, LA - The continuation of our groundbreaking series, demolishing the urban legends and distortions hurled upon the seat of Peter by Luther, Ilyricus, Calvin and other "Reformers", all of which were demolished by S Robert Bellermine. Featuring our Latinist expert, Ryan Grant, translator of most of Bellermine's work on the subject. Don't miss this thrilling and enlightening, weekly history lesson on the early history of the Holy Roman Catholic […]

todayJune 7, 2016 1

CRUSADE channel

Mike Church Show 060716 Seg 3-4: Trumpzilla And Jefferson Are Both Right. The Federal Judiciary Is Corrupt

Mandeville, LA - We continue with Thomas Jefferson's letter to Spencer Roane (1819). In 30 years, the federal judiciary had already been corrupted when the letter was written. Who gave the judiciary the power to do all of these things? Jefferson is saying here that the federal judiciary is not to be trusted. How does this relate to Trump and Judge Curiel? Here again we have an example of a […]

todayJune 7, 2016 13

CRUSADE channel

Mike Church Show 060716 Seg 1-2: Our Federal Overlords Are As Pure As The Driven Snow

Mandeville, LA - The first topic on board is the supposed racism of Donald Trump. Not an unabashed all-in for Trump, Mike makes the point that Mr. Trump is not always wrong, out-of-control, rash, extreme, or wacko. There is an ongoing battle in court over Trump University. There seems to be something to Trump's claim that the judge in the case is out of control.   The narrative has been posited […]

todayJune 7, 2016

CRUSADE channel

The Mark Kreslins Show 060716

Mandeville, LA - Mark Kreslins talks about the on going fight to exit the union for which has become overwhelmingly controlling. Support the Veritas Radio Network and the CRUSADE Channel, Radio The Way It Should Be, and become a Founders Pass member. We have eliminated the middle man in broadcasting and instead bring the product direct to you for your consumption. Click to here to become a Founders Pass member and […]

todayJune 7, 2016 3

Pile Of Prep

Tuesday Pile of Prep-Why Do We Take The Media’s Opinion That Trump Is Always Wrong!?

Mandeville, LA - Today's Pile of Prep: most of the stories and research used to put together the Mike Church Show on the Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel. 2016 is here and WELCOME to the All-New, Mike Church Show on the CRUSADE Channel, listen LIVE for Free (don't cost nuthin'). Sapientia et Veritas -"If this opinion be sound, then indeed is our constitution a complete felo de se. For intending to […]

todayJune 7, 2016 6

Veritas et Sapientia

Veritas et Sapientia-Trump Points Out What Jefferson Knew About Federal Judges: They’re Corrupt

Mandeville, LA - [The following is an excerpt of Jefferson's letter to Judge Spencer Roane, the most vocal critic of the federal judiciary and most brilliant jurist of his day. - Editor, MC] "The nation declared its will by dismissing functionaries of one principle, and electing those of another, in the two branches, executive and legislative, submitted to their election. Over the judiciary department, the constitution had deprived them of […]

todayJune 7, 2016 3


Mike Church Show 060616 Seg 3-4: The Sanctity of Surgical Drone Strikes

Mandeville, LA - The story of a woman drone operator (Tina) is shared, via Laurie Calhoun's blog (We Kill Because We Can).  When a government is acting in sinful error, you have a duty to oppose it.  Soldiers have been told for years that the wars they are fighting are JUST.  How do you think man has become so good at killing?  Who is behind it?  Concluding from Calhoun: "Ironically, if […]

todayJune 6, 2016 7

CRUSADE channel

Mike Church Show 060616 Seg 1-2: Brexit…Stage Left.

Mandeville, LA - We are all now a part of the Trumpzilla TV Show! Mike reveals to listeners that they should purchase the movie Risen-- what an accurate and great movie! The oft-repeated line: "There are no enemies here." Did you know that Muhammed Ali (Cassius Clay) is a descendant of former Speaker of the House Henry Clay? Mike shares more trivia on Ali: the inference that the Vietnam War […]

todayJune 6, 2016 2
