CRUSADE channel The Mike Church Show 070816 Seg 1-2: Forget The Munsters. Real Monsters Live Amongst Us Mandeville, LA - This morning, many people awoke to news of the police shooting in Dallas at a Black Lives Matter protest. Who is going to stop this violence in the streets of America? How? Why? We're in the midst of a revolution. We need to wake up and smell the sulfur-- it is not pretty out there. There is going to be a disregard for human life. The human […] todayJuly 8, 2016 4
CRUSADE channel The Mark Kreslins Show 070816 Mandeville, LA - Support the Veritas Radio Network and the CRUSADE Channel, Radio The Way It Should Be, and become a Founders Pass member. We have eliminated the middle man in broadcasting and instead bring the product direct to you for your consumption. Click to here to become a Founders Pass member and down load ALL the past episodes of the Mark Kreslins Show, commercial FREE Enjoy More Related Truth […] todayJuly 8, 2016 7
Pile Of Prep Free Phone Friday Prep-More Slick Than Willy: Slick Hilly Is Not Morally Fit For Leadership Mandeville, LA - Today's Pile of Prep: most of the stories and research used to put together the Mike Church Show on the Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel. 2016 is here and WELCOME to the All-New, Mike Church Show on the CRUSADE Channel, listen LIVE for Free (don't cost nuthin'). Sapientia et Veritas -"The Church in its early days went fierce and fast with any warhorse; yet it is utterly unhistoric […] todayJuly 8, 2016 2
insert_link Catholicism Wil You Go LGBTQ-transgender, or Will You Go Carmelite? California Has Decided For You: LGBTQ Mandeville, LA - For those who remain unconcerned and or unconvinced that the "religious liberty" you currently "enjoy" is about to be in short supply I offer the following: A school board member in Bakersfield, CA has resigned his position because he can no longer claim to be a Christian defender of the Gospel and The Moral Teaching it grants us and remain on the board. How tragically sad is […] todayJuly 8, 2016 11
CRUSADE Shows The Johnny Rocket experience – a happy accident Mandeville, LA - LISTEN LIVE CLICK HERE Friday July 8th @ 1pm CENTRAL on Johnny Rocket minarchist, music artist and host of the widely popular radio show Johnny Rocket Launchpad. He sits down with me to discuss his life growing up outside of Chicago with diametrically different parents; a creative mom who performed with many great singers such as James Brown and his father, a voice of reason, he describes as his […] todayJuly 7, 2016 25
CRUSADE channel The Mike Church Show 070716 Seg 1-2: Minnesota And Baton Rouge Shootings: We’re All Culpable Mandeville, LA - Did you hear about the police shooting in Minnesota yesterday? What about the shooting in Baton Rouge? These shootings aren't happening in Venezuela, Istanbul, or Brazil; they're happening in 'Muricah! You can't say we aren't all somewhat culpable. There is law, and there is order. They are not the same thing. You can have law to assist with the order, but it is the order that assists in […] todayJuly 7, 2016
CRUSADE channel The Mike Church Show 070716 Seg 3-4: The Silence Of The Scammed Mandeville, LA - Mike reads from Pete Spiliakos, To Save Religious Liberty, Focus On Media Ecology. An excerpt: "David French is right to argue that evangelical Christians (and all supporters of religious liberty) will have to fight for their liberties or lose them. French’s argument for public protest is sound, but alongside his suggestions, perhaps we should consider how social conservatives have been fighting ineffectively. Perhaps our worst defeats are […] todayJuly 7, 2016
Pile Of Prep Thursday Pile of Prep-When “Hot Pursuit of da Law” Becomes Deadly Pursuit Mandeville, LA - Today's Pile of Prep: most of the stories and research used to put together the Mike Church Show on the Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel. 2016 is here and WELCOME to the All-New, Mike Church Show on the CRUSADE Channel, listen LIVE for Free (don't cost nuthin'). Sapientia et Veritas -"The Church in its early days went fierce and fast with any warhorse; yet it is utterly unhistoric […] todayJuly 7, 2016
CRUSADE channel Reconquest Episode 31. The Precious Blood of Jesus The price of our salvation is the Most Precious Blood of Jesus. In the nineteenth century, there was a real flowering of devotion to the Precious Blood, thanks to such notables as Saint Gaspar del Bufalo, Father Frederick Faber, and, of course, Blessed Pope Pius IX, who instituted the Feast of the Precious Blood (later moved by Saint Pius X to July 1), in thanksgiving for the ending of his exile in […] todayJuly 6, 2016 1
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757