Day: June 23, 2020

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Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

Confederate Officers Weren’t Traitors, They Were Heroes – The Jay Hinton Interview

A MIKE CHURCH SHOW EXCLUSIVE! From Tuesday, 23 June's Mike Church Show. The KingDude's interview with Montgomery attorney, SCV member and officer and legal historian on the War of Northern Aggression, Mr. Jay Hinton. The KingDude & Jay Hinton set the record straight on Robert E. Lee & his officer corps of honorable Southern Gentlemen, laying waste the revisionist slander relentlessly, heaped upon them. DON'T MISS THIS EPISODE! As good […]

todayJune 23, 2020 4


Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

Tuesday Red Pill Diaries-To Fix This Lawless Summer Restore Confederate Officers As The Heroes They Are!

Tuesday Red Pill Diaries-To Fix This Lawless Summer Restore Confederate Officers As The Heroes They Are!     BIOGRAPHY  Mike Church Biography – “Too Catholic For Satellite Radio” In May of 2015, Chris Ferrara wrote a bio pic essay on a talk-radio host who was then completely unknown to Catholic, talk-radio fans. The Mike Church Interview: A Remarkable Conversion to Tradition Changes the Face of Political Talk Radio Featured Chris wrote of […]

todayJune 23, 2020 2

Pile Of Prep

Tuesday Prep – Told Ya So: The BLM Revolution Has Come For Jesus & Mary

Today's Pile of Prep Feature and the theme of Today's Mike Church Show! Veritas et Sapientia - "others have conjectured that what is called matriarchy was simply moral anarchy, in which the mother alone remained fixed because all the fathers were fugitive and irresponsible. Then came the moment when the  man decided to guard and guide what he had created.  So he became the head of the family, not as […]

todayJune 23, 2020 3
