Month: September 2021

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Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

Thursday Red Pill Diaries-It’s Time To Make Room For “Barstool Catholicism” In New Christendom!

Thursday Red Pill Diaries-It’s Time To Make Room For “Barstool Catholicism” In New Christendom! HEADLINE: A Defense Of ‘Barstool’ Conservatives by Collin Pruett Barstool Catholicism - G.K. Chesterton All the worlds great problems have been solved in taverns.  BIOGRAPHY Mike Church Biography – “Too Catholic For Satellite Radio” In May of 2015, Chris Ferrara wrote a bio pic essay on a talk-radio host who was then completely unknown to Catholic, […]

todaySeptember 23, 2021 17

Pile Of Prep

Thursday Pile of Prep – Time To Make Room For “Barstool Catholicism”!

EXCLUSIVE: You Can Now WATCH The Mike Church Show on CRUSADE Channel TV, Click For Access! Veritas et Sapientia - "Abortion is more than a problem. Abortion is homicide. Abortion…without being ambiguous: whoever has an abortion kills. Take any book on embryology for medical students in medical school. The third week after conception, from the third week, often before the mamma is aware of it, all the organs are already […]

todaySeptember 23, 2021 10

Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

Wednesday Red Pill Diaries-The Texas-Mexico Border “Crisis”: A Prime Example of Why Secession Must Proceed

Wednesday Red Pill Diaries-The Texas-Mexico Border “Crisis”: A Prime Example of Why Secession Must Proceed HEADLINE: Angelo Privilege by Julie Ponzi  SOME OF HIS BEST WORK - America’s Ruling Class—And the Perils of Revolution    BIOGRAPHY Mike Church Biography – “Too Catholic For Satellite Radio” In May of 2015, Chris Ferrara wrote a bio pic essay on a talk-radio host who was then completely unknown to Catholic, talk-radio fans. The […]

todaySeptember 22, 2021 19

Pile Of Prep

Wisdom Wednesday Prep-Texas “Border Crisis” Is WHY Secession Must Be on The Table!

EXCLUSIVE: You Can Now WATCH The Mike Church Show on CRUSADE Channel TV, Click For Access! Veritas et Sapientia - "When it comes to our civil liberties, the first line of defense is an old Marine with a Coors Light in one hand and a Remington 870 in the other. He’s got his mask pulled down over his chin and a Winston Red dangling from his lips. He has eight […]

todaySeptember 22, 2021 4

Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

Tuesday Red Pill Diaries-The SCOTUS Taking Mississippi’s Abortion Case Means Prepare To Secede

Tuesday Red Pill Diaries-The SCOTUS Taking Mississippi’s Abortion Case Means Prepare To Secede Roe vs Wade  First Things Magazine  HEADLINE: ROE WILL GO by Robert P. George First: If “politicization” means making the Court seem driven by politics rather than law, Roe and Casey are the ultimate causes of politicization. And having this Court stick by those precedents (when, as seen below, they are squarely at issue) would only heighten […]

todaySeptember 21, 2021 49

Pile Of Prep

Tuesday Pile of Prep

EXCLUSIVE: You Can Now WATCH The Mike Church Show on CRUSADE Channel TV, Click For Access! Veritas et Sapientia - "When it comes to our civil liberties, the first line of defense is an old Marine with a Coors Light in one hand and a Remington 870 in the other. He’s got his mask pulled down over his chin and a Winston Red dangling from his lips. He has eight […]

todaySeptember 21, 2021 7


Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

Monday Red Pill Diaries-The USS CoronaDoom Is Taking On Water, Let’s Hope She Sinks

Monday Red Pill Diaries-The USS CoronaDoom Is Taking On Water, Let’s Hope She Sinks HEADLINE: FDA experts reveal the Covid-19 Vaccines are killing at least 2 people for every 1 life they save as they vote 16 – 2 against the approval of booster shots by Daily Expose  FDA experts have unexpectedly voted against approving Covid-19 vaccination boosters for anyone over the age of 16 in the USA, citing a […]

todaySeptember 20, 2021 35

Pile Of Prep

Monday Pile of Prep

EXCLUSIVE: You Can Now WATCH The Mike Church Show on CRUSADE Channel TV, Click For Access! Veritas et Sapientia - "Relating the insights that follow from an analysis of the unwritten constitution to recent American politics, it becomes evident that the movement away from the Framers’ decentralized republic toward a highly centralized mass democracy is due to what some political theorists call deculturation or degeneration. American political degeneration is illustrated […]

todaySeptember 20, 2021 6


Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

Friday Red Pill Diaries-Everything We Thought About The Elite Pedo Sex Rings Is Confirmed By U.S. Gymnast.

Friday Red Pill Diaries-Everything We Thought About The Elite Pedo Sex Rings Is Confirmed By U.S. Gymnast. HEADLINE: Olympic Gymnast McKayla Maroney Blasts FBI For Lying, and Trying to ‘Cover Up’ Her Allegations of Sexual Abuse Against Predator Doctor by Debra Heine Why would the FBI run interference for this Dr Nassar? What else is at play here? Remember Sandusky? He sodomized tons of young athlete males. How does this […]

todaySeptember 17, 2021 23
