Church Doctrine

24 May, 2011 – The Church Doctrine

todayMay 24, 2011 4

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    24 May, 2011 – The Church Doctrine TheKingDude

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    24 May, 2011 – The Church Doctrine TheKingDude


If Paul Ryan is the Future of LIMITED Government… Let the Secession Begin!

2011 Mike Church

Hi folks its Mike Church with todays Church Doctrine.

I was amazed to hear that Paul Ryan, the now official VunderKid of the Republican Party is the best hope mankind has to redefine the size and scope of government! This, attached to the man who voted FOR the TARP bailouts and FOR the expansion of Medicare Part D the now infamous prescription drug benefit.

Ryan also voted to authorize and re-authorize the Patriot Act and when called upon to do his duty to redefine the size and scope of government he delivered a proposal that adds $10 TRILLION to the near term budget deficit and casts into stone all the pillars of the Welfare State.

Not a bad resume for the man Charles Krauthammer of the Washington Post and Jonah Goldberg of The National Review Online claim will singlehandedly reshape the debate over the size and scope of government. Of course what Goldberg and Krauthammer really mean to say is that government is God and Government services are good. Everyone wants them to expand and do more for us but we have to grow them at a slower pace than say Barack Obama wants to grow them.

There actually is one candidate for President that WOULD reshape the debate of Leviathans size & scope but he is the one whos name shant be mentioned lest the furies of the Media are summoned to shout it down: Paul. Ron, Paul.

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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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