
50 Years Ago “My Way” Was a Hit Record, Today It’s a Baby Killer

todayMay 14, 2013 10


Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – If morning after birth control pills are available without prescription, meaning young women can go out and cavort about all night long and cavort about with as many young mean s they choose, or young men for that matter, and all they have to do is swagger off to a Walgreen’s or CVS and buy a morning after pill and pop a couple and call me in the morning, haven’t we really reached the end of courting and dating as well?  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  “White House asks court to block birth control order.”  What is this about?  If you don’t think these clowns are out of control, listen to this:


The Obama administration on Monday asked an appeals panel to delay the enforcement of a federal judge’s order to make emergency contraceptive available to women of all ages without a prescription.

[end reading]


Mike:  Here libertarianism crosses government, crosses or meets head to head with some manner of republicanism. If morning after birth control pills are available without prescription, meaning young women can go out and cavort about all night long and cavort about with as many young mean s they choose, or young men for that matter, and all they have to do is swagger off to a Walgreen’s or CVS and buy a morning after pill and pop a couple and call me in the morning, haven’t we really reached the end of courting and dating as well?  Courting, what’s that?  Is that what you do before you go and get sentenced?  What’s courting?  Dating, what do you need that for?  You don’t need any of this now.  We’ve got drugs.

Mike Church Show Transcript: Gosnell Trial – United States Is Open For Infanticide

We can now treat the result of a developed relationship between one man and one woman and pursuing the same amorous end, we can now treat this with a drug.  It can now be treated as a health problem.  You don’t need to go through all that.  There is no fear now.  You wouldn’t have any fear, if you are of a certain moral turpitude, you wouldn’t have any fear whatsoever in engaging in immediate and illicit sexual relations.  What’s to fear?  You can’t get pregnant.

road-to-independence-BH-RTIDE2-detailWe now have, just like we can snuff out a headache with aspirin or we can snuff out infections with penicillin, we can snuff out certain conditions with all manner of pharmaceuticals.  It was only a matter of time before the pharmaceutical industry figured out we need kids out there cavorting about in sexual relationships like they’re Peter Rabbit, like a bunch of rabbits.  They’ve got to procreate the entire species here on a continent.  We don’t want them to actually procreate.  What we want them to do is go out and have the relations, and then we want them to go to the drug store and buy our drug.  Can you say corporatism?  They would never do that.  Wanna bet?


Attorneys from the Justice Department made their pitch to the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals by noon, a deadline set by U.S. District Court Judge Edward Korman in New York after he rejected a similar request on Friday with a scathing ruling that accused the administration of putting politics before science.

[end reading]

Mike Church Show Transcript: Apparently Murder By Abortion Is A-Okay But Murder By Bomb Is Not

Mike:  I can’t go off and medicate my back injury with a Vicodin unless I go to my doctor and get a prescription because I’m not smart enough to tell whether or not I need pain relief.  We must have these things managed by almighty pharmaceutical federal and state overlords.  But young women can go out and, according to this judge panel and the Obama administration, if they choose to they can go out and exercise that most powerful of all life decisions, which is the decision to create another life.  They can go out and create that other life and then go to a drug store and, no questions asked, just buy it, take it, and that will take care of That.


The administration is appealing Judge Korman’s April 5 order to make the so-called Plan B morning-after pill available without restrictions, citing procedural flaws in his ruling and a lack of scientific evidence on how the pill could affect girls younger than 15.

[end reading]

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For more on Ben Franklin, pick up your copy of The Spirit of 76 right here!

Mike:  I have a pair of daughters that are 16, by the way.  Now you 15-year-olds, we want you to go out there and experience all that is to be a young woman. That means forget about schooling.  Forget about becoming young damsels and young gentle ladies and what have you.  We want you to go out there and be all you can be, meaning we want you to be sex machines.  When you’re done being a sex machine, then go be a career machine.  Forget about all this stupidity of motherhood and familial relations and all that.  You don’t need any of that.  All you need is to go out there and do what we tell you to do.  Remember, Uncle Pharmaceutical is here!  A bunch of Frankenstein monsters we’re creating here.  As long as you’re older than 15, boy, we have a plan for you, young lady.


Its efforts to take control of the politically volatile issue follows a 2011 decision by Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, with support from President Obama, to override the Food and Drug Administration’s advice to make the pill available without age restrictions.

[end reading]

Mike Church Show Transcript: Top On The Endangered Tradition List: Marriage

Mike:  Since I have never been a proponent of the idea that children are not the care and property — I don’t use the term property as in slave, chattel property, as in spiritual and parental property — of their parents until they have attained a legal age that we all agree is 18 years of age.  What business is it, how in dude’s holy name did a federal government ever come, or a government of any level, ever come to assume the mighty and awesome power of becoming parents and becoming decision makers for parents as this government now purports to exercise?  If there is a more lethal, a more ripe-for-abuse power than this, I would like for you to call me right now and show it to me.  I do not believe I’ll be taking any phone calls on this subject unless you’re outraged about it, and you ought to be, then again see IRS abuse of last hour.


The Center for Reproductive Rights, [Mike: Whatever the hell that is.] which filed the underlying lawsuit, said it would answer Monday’s legal filing within 10 days, clearing the way for a decision by the appeals court, according to The Associated Press.

[end reading]

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Mike:  So if this group appeals this decision and they go to a federal appeals court or a federal appeals panel and this panel decides yea or nay on their ruling, then an entity that does not exist — it only exists because the internal revenue service of the United States has brought it about by this god-awful thing called 501(c)3 or non-profit.  This entity will not basically act as the chief parenting source for tens of millions of youthful Americans.  Is there something wrong with that?  Should the government really be in this business of reproductivity?  If you have the power to tamp down or mitigate the process of procreation, have not the eugenicists’ pipedream of perfectly planned, perfectly health future societies of young people all designed by the elite ruling overlords, have not their dreams now become possibility?  This is something that’s right out of a science fiction movie.


Days before the Justice Department filed its appeal, the FDA lowered the age threshold, from 17 to 15…

[end reading]

Mike:  I just want you to think about this for a moment.  The Federal Drug Administration looks at a controlled substance — you know my position on FDA and controlled substances.  The FDA should not have any authority in this whatsoever to start with.  This is an unconstitutional abuse of power, in my humble estimation.  Be that as it may, they claim the power and are currently exercising it.  If you wish to remove then the possibility of this happening in your hamlet, then you would then seek to escape out from under the power of the FDA.  How are you going to do that?  It seems to me that if you’re not willing to think outside the box and think as your foreparents did about rethinking your relationship between man and the state and how it is consecrated and how it is ordained and brought about and ratified, then you better get used to the FDA micromanaging the affairs of your children’s sexual lives and your children’s sexual behavior.  That is exactly and precisely what they intend to do with this power.  We can tell that’s what they intend to do with it because that’s what they’re doing with it.  You don’t need me to explain it to you.  I’m just the messenger.

Mike Church Show Transcript: No Limits To The Evil And Immorality of Planned Parenthood


Days before the Justice Department filed its appeal, the FDA lowered the age threshold, from 17 to 15, for unfettered access to the one-pill form of the drug by approving an application from the drug’s maker, Teva Women’s Health. [Mike:  Anybody out there stock up on Teva Women’s Health stock?]

On Friday, Judge Korman rebuked the administration for “sugar-coating” its appeal with the move and accused Mrs. Sebelius of continuing an “administrative filibuster” of the scientific community’s attempt to make Plan B available to all girls of reproductive age.

[end reading]

america-secede-or-die-t-shirtMike:  Twelve-year-olds, you mean?  Twelve-year-old girl goes into a pharmacy or drug store near her, shopping up and down the aisles nervously like 15-year-old boys used to looking for condoms.  Oh, the one pill, there it is.  My problems are over.  Hallelujah!  I shouldn’t be making fun of this.  I shouldn’t even be casting any manner of a satirical spin on this because this is just — I was going to say preposterous, but since I’m talking about it it can’t be preposterous.  It’s disappointing, is it not?


He also said the administration was ignoring the difficulties that minorities and poor women face in obtaining ID cards to establish their age…

[end reading]

Mike:  You have to present an ID to buy alcohol or cigarettes, but you don’t need to present an ID to by birth control and snuff out life.  Anybody else noticing the contradictions here?


But the Justice Department, in its new filing, said a failure to delay the lower court’s ruling before the appeal runs its course could result in widespread confusion.

[end reading]

Mike Church Show Transcript: Helen Gurley Brown Enslaved Women

Mike:  We wouldn’t want that.  We need all the tykettes out there and all the young ladies my daughters’ age, they all need to be well apprised and know that their access to the one pill will be un-trampled and uncensored and unfettered by any fuddy-duddy parents.  Don’t let us get in the way.


“If the status of these drugs is changed and later reversed, some women may mistakenly believe that they can obtain the drug without a prescription after they are no longer able to do so,” government attorneys wrote.

[end reading]

Purchase The War on Drugs is a War on Freedom signed by the Mr. Vance!
Purchase The War on Drugs is a War on Freedom signed by the Mr. Vance!

Mike:  Why would that be an issue?  Can you read between the lines?  That would be an issue because that four-day run with those 16 boys was [mocking] “awesome, like it was totally like the best spring break like ever.  So I’m just like gonna go to pharmacy and like grab a box or maybe I better grab three.  You know, there’s like one pill.  I’m just gonna like end the problem.  What do you mean I have to have a prescription?  Parents?  What’s that?  I gotta ask my what?  No, no, I heard Obama and these women’s rights people say I could just come in here and get ‘em.  Now fork it over.”


They said Judge Korman exceeded his powers in ordering the FDA to make the pill widely available without allowing the government to conduct its own rule-making process.

[end reading]

Mike:  Yes, the government must be in on this because I guarantee you someone is paying for this to be done.  I would trace the someone back to whoever it is that’s manufacturing the drug.  Talk about sick.  This is just sick.


“The court’s sweeping order,” they wrote, “fundamentally misapprehends the process by which FDA can change the status of a prescription drug to nonprescription. … Because the district court plainly overstepped its authority, there is a substantial likelihood that the government will prevail in this appeal.”

[end reading]

End Mike Church Show Transcript


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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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