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FLASH SALE: Road to Independence (2cd audio set)

todayApril 26, 2016 10


The Road To Independence 

Mandeville, LA – (from this feature’s original release in May, 2008) It has taken 9 months to remix, add deleted scenes, re-cut some lines, compose new original music and add over 100 new special sound effects and we think it was worth the wait. Finally, the entire story of the drafting of the Declaration of Independence and the Founding Fathers can be told, in the glorious manner that we started out to tell it in. Re-mixed and beautifully mastered, the events of 1776 will sound as though you are living them in your home car or Independence Day Celebration.

Audio Samples from “Mike Church’s Road To Independence”

RTI_Declaration_watermarked-300x201Richard Henry Lee exhorts to his fellow “Committee of Correspondence Patriots” that “An attack on 1 colony is an attack on all colonies”

  • cover play_arrow

    FLASH SALE: Road to Independence (2cd audio set) candacechurch

VA Patriot George Mason explains his “Declaration of Rights” which sound an awful lot like Jefferson’s, but Mason wrote first

  • cover play_arrow

    FLASH SALE: Road to Independence (2cd audio set) candacechurch

CIC of the Continental Army George Washington writes passionately about “The Glorious Cause”

  • cover play_arrow

    FLASH SALE: Road to Independence (2cd audio set) candacechurch

The Road to Independence features a star turn from Emmy Award winning actor Jay Thomas as John Adams. The Original Soundtrack is inspiring and Patriotic and the sounds of the Battle of Bunker Hill will make you duck for cover.

The writing of the Declaration of Independence is one of the most misunderstood parts of American History. Now, in his first full-length feature Mike “The KingDude” Church takes you back to 1776 where you’ll relive the writing and creation of the Declaration and see the struggle for Independence as the men who drafted the Declaration did.

Never before has such a painstakingly researched re-enactment of America’s founding been undertaken and the results are breathtaking. From Independence Hall to Mount Vernon to the Connecticut Legislature to Williamsburg Raleigh Tavern the Road To Independence takes you back to the proclamation of Self Evident Truths and assertions of Independence with an Unapologetic, Admiring and Romantic commentary.

Come take a journey with our Founding Fathers and rediscover the Birthright of limited self government we all inherit.

Collection Contains:

  • Disc 1, Disc 2 contain the Road to Independence Feature. Commercial and interruption Free.
  • Disc 3 Contains Special Features BONUS tracks NOTE: This is now ONLY available as a digital download and is part of your purchase. Please check your email receipt for the Disk 3 download link
  • 8 Page Road To Independence Collector’s book including Complete Road to Independence Timeline, Full (Also part of digital download)
  • Track Listings, Rare Artwork, Production Notes and Founding Father Facts


Written by: candacechurch

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