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The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
Audio Post Format TheKingDude
Mandeville, LA – Today’s Pile of Prep: most of the stories and research used to put together the Mike Church Show on the Veritas Radio Network’s CRUSADE Channel. 2016 is here and WELCOME to the All-New, Mike Church Show on the CRUSADE Channel, listen LIVE for Free (don’t cost nuthin’).
THE MIKE CHURCH SHOW is coming to Apple CarPlay! Apple’s CarPlay technology pipes the audio from certain, certified apps directly into the in-dash radios now available in over 200 2017 car models with more available in 2018. The Veritas Talk Radio Network app has just been approved for car-play, meaning you will now be able to enjoy the Mike Church Show using your in-dash radio, seamlessly! BUT, there’s just one-catch: our premium, high quality stereo feed is only available to Founder’s Pass members. Are you a member? You can signup today,snag a FREE download of Mike’s Humility of Heart book AND earn Mike’s endearing thanks for just 23¢ per day, right here.
Sapientia et Veritas – “If there are two staring and outstanding facts about science and religion at this particular moment, they are these. First, that science is claiming much less than it did to show us a solid and objective reality. And second, that religion is claiming much more than it did (at least for centuries past) that its miracles and marvels of mystical experience can be proved to exist as a solid and objective reality. On the one side, the Atom has entirely lost the objective solidity it had for the nineteenth-century materialists. On the other side, the Ascension is accepted as a case of Levitation by many who would not accept it as an Ascension.” G.K. Chesterton, The Well and The Shallows
What kind of society “lives” to choose who else gets to live!? – CBS News wants to know if the rest of the “civilized world” should follow Tenochtitlan imitators in Iceland (live baby sacrifices) and murder ALL the PLANET’S soon to be born babies “diagnosed” with Down’s. Seriously folks, if Hitler did this we’d have 300 big-budget films featuring it’s unbelievable evil. This story isn’t trending anywhere but an 18-ton piece of “vandalized” bronze is (someone vandalized the Lincoln “memorial” statue). Note the question asked at the bottom of the Twitter promotion of this story:
EVIL: #Iceland is murdering #Downsyndrome children in #eugencis purge #HillaryClinton would blush. @DrBrianKiczek
— Mike Church (@TheKingDude) August 15, 2017
REALLY!? What kind of society “lives” to choose who else gets to live!? Cue the asteroid, humanity earned the flood, and we’re earning an astronomical corrective. Oremus for the Down Syndrome children and their families.
The Civil War of 2017 Has Begun & President Trump Is All In – President Trump held a press conference yesterday that should have remained what it started, a fierce competition for the “watching paint dry trophy”, then the Media Industrial Complex began shouting questions about Trump’s membership in the Klan, his embrace of Nazis and why he cheered for the murder of the young lady killed in Charlottesville. Huh!? That’s not what Trump said but it doesn’t matter because he was confrontational enough to drive the AntiFa demons into DefCON 1. Rod Dreher has a roundup of the Twitter fits and then there’s this:
“Christopher Cantwell, one of the [Alt-Right] leaders (and a heavily armed dude from New Hampshire) tells the reporter that the killing of the female protester by the fascist kid driving a car was justified — and that by the time they’re done, there will be a lot more dead. Watch it. It’s chilling.
The war planning began long ago, has escalated to using street protests as battle training and logically will escalate to a shooting war. Again, let us pray our children aren’t at the wrong place, wrong time when it begins, and it will. THIS is why Chris Ferrara wrote Liberty the God That Failed. That God is on display now for all the world to see. Are you ready to restore the order and oppose it now?
Pearce: Little Miss Sunshine’s Literary Neurosis Made Possible By Mary Shelley and Frankenstein – Joseph Pearce, host of The Pearcing Truth on The CRUSADE Channel, wonders why people are stillfascinated with Frankenstein, 200 years after this average piece of novel writing was published. The answer is complicated and indicative of the cult of death, teenage girls still live in today.
Buchanan: Do The AntiFa Anarchists Plan To Purge Themselves From This Land That White People Conquered? – It is a fair point and a historically accurate one: white supremacists settled the Americas, civilized the natives (AND converted them to Catholicism for a time) and then ruled AS white supremacists for nearly 400 years. If you look at western history post Columbus, that is principally true, so are the AntiFa wackos going to begin a purge of all remaining signs of white people in the Americas? What of the white people that remain? Where do they want us to go? Buchanan:
Who, during the centuries-long discovery and conquest of the New World, really believed that the lives of the indigenous peoples were of equal worth with those of the colonizers? They believed European Man had the right to rule the world. Beginning in the 16th century, Western imperialists ruled much of what was called the civilized world. Was not the British Empire, one of the great civilizing forces in human history, a manifestation of British racial superiority?
I agree with most of what Buchanan has written here but there were settlers, Hernan Cortez among them, who e.g. claimed lands for Christ by the Authority of Spain. Brother André Marie has hosted several episodes of ReConquest on this subject here.
The War Has Begun: Communists Tear Down And Desecrate Confederate Monument In NC – The names of the groups involved in the demon inspired rage against bronze tell you all that is needed about this outrage that will come to be known as The Durham Incident.
“Groups at the rally included members of the Triangle People’s Assembly, Workers World Party, Industrial Workers of the World, Democratic Socialists of America and the antifa movement.”
‘Muricah and the west’s experiment with the Order by Man democracy is coming to its violent, loud and barring divine intervention, lethal conclusion. The war has begun, pray your or my children aren’t at the wrong place wrong time, when the rage against the innocents begins. This will all end in tears.
The AntiFa Wackos: Demonic Anarchists Since 1902 – Peter Beinart has a exposé on the history of American Commies nowadays referred to as AntiFa that you should read. Beinart writes in part.
“Antifa believes it is pursuing the opposite of authoritarianism. Many of its activists oppose the very notion of a centralized state. But in the name of protecting the vulnerable, antifascists have granted themselves the authority to decide which Americans may publicly assemble and which may not. That authority rests on no democratic foundation. Unlike the politicians they revile, the men and women of antifa cannot be voted out of office. Generally, they don’t even disclose their names. [emphasis mine – M.C. Ed.]”
This is what Chris Ferrara and I talked about yesterday (listen to the entire segment here). The Enlightenment’s promise of pure democracy leading to pure liberty and freedom was and is a direct rebuke of the Church’s Teaching Authority and we are now witnessing the final, bloody, lethal chapter. Christians, by Christ’s teaching, cannot be a part of this in co-operation or in resistance except as a last resort of self-defense:
Earthly peace is the image and fruit of the peace of Christ, the messianic “Prince of Peace.”100 By the blood of his Cross, “in his own person he killed the hostility,” he reconciled men with God and made his Church the sacrament of the unity of the human race and of its union with God. “He is our peace.” He has declared: “Blessed are the peacemakers.”103
Those who renounce violence and bloodshed and, in order to safeguard human rights, make use of those means of defense available to the weakest, bear witness to evangelical charity, provided they do so without harming the rights and obligations of other men and societies. They bear legitimate witness to the gravity of the physical and moral risks of recourse to violence, with all its destruction and death.
No Virginia There Is No George Washington, Catholic – I was recently told by a friend that “George Washington converted to Catholicism on his deathbed”, news that shocked this biographer of the Great Man. After doing some specific research on the subject I stick with my previous conclusion based on extant accounts of the event AND Washington’s notorious life as a 32nd degree Mason: he died an apostate Mason. Here are the facts. This does not alter Washington’s signal achievements as a Founding Father and statesman, things he did as a duty to country and countrymen. BUT, there are some stories that purport that the Washington’s had a portrait of Our Lady in the living room at Mount Vernon AND that Washington’s slaves allegedly claimed he had converted. There is 0.0 evidence for the conversion claim but the portrait claim may be legit.
What We Can learn From The Faith of The 3 “Seers” At Fatima – On August 13th 1917, the “Tinsmith” (constable) of the town of Fatima Portugal, abducted Jacinta, Lucy and Francesco who were en route to the 4th apparition at Fatima Our Lady had promised them. The “Tinsmith” after a day of interrogation at his home then, on the 14th (today) took the children to jail and locked them up with other criminals. Here’s what happened next.
They were then interrogated separately, after which the Tinsmith threatened to boil them in oil if they still refused to divulge the Secret of Fatima. In the presence of the children he ordered that a cauldron of oil be heated, and threatened to put the children in the cauldron if they did not cooperate. The children believed the Tinsmiths threat. A man in the same prison cell tried to persuade Jacinta to give in, telling her that she could avoid being killed by simply telling the secret. Jacinta responded, “I’d rather die!”
Oh to have 9 year olds today telling public school bergermeisters “They’d rather die” than apostasize their faith by throwing in with the lgbqT-Virus infected’s demands or a clergy and parents to have inspired them to do so.
For The Last Time: The “Alt-Right” Is NOT Christian OR “Conservative” – A “Christian blogger”, here, does the signal task of stating what should be plain truth to reasoned observers: calling yourself a “white nationalist” is antithetical to Christianity. I can’t endorese his whole piece but he/she gets most of it right where few others are even attempting an answer. Earlier this year, Jerry Salyer who was way ahead of the curve on the “Alt-Right” actually explains that the movement is neo-pagan.
Finally Some USA! USA! Exceptionalism or OUR Hemisphere! – I have long bemoaned the fact that ‘Murican “conservatives” have no interest in invading the third world in our hemisphere, assassinating their leaders, overturning election results, invading and slaughtering half a million citizens and generally showing off our military superiority and incredibly pathetic colonialism (every nation we invade “for their own good” remains a basket case of war, poverty and corruption long after we have kinda sorta “left”). Now President trump reveals that we actually DO have some half-baked plans to invade Venezuela and give them a dose of ‘Murican exceptionalism. Add to that the those in the hinterlands who pulled the lever for Trump are also cheering on a land war with North Korea and “going in with guns a blazing”. Really folks, you can’t make this stuff up. We truly are a “war-like people”.
Inside the halls of the Morgan County Fair, men in cowboy hats passed children wearing rodeo belt buckles the size of pancakes. And Jennifer Scott, 45, stood with her daughter, Piper, and Piper’s goat, Nemo.
She said that Mr. Trump’s stance on North Korea is exactly what she was hoping for. “I think we have to go guns blazing and let them have it,” she said.
Take that Kim, there’s an army of other people’s kids coming to get PTSD, have their limbs blown off and in the process show a half-million Koreans some ‘Murican exceptionalism. Heaven help us and the rest of the planet.
If At First You Don’t Secede… – The land of fruits and nuts IS going to have a ballot initiative to secede from the federal union in 2018 and the results will not be what pro-secessionists might think. First of all, Callie will have to deal with its own crippling, nearly $1 Trillion unfunded pension liabilities and other public debt. The gargantuan size of California almost guarantees that it will become at least 3 states from 1 but the fun doesn’t end there.
After 70 Years Of Conflict With North Korea, Time To Let Kim Be Someone Else’s Problem – Pat Buchanan makes the case that the U.S.A. has bled and spent enough on “containment” of North Korea and that the South Koreans are perfectly capable of taking on the pinko-commie bully that Kim Jong Un has become. “Why not move U.S. forces off the peninsula, let South Korean troops replace them, sell Seoul all the modern weapons it needs, and let Seoul build its own nuclear arsenal to deter the North? Remove any incentive for Kim to attack us, except to invite his own suicide. And tell China: Halt Kim’s ICBM program, or we will help South Korea and Japan become nuclear powers like Britain and France.” The hemisphere Korea is in is rapidly becoming a cauldron that is going to produce a war with carnage and destruction we don’t have the capacity to imagine. It is long past time for the U.S. to listen to Geo. Washington and leave that armageddon to its agitators.
The War Against Reality Part 7,491: Christianity Is The Enemy of Community – Folks, you just can’t make this stuff up: “Christian anti-modernists may be the most tragic participants in the anti-modernist cause, however. Both Chaput and Dreher would do well to ponder more deeply the charges coming from other anti-modernists that their religion is the real driver of globalist liberalism. Some contemporary ethnic separatists — like, for example, Alain de Benoist — name Christianity itself as the enemy of community, identity, and spirituality.” The author is Benjamin Teitlebaum and he is reviewing Archbishop Chaput and Rod Dreher’s books on the collapse of Christian society in ‘Muricah. The suggestion that dissolving communities are the result OF Christianity is like concluding that butter is the result of chicken poop.
California Dreamin’ Nightmarin’-The Golden State Has Turned Red – There was a time when many ‘Muricans dreamed of moving to California and enjoying the good life: moderate year-round climate, plentiful natural resources, sunny beaches, beauty everywhere you turn and boundless opportunity. That was then and this is now: California is the poster child of what not to allow a “republic” to become. The state that was settled by the Franciscans and Dominicans is now dominated by the Browns and the lgbqT-Virus infectedAND it’s 900 billion degrees of broke, but hey, a little CalExit will fix that! Victor Davis Hanson, a Callie resident for life, nails this squalor but totally botches the question of whether Callie can leave the union. That question is properly, legally answered in my edition of Is Davis A Traitor available here. Bottom line: ANY state can leave the Union. None have the courage or good sense to do so but they can. Cowabunga!
Google’s Revolt Against Biology Runs Into Employees Who Have Looked into The Mirror –
You Can’t Eat What You Haven’t Harvested & Restaurants Serve What’s Been Harvested –
Gal-Queda To Serena Williams: REAL Women Abort Their Babies & Keep Padding Their Shoulder Pads –
GI Jane, Sues Trump Over Tran-Ban – You just can’t make this stuff up, folks, but you can see this as yet another rotten fruit the war against The Author of the Natural World has produced. 5 currently enlisted, active duty members of the armed forces have sued President Trump and are using the name “Jane Doe” as their pseudonym in court docs. You read that right: JANE Doe. The plaintiffs are in the Army, Air Forece and Coast Guard and one of them offered this disordered comment: “I was very relieved and came out as transgender to my commanding officers, who were supportive,” said one of the plaintiffs in the lawsuit. “My experience has been positive and I am prouder than ever to continue to serve. The military has been my life, but now I’m worried about my family’s future.” Proud to serve or proud to parade your mentally confused state as normal and acceptable? How does that embellish your military performance or the esprit de corps?
Deacon Jim Russell Let’s Shoddy Facts & Dubious ‘Murican Superiority Cloud His Hiroshima Thinking – Simple point, Deacon: If nuking a large industrial city that produces some implements of war can help bring an end to “total war industry” and “total war mentality” then North Korea can be justified in nuking the civilian population nearest where Boeing makes flying “total war” weapons USED against civilian populations across the 3rd world. How many Yemeni’s, Iraqis, Afghanis, Libyans etc would be alive today if a civilian population near where Predator drones are made were nuked, forcing ‘Muricah to surrender her global, t”total-war mentality”.
GOOGLE’S War Against Reality: Create an Ideological Dogma Immune to Factual or Logical Criticism – That is precisely what GOOGLE and the rest of the Media Industrial Complex, infected with the lgbqT-Virus, have done the last 15 months. Their departure from the morrings of reality and the real world we live in continue unabated and no plea for restraint can even slow it down. Now a former Google engineer named James Damore has shone the light of truth on the disparity in men and women’s income and success in the Silicon Valley wars and paid the price of employment. You see a little Truth goes nowhere in today’s world. Robert Tracinski points this out, the futility of announcing Truth in either a public or a private square:
But the whole point of this incident is that we can’t have such a debate. Note that when Gizmodo published the text of Damore’s memo, it deliberately excluded his graphs and footnotes to scientific research—dangerous information that its readers must be shielded from. Or decode the message from Google’s VP of diversity in her official reply to the memo: “Part of building an open, inclusive environment means fostering a culture in which those with alternative views, including different political views, feel safe sharing their opinions. But that discourse needs to work alongside the principles of equal employment found in our Code of Conduct, policies, and anti-discrimination laws.” Notice how the second half of that statement negates the first, which is reflected in the outcome.
Translation? “alternative views” that come from a menu of options and don’t include reality, the natural world and the Truth. The Pre-Cogs are being grown in test-tubes and the thought police are in control of increasing levers of administrative power. We are being groomed for the Police State folks and Big Brother files taxes, he doesn’t collect them. The graphic here says it all: disagree with those infected with the lgbqT-Virus and you’ll never work again.
The CRUSADE Channel Is Not “Acting All CRUSADER-Y” By Itself Anymore – A new online magazine called The Peregrine has launched and its editors welcome letter has lots of CRUSADER-Y goodness in it. “The market, the family, and the state are all established for the sake of the common good, the common life of virtue and the contemplation of the good, the true, and the beautiful — ultimately God Himself. The common goodrequires the different spheres of society to work in concert, not competition….To live these principles is to be politically homeless, a foreigner in the public square, a pilgrim on the road to the Eternal City. Christians are called to live in the world, but not to be of the world.” So The CRUSADE Channel’s mission can longer be said to be Quixotic and we welcome The Peregrine and hope to come to work together with them. Deo Gratias….
Cue The Pre-Cogs: The Thought Police Are Here And They Work At Air BnB – The scandalous antics of the wretched Lena Dunham to fire up a legion of SJW airport thought police has been shown to be a hoax perpetrated by Dunham though the hoax does serve as a warning: “Citizen! you will obey and think like your SJW overlords tell you to think…citizen!” The WaPo has a story of the bed and breakfast finders Air BnB actually conducting political background checks on potential customers and denying them access to rooms they had reserved. You read that right, here’s the statement from Air BnB. “When through out background check processes or from input of our community we identify and determine that there are those who would be pursuing behavior on the platform that would be antithetical to the Airbnb Community Commitment, we seek to take appropriate action including, as in this case, removing them from the platform.” Whoaaaa, wait a cake-baking minute! Why couldn’t the baker, florist or photographer take “appropriate action” to remove Sodomites “from the[ir] platform”!? Just as predicted, there is but one POV on morals and sex and one now on race that intolerance will be accepted behavior. Air BnB has confirmed that Richard Spencer and his Islamaphobic ilk will never be allowed to use their services again. Legal discrimination is now the de facto law, ain’t “tolerance and diversity” grand!?
St. Paul, MN Catholics: Will You Go transgender or Will You Go Carmelite – I talked about this on the show today: where are the Catholic defenders of what is True, Good and Beautiful in the city named for The Apostle Paul? 1 FIVE YEAR OLD’s parents sued the Nova Classical Academy over their “bigotry” in not teaching their child the finer points of mutilating his body, doping with steroids and defying God’s choice to make him a boy. These social-media popularity seeking, child-busing whores, disguised as parents, won in court. Let that sink in: Won. In. Court. Now the remaining 959 students will be fed a “gender policy” heavy on instruction and removal of signs of bigotry and oppression like “Boys” and “Girls” signs on bathrooms and locker rooms. This madness now puts Truth on the side of error, up opposed to down and leaves children with nothing but confusion and disdain for the natural world and ultimately its creator: God. “In addition to committing to revise its gender inclusion policies to protect and respect lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender students, Nova Classical Academy agreed to “pay damages of $120,000 to Hannah and David Edwards and their minor child, H.E.,” Gender Justice said in a press release.” See, now child mutilation PAYS. Is this a great country or what *sarcasm*!?
Kids Having Their Faces Permanently Attached To SmartPhones Is Ruining Many Lives – The Atlantic has a most fascinating article out titled Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation? More comfortable online than out partying, post-Millennials are safer, physically, than adolescents have ever been. But they’re on the brink of a mental-health crisis. This is serious stuff here as the graphs that track teen behaviors show declining action in what I would call solidarity acts. Those actions that we perform with others bearing in mind their well-being as they bear in mind ours. “Psychologically, however, they are more vulnerable than Millennials were: Rates of teen depression and suicide have skyrocketed since 2011. It’s not an exaggeration to describe iGen as being on the brink of the worst mental-health crisis in decades. Much of this deterioration can be traced to their phones.” Read the whole thing and pay special attention to the graphs that appear near the end of the piece, especially this one.
Welcome To ‘Muricah, Tattoo Nation – I have talked about this from time to time and Mark Hemingway does a pretty good job of making his point that “‘Muricah, You Have A Tattoo Problem“. My departure from Hemingway’s take is that the tattoo is now a not so subtle way of saying that body ink and modest drawing skills can improve upon the Creator’s design of you. In thinking of the tattoo pandemic like this, it closely parallels the new obsession with rejecting the sex God blessed you with and the rejecting the natural attraction to our sexual opposites he blessed us with. Still, Hemingway lands some left-hooks on Lebron James/Dennis Rodman imitators. “I refuse to believe even a sizable percentage of tattoos have been worthy decisions. For some select people, maybe tattoos are small part of their grand plan to live life to the fullest. But the vast majority of people should be encouraged to lead exciting and meaningful lives without needing to, in some cases literally, tattoo their personal vanity and insecurity right on their forehead.”
Told Ya So. DeceptiCONS To Trump: We’re All In On “Fixing” Obamacare Now – Did I call this one or did I call it? The “conservatives” in the Senate have begun their public pivot toward what I predicted they will inevitably become: defenders and promoters of ObamaCare, working to “improve” the “good parts” of it with their partners, Chuck Schumer and and the like. NOW are you ready for the final turn away from this destructive madness? As my friend Peter Caire tells me after Mass, every Sunday, “catacombs, Dude, catacombs.”
You’Ve Heard It Before But is It Imminent: Only GOD Can Save Us This Time? – We’ve all become experts in diagnosing the end of our once “Christian society” but solutions and the resolve to carry them out are harder to find than a heterosexual virgin on Prime TimeTV. Pedro Gonzales gives us another spot on diagnosis of the ailment. “Why the increased barbarity today? The dismantling of Western civilization by culture-war zealots has destroyed the resolve of Western man to defend himself. Western civilization has been gutted from within. At the core of this moral bankruptcy is a watered-down Christianity that lacks the conviction to defend itself, given its post-modern moral-spiritual duplicity. No doubt, radical Islam is abetted by post-modern deconstruction of Western culture and values. Radical Islam and communism—then and now—are ideologies that present the enemies of the West with alleged, viable alternatives to Western values.” All spot on and sadly true, Gonzales also asks the question I asked 15 days ago about the promotion of anal sex for 12 year old girls on the pages of Teen Vogue and Daniel Payne asked yesterday over the impending gubbmint orderede death of Charlie Gard. Gonzales over the murder of Father jaques Hamel in France. “We must ask: Where is the outcry from liberal Christians and progressive humanists?” The outcry is coming on the wind that brings about the New Cristendom… we must hope.
It’s August 2017 And The Immodesty Is About To Go Nuclear Because It WENT Nuclear – Venerable Bishop Sheen called out ‘Muricah back in the 1960’s while speaking to a group of young Catholics on “Youth and Sex”: “8:15 in the morning, the 6th of August, 1945, when we flew a military plane over this city, when we dropped that atomic bomb on it; that bomb on blotted out boundaries. There was no longer a boundary between the military and the civilian, between the helper and the helped, between the wounded and the nurse and the doctor, between the living and the dead. For even the living who escaped the bomb were already half dead. So we broke down boundaries and limits and from that time on the world has said we want no one limiting me. … You want no restraint, no boundaries, no limitsI have to do what I want to do. Now let’s analyze that for a moment, is that happiness?”
The Tragedy of Post Christian, Philosophia Perennis Devoid Thinking – Read this piece from AmConMag writer Noah Millman to get a closeup view of why Philosophia Perennis is so desperately needed to corral the erroneous thinking Men are sure to engage in when NOT grounded in the eternal quest for True Wisdom i.s. Sapientia. The issue Noah, is not whether “only the Saints” can live by the Magisterial code, it is that by God’s Grace the Saints DID live the Tradition WHILE receiving the Graces needed to do so. You cannot approach Grace as zero sum, mathematics, as in if I do ______ I will receive ______ “Grace credits” but if I do ______I will have deducted ______ Grace Credits. Grace is present in the world and we are given the supply needed at Baptism, the suffering of the Christian Faithful is simply to maintain the state you enter at Baptism, using the Gospels and the Traditional Teaching as MEANS to that END. As Padré Gaetano tells us in Humility of Heart: “And has not a saint abundant reasons, from the thought of his own weakness, to live always in a state of great humility, when he knows that from one hour to another he may lose the grace of God and the kingdom of heaven which he has merited by years of laboriously-acquired virtues? “Unless the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it.”
Written by: TheKingDude
todayAugust 28, 2024 90 1
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