
Veritas et Sapientia-Most Wars Don’t Benefit States, James Madison Would Agree

todayJune 19, 2019 24


Senator Rand Paul rejects war with Persia because it wouldn’t benefit Kentucky, he’s right, and James Madison would agree.

“A local spirit will infallibly prevail much more in the members of the congress, than a national spirit will prevail in the legislatures of the particular states. Every one knows, that a great proportion of the errors committed by the state legislatures, proceeds from the disposition of the members to sacrifice the comprehensive and permanent interests of the state, to the particular and separate views of the counties or districts in which they reside.

And if they do not sufficiently enlarge their policy, to embrace the collective welfare of their particular state, how can it be imagined, that they will make the aggregate prosperity of the union, and the dignity and respectability of its government, the objects of their affections and consultations? For the same reason, that the members of the state legislatures will be unlikely to attach themselves sufficiently to national objects, the members of the federal legislature will be likely to attach themselves too much to local objects. The states will be to the latter, what counties and towns are to the former.”James Madison, Federalist # 46

Written by: TheKingDude

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