
America Again Plan To Take Back Congress

todayApril 5, 2015 22


America Again Project – Ratify the First

The Limited Edition of this soon to be classic book is bound in faux-leather and contains the same pages the Limited Edition, hand-made edition does. Only 37 of these were made. Order today while supplies last!
The Limited Edition of this soon to be classic book is bound in faux-leather and contains the same pages the Limited Edition, hand-made edition does. Only 37 of these were made. Order today while supplies last!

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript Item number one, we call it the Bring Congress Home Act, BCHA.  It will follow what we’re going to talk about today, which is the action item we’re starting on April 15th.  I’m announcing it today on your show.  It’s called Ratify the First.  I know you’ll get into this subject because it goes back to Patrick Henry and the first twelve amendments.”  Check out today’s transcript for the rest….

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  Say hello to our old friend, David Zuniga of the America Again project – if you go to today’s Pile of Prep, you’ll see that you can watch the America Again movie free of charge.  And you can read David’s book free of charge.  David, how are you?

David Zuniga:  Hey, Mike.  I’m well.

Mike:  Glad to hear it.  This America Again thing you’ve been working almost a decade at – last time you were on the show was three years ago.  You’ve done a lot.  The new website is an artistic masterpiece.  You’ve got a lot going on there.  Update the folks, because they may not know, what is America Again?

Zuniga:  Thanks, Mike.  America Again is a perpetual charitable trust and membership organization that helps you control Washington, DC and not the other way around.  It has three aspects to it.  You may recall, the first one is our indictment engine.  We won’t get into that in depth today.  It’s all on the website.  The indictment engine will change our relationship over our servants in government forever.  It’s a law enforcement mechanism.  Then we have 20 key pieces of reform legislation that, using the indictment engine, we can force through passage in Congress.  We have those 20 pieces of reform legislation also on our website.

Let me just talk about the first one.  Item number one, we call it the Bring Congress Home Act, BCHA.  It will follow what we’re going to talk about today, which is the action item we’re starting on April 15th.  I’m announcing it today on your show.  It’s called Ratify the First.  I know you’ll get into this subject because it goes back to Patrick Henry and the first twelve amendments.  Ratify the First is the first action step.  Congress has no part in this.  They already took their actions in 1789, September 25, passed it on to the states.  They’ve done their part.  They can’t walk it back.  This is ours to do.

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The cool thing about this, Mike, Patrick Henry started this.  This was the only time that Article V has worked.  Congress moved on it.  They, by more than two-thirds, passed those first twelve amendments.  The first two of those twelve were not ratified by a sufficient number of the states.  The first amendment was that no more than 50,000 people could be – a U.S. congressional district could have no more than 50,000 people.  It started out with no more than 30,000.  George Washington, those were his first words on the floor of the convention, the last day of the convention, the only time he spoke.  The first thing he talked about was his support for this, making sure that we are going to be represented.  We didn’t end up with what we have today, 750,000 and 775,000 people in U.S. congressional districts.  You have these lords and masters over us.  They don’t know us, they can’t know us, and they certainly can’t represent us.

That’s what we’re working on.  Eleven states have ratified it.  Now we’re pulling it back up and America Again is pushing this this session and next session.  Next year, before the 2016 elections, we should have, according to the founding fathers, we should have 6,400 members of the U.S. Congress.  Imagine that.

Mike:  That’s something that I’ve talked about many times on the show.  If you divided it by 30,000 members, you’d have almost 8,000 congressional districts.

Zuniga:  Look at the state legislatures.  Which one impinges on our lives and our pocketbooks more, our state governor or our federal government?  I know for us here in Texas, by far the federal government is the larger burden to us.  We should have 530-something U.S. representatives in our state.  We have 36.  South Dakota should have 16 representatives; they have one.  The logistical part of this, the problem that people see, they think: Oh, man, 6,400 members of the House, we don’t need that.  Look, you’re not thinking right, people, you’re not thinking right.  Imagine this.  Look at a map of the U.S. Look at one of those nighttime maps of the U.S. that shows the lights in all the cities.  You see where people live all over the U.S.  We should have, at 50,000, we should have 6,400 members.  What if we passed the BCHA, the Bring Congress Home Act, which we will do if we can ratify this amendment – if you ratify the amendment, it forces us to have 6,400 districts.  That’s going to be the new law.  We have to have those little-bitty districts.  We’ve got america_again_logoto do redistricting.  We, America Again, right now and with some folks in New York and some folks in Australia, technical people, are doing a redistricting map of the USA with those 6,000 clusters.

Mike:  I’ve seen it.

Zuniga:  We should have the actual new redistricting map of the U.S. up within about ten days.  Think about this.  You bring those people home.  They don’t office in D.C.  They office like H.R. 287 that sat in committee back in 2013.  Steve Pearce from New Mexico and Representative Eric Swalwell from California wrote this House Resolution 287 back in 2013 saying: Hey, guys, we’re working and operating in the 18th century here in Congress.  We ought to be working from home.  We ought to be using modern technology.  This is crazy.  So folks in Congress, at least a few, already understand it’s time to make this Congress operate virtually.  They shouldn’t have two houses.  Some senators right now have eight or nine offices and staffs.  The average member of Congress right now spends $11 million a year on his operation.

Mike:  I want to make a couple observations while David is talking.  Number one, if you’re a resident of Louisiana, which is right next to where David is in Texas, we would have, under the 28th Amendment when it’s ratified, we will have 93 congressional districts.  Number two, if we had the current representation, 750,000 to 770,000, as a guide to representation in 1789 when the first Congress met, there would have been three members of Congress.  They wouldn’t even have had a quorum.  You have to have four to have a quorum.  They wouldn’t have even had a quorum.  Actually, you need to have two-thirds of members present.  In any event, I think parliamentary procedure says you have to have at least four.  In any event, the point stands.  They would have three members of Congress.  They would have eleven times as many in the Senate than they would have had in the House.  That’s how whacked this thing is.

Zuniga:  Yes, it is.  Here’s the solution.  The Mike Church Show, on its own, I know you feel like a little guy, Mike, but you’re the only guy doing the job out there in this country.  I mean it.  I don’t know about Andrew Wilkow, I really don’t know him.  But I think you’re the only guy out there that’s carrying this ball.  You need a lot of help.  We’ll give you that help.

Mike:  I always need help.

Zuniga:  Your show ought to be – again, you ought to have Glenn Beck’s numbers and Glenn Beck ought to be doing something else, rather than moving to Texas and acting like he’s a Texan.  We reported before about this, the efforts of your guy, Patrick Henry, and others to get those amendments passed.  They didn’t all pass.  The original Second Amendment, which became our 27th Amendment in 1993, it sat there for 204 years.

Mike:  Right, so there’s a precedent for this.


Zuniga:  That’s right.  The precedent was set by another Texan.  He was a University of Texas student at the time.  He went and walked – this was back in the ‘80s and ‘90s.  This guy, Greg Watson, went and walked this thing through 29 – he only had nine ratifications back in 1789.  He went and walked this thing by phone and by snail mail to those 29 state legislatures and got it done.  It can be done.  This can be done.  That was done less than 30 years ago.

Mike:  And Michigan provided the final vote on the 7th of May 1992, recent history.

Andrew Bieszad mentioned the story of St Fernando fighting the Muslim hordes and we carry James Fitzhenry's wonderful biography of Fernando, autographed by the author.
Andrew Bieszad mentioned the story of St Fernando fighting the Muslim hordes and we carry James Fitzhenry’s wonderful biography of Fernando, autographed by the author.

Zuniga:  It is, and then several more came in after.  This can be done.  It has been done.  Think about this, Mike.  I love everything you talk about.  You are so mind-melded.  I really love everything you talk about.  The problem we all know.  The solution, imagine you could have – say that everybody in Congress right now, all 535 members, are rotten, incorrigible, we can’t fix them.  But let’s say tomorrow or next year we could have 5,965 – that’s how many new seats we’d get in the U.S. House – remember GOOOH, Go Out Of Our House, Tim Cox, from here in Texas?  He’s a great guy.  He had a wonderful idea: Let’s go take over the House.  You’re talking about imperial kinds of races that take tens of millions of dollars to win at the level that they play now.

FOLKS, a message from Mike – The Project 76 features, Church Doctrine videos and everything else on this site are supported by YOU. We have over 70, of my personally designed, written, produced and directed products for sale in the Founders Tradin’ Post, 24/7,  here. You can also support our efforts with a Founders Pass membership granting total access to years of My work for just .17 cents per day. Thanks for 17 years of mike! – MIKE

At the level we’re talking about, at the level that the founding fathers expected us to be living at, these are small.  These are all local races.  These are no more than 50,000.  If we bring them home and make them office at home, we now have – look at Article I, Section 8, Clause 17 where it says: Congress has exclusive legislative jurisdiction over that ten-by-ten-mile square of Washington, DC.  If you remove Congress from that ten-by-ten-mile square, they still have exclusive legislative jurisdiction.  Just picture the map of America with all of our offices, 6400 of them spread out officing where we can see them every day, we can go watch over what lobbyist tries to visit with them.  Imagine the lobbyists having to cover 6400 people in all of these diverse small towns and cities in America.  Do you see how we win this thing?  This is how we win this thing, Mike.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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