
Americans Love Them Some Planned Parenthood

todayJuly 28, 2015 3

Andrew Bieszad mentioned the story of St Fernando fighting the Muslim hordes and we carry James Fitzhenry's wonderful biography of Fernando, autographed by the author.
Andrew Bieszad mentioned the story of St Fernando fighting the Muslim hordes and we carry James Fitzhenry’s wonderful biography of Fernando, autographed by the author.

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Fortitude is going to become very important.  I think that fortitude is what is principally lacking in our pagan nation, and we are a great pagan nation.  We may be the greatest pagans in the history of pagans.  Check out today’s transcript for the rest….

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  We see a lack of fortitude.  Fortitude is going to become very important.  I think that fortitude is what is principally lacking in our pagan nation, and we are a great pagan nation.  We may be the greatest pagans in the history of pagans.  Here’s some more evidence of this, as if you needed more.  This is today’s news, by the way.  I’m not grabbing it from last year, last month, or the 18th century.  It was published last night.  Here’s the headline, “25% of Americans Okay With Selling Aborted Baby’s Body Parts.”  Really?  That means that one out of every four people I meet is a potential Nazi.  [mocking] “Come on, Mike, that’s really obscene.  That’s a jump.”  Is it?  You’re okay with ripping the limbs, ripping and crushing soon-to-be-born children and dismembering them inside or partially outside their mother so that you can harvest a leg or a heart or a liver?  What kind of a monster not only thinks that’s okay but then is willing to publicly admit it?  If a pollster asks you, [mocking] “Oh yeah, that’s what all the cool kids with the pumped up kicks are doing.  I’m totally down with it.”  These people need serious, serious prayer.  This is wretchedly sick.  “53% Like Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz,” over half.  That means that two out of every four people you and I meet on the street dig the baby-killing industry.  [mocking] “That’s not

[private |FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly|FP-Yearly-WLK|FP-Yearly-So76|Founding Brother|Founding Father|FP-Lifetime]

what it is.”  Yes, that’s what it is.  It has gotten away using nominalism to distract and to disguise what it is actually doing.  Because we are suffering the heresy and the error of nominalism, we can’t figure it out.  Here’s the story:


People across the United States and around the world are mortified after a shocking video exposed how the Planned Parenthood abortion business sells the body parts of aborted babies for medical research after killing them in abortions.

However, a sizable percentage of Americans have no moral qualms with using the body parts of aborted babies for medical research. [Mike: Folks, this is what is called consequentialism. Consequentialism says that we can undo an active evil some good might come out of it. That’s what consequentialism is. That’s what this is.] In fact, a new Rasmussen poll reveals one in four Americans are perfectly fine with exploiting their tiny bodies even further.

[end reading]

Mike:  By the bye, if you go to today’s Pile of Prep, it’s posted and linked on the front page of my website at  You will see halfway down the page a flashback.  Back in 2013 I posted the story and saga of baby Nathan.  Baby Nathan was the result of a troubled pregnancy for a wonderful young couple who knew that the chances of baby Nathan actually making it to birth were slim because she had in utero problems, the mother did.  Ultimately baby Nathan was stillborn after 14 weeks.  Here’s what you’ll see if you go to the site and go to today’s Pile of Prep.  You will see the photographs that the parents of baby Nathan – yes, they named him – the photographs that they took of their stillborn child, treating him as if he was one of them, a member of the family, and had tragically died.

You can clearly see at 14 weeks, ten little toes, ten little fingers, eyes, ear holes, nose, shape soon to be of a human, recognizable.  It’s all there.  They’ve allowed those photographs to be published as a reminder that this is what Ms. Nucatola at Planned Parenthood, the monster at Planned Parenthood that’s crushing babies’ skulls and crushing baby parts to harvest livers and what have you, this is what she is crushing.  This is a 14-week-old.  Check the photograph out and forward it around to your friends who may be on the fence.  They won’t be any longer. [/private]

Order your copy of the Siege of Malta today!
Order your copy of the Siege of Malta today!


The polling firm asked 1,000 Americans three questions. First, it asked: “Do you favor or oppose the sale of body organs from aborted babies for use in medical research?”

“The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 25% of Likely U.S. Voters favor the sale of body organs from aborted babies for use in medical research.

[end reading]

Mike:  That number is shocking.  That’s a shocking number.  Again, that means that one out of every four people you encounter today, again, is a potential Leninist, a potential 1930s German.  I wonder if they’ll use the Nuremberg defense when the baby killing moves into the adult phase.  Just curious.


Fifty-four percent (54%) oppose the sale of fetal body organs. But a sizable 22% are undecided,” the polling firm indicated.

[end reading]

Mike:  What kind of an adult population have we reared when 46% either agree or are undecided about whether or not we should be harvesting the severed or not-crushed parts of aborted babies?  But don’t worry, right?  Conservatives, we can fix this with the next election cycle.  This is just a Donald Trump presidency away from being repaired, right?


Rasmussen followed up with another question referring to the body parts of aborted babies as tissue. [Mike: This is what the nominalists do, change the meaning of something. There’s no actual substance there. It’s just a name, thus the term nominalist.] “Do you favor or oppose the use of fetal tissue in medical research?”

“However, when it comes to the use of fetal tissue in medical research, 43% favor it, while 34% are opposed. Twenty-three percent (23%) are not sure,” Rasmussen reported.

[end reading]

Mike:  So the same amount of morally ambiguous people, 22 percent in the first instance and 23 percent in the second instance – the number is about consistent – people who do not have a moral foundation from which to answer the simplest of all life-and-death questions.  This isn’t an exercise in calculus or Pythagorean numerology.  This is pretty simple, yes or no.


Finally, the national polling firm asked Americans about their opinion in general of the Planned Parenthood abortion business. More than half of Americans have a positive view of the abortion corporation. Rasmussen asked: “Do you have a very favorable, somewhat favorable, somewhat unfavorable or very unfavorable impression of Planned Parenthood?”

“Fifty-three percent (53%) of voters share a favorable opinion of Planned Parenthood” . . .

[end reading]

Mike:  I suspect that means they love the gurney kill butcher shop, too, which is where the baby parts are sold.


Perhaps that’s why Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards refused to apologize for Planned Parenthood selling the body parts of aborted babies for research. Half of Americans are so desensitized to abortion that they either favor doing so or are undecided and more than half of Americans like Planned Parenthood. Hopefully after this shocking video and others that are to follow these numbers will begin to change.

Here’s more from the survey:

Women and those under 40 view Planned Parenthood more favorably than men and older voters do.

But 56% of women oppose the sale of body organs from aborted babies, compared to 51% of men. The two are in general agreement when it comes the use of fetal tissue in medical research, although women are a bit more likely to be undecided about the practice.

Voters under 40 are more enthusiastic supporters of the sale of fetal body organs than their elders are.

[end reading]

Mike:  What generation of little, budding monsters have we raised?  This is all on us.  This is our fault.  You can’t blame this on the media.  You can’t blame this on Obama.  You can’t blame this on Pelosi are the Clintons.  This is our doing.


Younger voters are also less likely to oppose the use of fetal tissue in medical research. [Mike: Of course they are.]

Seventy-eight percent (78%) of Democrats have a favorable opinion of Planned Parenthood, compared to 32% of Republicans and 46% of voters not affiliated with either major party.

[end reading]

Mike:  Sick, sick, sick.  Let’s reiterate where we begin.  This is a pagan nation.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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