
Americans Understanding of Crimea

todayMarch 10, 2014 5


What Role Does The American Media Play in Crimea’s Secession?

articlev-detail largeMandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – If we were going to make an American comparison to that, if the Port of New Orleans or the Port of Baltimore or the Port of Pensacola or the Port of Tallahassee or Miami or San Diego or San Francisco, if any of them were to try and leave for the same reason that the Crimeans are going to vote on to try and leave, we wouldn’t even allow them to have a vote.”  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  Joe is in Ohio, next on the Mike Church Show.  Hello, Joe.

Caller Joe:  Hey, Mike, how you doing?  Mike, I was going to mention, you hit the nail right on the nose with Crimea.  It’s a seaport and it has sailors.  Sailors spend money.  Just like you said, it’s all about the money.  They want money.  Powerful people like the money coming in.  That’s why they’re going to go with Russia.  But Ukraine, they want some of the money, too.  That’s why they don’t want Crimea to leave.  Putin’s going to get his way.  He’s going to get Crimea.

Mike:  If we were going to make an American comparison to that, if the Port of New Orleans or the Port of Baltimore or the Port of Pensacola or the Port of Tallahassee or Miami or San Diego or San Francisco, if any of them were to try and leave for the same reason that the Crimeans are going to vote on to try and leave, we wouldn’t even allow them to have a vote.

Eric:  We do have a lot of Polish people in the Port of Baltimore if you watch The Wire.

Mike:  [laughing] But Joe, hold on.  Remember, here’s another inconvenient truth.  Vladimir Putin, Vlad the Impaler and the Russians are evil, rat bastards.  They are the most evil, despicable people in the history of the planet, yet over in Russia, they’re going to have a vote on whether or not the people of Crimea claiming their sovereignty can secede and join another union if they choose to.  Would the people of Louisiana ever be accorded such a vote?  Would the media rush to the side of New Orleanians and cheer us on and say [mocking] “Yeah, you need to be democratic!  Yeah!  Yeah!  Democracy rules!  Yeah!  Yeah!”  Folks, Joe has helped me stumble on this.  Do you not see the ultimate irrevocable folly of all of our affairs?  So people in the corner of the world that’s supposed to be the most oppressive can vote their behinds out from underneath a tyranny, but people in the freest part of the world, in the United States, are told: Don’t you even think about it.  But we’re the greatest and freest country in the history of mankind.

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Let one of us start talking about seceding and you’ll have people bringing up Lincoln.  Obama would move troops if the people of the Port of New Orleans decided [mocking] “We’re going to secede.  We’re leaving you.  That’s it.  You guys have abused us for long enough.  We’re out.”  The American government would do what?  They’d send the Sixth Fleet into the Gulf of Mexico.  They’d aim stinger missiles and tomahawk cruise missiles at my neighborhood.  They’d threaten to kill all of us if we dared to try and leave.  You know what?  They’d have a bunch of cheering yahoos cheering “USA! USA!” out in Virginia and Maryland and New York and Pennsylvania.  You people make me sick.  These freaking clowns in the media make me sick, Joe.  I don’t know about you, but I’ve freaking had it.

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You know what?  Here we are talking about this and here are all these overpaid, over-plastic-surgerized, undereducated people that make these tens of billions of dollars at our expense every year, here they are instructing us that it is a human right of the free people, the people of the Ukraine and of the Crimean Peninsula to have this democracy thing, and that the United States ought to send all kinds of money and fighter jets over there to support them.  Yet the people of Plano, Texas are denied that exact same right.  They are not told, they are not instructed in the exact same human right.  Why is that, Joe, why?

Caller Joe:  I don’t know.

Mike:  I know why.  Because the big, bad, oligarchical monster talks a good game but it ain’t about freedom over here, now, is it?

Caller Joe:  No, it’s not.

Mike:  The longer this thing goes on, the worse it is for CNNs, Fox Newses, Obamas, John Boehners, Harry Reids of the world.  It ought to becoming more and more apparent.  If people like me can figure this out, then the rest of the planet ought to be able to figure it out, of the great ruse that we are all being schmoozed under.  It’s all fine and dandy, all wonderful for people to secede until you throw the word United States in there.  I love it.  Joe, thank you, brother.

Caller Joe:  Mike, I was going to tell you, you asked about that opinion poll for Putin.  In Russia, they aren’t allowed to have an opinion poll.  The only answer you’ll get is a train ride to Siberia.

Mike:  Yeah, but you can secede.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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