
Are The Citadel Walls Keeping People In Or Out… Why Do They Even Need Walls?

todayJanuary 16, 2013 13


Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Unless they’re violating Article I, Section 9 or 10 of the Constitution, or some other amendment that has prohibited them from doing something and they wish to remain in the union, then Godspeed to them and let them do as they will.  If they’re a bunch of rotten, Godless people, they’re not going to last very long, but that ought to be their prerogative and we should all be proponents and promoters and supporters of self-government. Check out today’s transcript for the rest…


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  I have suggested from time to time that if the nut jobs — you mentioned the hippies living in Northern California.  If the nut jobs that live on the peninsula that currently houses San Francisco, Daly City, San Jose, if those people wish to self-govern themselves and if they want to make homelessness legal, legalize marijuana, sodomy and all that stuff, in a self-governing, sovereign society, that is their right.  Unless they’re violating Article I, Section 9 or 10 of the Constitution, or some other amendment that has prohibited them from doing something and they wish to remain in the union, then Godspeed to them and let them do as they will.  If they’re a bunch of rotten, Godless people, they’re not going to last very long, but that ought to be their prerogative and we should all be proponents and promoters and supporters of self-government.

If that’s what these people plan to do by building this citadel compound, what I want to know is, one, do you remain in the United States or does that part of Idaho secede?  Does that part of Idaho where they build this thing — they say: We bought this land.  Idaho doesn’t tell us what to do.  We are a sovereign, citadel city.  As a matter of fact, back in the day, cities were states.  They were republics.  If you don’t believe me, you can look it up.  I always challenge people to prove me wrong.  So does the little citadel community then escape Obamacare?  Does it escape federal income taxes?  Does it escape their form of money, all the free trade agreements made with foreign countries?  Are their sons subjected to a draft?  These are appropriate questions to ask, I think, don’t you?

AG:  I was eight, nine years old when the Waco siege and the Branch Davidians took place.  This just sounds like the start of it.  We’ll get you to tweet out the link to the story.  The walls in that there are wall towers and perimeter roads, in my mind it looks like Ruby Ridge, the Branch Davidians.  It looks like that again.  I don’t know.  It’s scary to think that this could be happening.

Mike:  You have interior defensive walls and towers, a neighborhood, an amphitheater, a town center, a farmer’s market, perimeter houses, another neighborhood, schools, a perimeter road, wall towers, an armory or an arms factory, an outer gate, an outer wall, water and power all self-contained.  They have all the ingredients needed to be a self-governing, self-sufficient society.  You mentioned Ruby Ridge.  I think you may be misinformed about Ruby Ridge.  That was Mr. Weaver’s property.  It’s been a long time since I covered the story.  Randy Weaver and company were basically harassed by a bunch of BATF agents because someone told them that they were going into town and buying ammunition for their “assault rifles.”  A horrible, tragic altercation ensued.  Mr. Weaver’s son and Mrs. Weaver were killed.  A couple agents were killed.  It was just a tragedy there.  That was not a compound, just the Weaver farm.

The Branch Davidians, we call it a compound.  Still, was the federal government justified in any way, shape or form for gassing those people and ultimately burning them to death?  You could say they were weirdos and wackos and what have you, but dead men tell no tales.  We’ll never know because Koresh isn’t around to tell us exactly what happened.  The people that were living inside the compound that burned in that inferno aren’t around to tell us what happened.  I guess your point is that these isolated compounds as societies hasn’t worked out so well.

AG:  My initial concern would be for children and whether there’s any kind of consent.  You don’t want to get into certain aspects of different cults and the marrying off of children at age 10, 12, whatever.  That’s not necessarily applicable to this.  There is a worry in my mind of brainwashing, kind of a cult-like thing going on if you have these walls.  Wall towers, perimeters, it’s very scary to think this could be taking place.

Mike:  If you volunteer to live in there, why is it scary?

AG:  Because the children have no say in this.  There’s no federal or state oversight.  I would be concerned about the education system as well within this compound or community, however you want to phrase it.

Mike:  I think we educated generations of young men to be some of the wisest that ever lived without a federal oversight on education and without much state.

AG:  But were they walled in?

Mike:  Are you walling them in or are you trying to wall the people around you out?

AG:  I think you’re doing both.  I think you’re walling them in as well as walling people out.  Could the children leave if they wanted to go pursue education elsewhere?

Mike:  I’m sure they could.

AG:  I don’t know.

Mike:  Let’s get Mr. Citadel on the line and ask him: Hey, man, can you come and go as you please?  Is there a password at the gate?

AG:  Does the fact that an arms company is leading it concerning that it’s a corporation?

Mike:  As long as the people going there are going there voluntarily, and as long as they may leave voluntarily, it’s not up to us to decide how people live and in what kind of societies.  There are walled developments all around the United States, are there not?  They don’t have guards.  There’s one right down the street from where I am right now.  You can’t get in or out of there without passing a guard shack.  There’s a fence that surrounds the entire perimeter.  There are no towers with turrets on them, but one of the reasons you would move in there is because not just anyone can drive onto their private roads.  They’re not public.  In other words, their roads are maintained by themselves and they don’t let the city come in there and take care of them.  That is an enclave of sorts, is it not?

AG:  But there are no schools within that community, right?

Mike:  Not that I know of.

AG:  I guess that’s kind of where I’m concerned, the education of the children there.  It might be a bigger issue, the fact that this is actually coming to pass in this country, that there are communities like this being planned.  That might be the bigger question to ask, the fact we have to have something like this that.  I think 200 or so have already signed up for the community.  That might speak to more of the state of the country.  I don’t know, it looks like a prison.

Mike:  So this is a future John Carpenter movie, Escape from Citadel starring Kurt Russell?  These are the walls of Jericho.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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