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The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
Audio Post Format TheKingDude
Mandeville, LA – Mike Church’s daily Pile of Prep, chock full of The Constitution Living & Breathing for Dzokhar Tsarnaev plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125. “Returning to the Constitution of the Framers would require nothing less than a revival of the kind of civilization and character type from which it is indistinguishable. This cannot be accomplished quickly, through political speeches or decisions. It would require protracted moral-cultural regeneration of Americans, one person at a time.” – Joseph Baldacchino
DeceptiCONNED by a drone kiss: Rand Paul is OK with drones, no due process, and liquor store thieves being annihilated by missile strike in New Orleans – And by the by, I am NOT, as some claim, opposed to “law enforcement” using drones to assist in law enforcement but last I checked, people robbing liquor stores are allowed the use of these things called “courts” which attempt to ascertain guilt or innocence THEN a sentence can be meted out. Citing the use of deadly aerial force in a robbery is either A. not well thought out or B. a failure to distinguish between civil law and the law of war
AmconMag’s Jordan Bloom thinks we (liberty/due process lovers) are over-reacting to Rand Paul’s drone comments
Freidrich hayek warned about evil being accepted because it is less evil than prior evil
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VIDEO: Rand Paul to Neil Cavuto “I was NEVER against technology [drones]”
The toll from the Boston Marathon bombing climbs to 280 wounded, 14 who lost limbs or parts thereof and 3 dead
Dan McCarthy plays Vegas odds maker with a Rand Paul and his “energized base” vs Rick Santorum” and his [slightly less] “energized base”. This portends a WHALE of a 2016 fallout reminiscent of Goldwater’s debacle in 1964? Confused? So am I fair listener, so am I…
Rod Dreher makes a very important distinction, that Islam was founded by a violent man who counseled violence as a way of of promoting the faith (at the expense of “infidels”) whereas Christ abhorred violence and refused to combat it with violence even in his own death. People that follow the former may therefore find justification for murder whereas those who follow the latter will not, though they still may commit the atrocity
The fix is in: Gosnell trial begins to unravel for prosecution as judge tosses charge after charge out the window, kind of like Gosnell tossed fetal carcasses into Alpo containers
DeceptiCONS Want War: John Bolton stumps to “take the fight overseas” after Boston. As IF we have not already done that, what does he want, an invasion force of 10 million covering the entire other hemisphere!?
CHRONICLES: The Cheneyan bombers were just the latest symbol of a government gone mad and driven by the empire instead of the defense of its traditions, political and otherwise
Post Matrix Cable Instruction: Hayek’s Road To Serfdom is available for online reading, FREE, if you know where to look
Federal Overlods abuse of the day: The inJustice Department makes its case against Lance Armstrong!? First Roger Clemens’ butt, now Lance Armstrong’s remaining testicle!? Do these people have any REAL criminals to pursue (not that they have authority to) or are show trials, designed to keep the CITIZENS in line and afraid, the order of the day? (uhhhh, YEAH!)
Written by: TheKingDude
todayAugust 28, 2024 104 1
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Donald Kahn on April 24, 2013
What aerial response ensues for not putting enough coins in a parking meter? 1984 just rolls right in:no one says anything