
776 Results / Page 85 of 87



Mike Church Show Episode 297: All Hail Emperor “Judge” Robart, The President You DIDN’T Elect

Mandeville, LA – Segment 1:  So its OK For Washington State To Nullify Trump’s Election? – For over a decade, ratified Constitution defenders have held the high, historical ground that the Federal Government can be legally opposed when it exceeds its authority, we call this “Nullification”. Whenever we have made this claim, regardless of the tyranny opposed, we have been called every typical epithet in the book including “racist, bigot, homophobe” and for […]

todayFebruary 6, 2017 3


The Mike Church Show Episode 294: Why Don’t The Boy Gay Scouts Of America Sodom Just Get The Orgy Badges On Already?

Mandeville, LA – Why Don’t The Boy Gay Scouts Of America Sodom Just Get The Orgy Badges On Already? – If I didn’t read this then verify it I wouldn’t believe it: The Boy Scouts are now openly accepting little girls who think they’re little boys into scouting. This totally vindicates those parents and scout leaders who fled the organization when it admitted youth homosexuals and predatory adult ones in as “Masters”; knowing that once that bow […]

todayFebruary 1, 2017 12


The Mike Church Show Episode 293: Radio Killed The Talk Radio Star

Mandeville, LA – Corporatists Smackdown: Making Small Business Great Again – Yesterday I watched President Trump meet with small business leaders at the White House. They had a discussion about the biggest issue that plagues successful small business: The Federales in cahoots with Big Bidness, have saturated the federal register with hundreds of thousands of laws aimed specifically at giving the corporatists a distinct advantage over the entrepreneur. I listened to President trum, accurately explain […]

todayJanuary 31, 2017 3


The Mike Church Show Episode 292: What’s Wrong with “Extreme Vetting”?

Mandeville, LA – The “Extreme Vetting” Of Muslims Will Lead To More Terrorism? – Paul Pillar opines that President Trump’s Executive Order aka Extereme Vetting will actually lead to more terrorism, excludes the historical fact that “terrorism” has been practiced by the Mohammedan since the 7th century without any foreign assistance. “Such a revolution had never been. No earlier attack had been so sudden, so violent or so permanently successful. Within a score of years […]

todayJanuary 30, 2017 11


The Mike Church Show Episode 291: Why Building A Wall Begins The Process Of Building Unity

Mandeville, LA – Why Building A Wall Begins The Process Of Building Unity – Patrick J Buchanan sees the building of the wall on our Southern border as more than just a protection from invasion but rather as a metaphorical erection of a wall around the contagion that is the plague of Mammon’s revolutions, begun in the 60’s, that continue the ruin of souls to this day. As Buchanan sees this, the battle […]

todayJanuary 27, 2017 7


The Mike Church Show Episode 290: The Lame Resurrection of The Haggard Charge of “Isolationist”

Mandeville, LA – DeceptiCONNED: The Lame Resurrection of The Haggard Charge of “Isolationist” – When the term “Muricah First” is heard by a Neocon, the hard-coded into their DNA reaction is to yell: “Anti-Semite! then Isolationist!”. No one ever bothers to flesh out either of the arguments because the mere toxicity of the “anti-semitism” charge is scorched-earth nuclear. You will recall that the charge was effectively leveled by the Bushies against Pat […]

todayJanuary 26, 2017 6


The Mike Church Show Episode 289: Transgenderism… Denial of Reality.

Mandeville, LA – Will She Go Man And Will You The Go Carmelite – You just can’t believe some things you read these days, this story is one of them. A co-ed at the University of Michigan, conspires with a fellow males student, while on summer break, to have sex in a car. 16 months later, when “Melanie” decides that she wants to become “Michael” she asks the university to prosecute her […]

todayJanuary 25, 2017 4


The Mike Church Show Episode 288 – G.K. Chesterton, “The Billy Joel of His Time”

Mandeville LA - You love Chesterton and you can quote Chesterton, now sit back and enjoy Professor Patrick Deneen and Mike Church apply Chesterton to the in-zanity of this heretical, modern world we call home. Never being weighed down with the dubious use of philosophical terms, you'll enjoy this exchange between two very humorous men who are genuine admirers of the subject matter. When Mike tells Deneen that his excitement, to be […]

todayJanuary 24, 2017 5


The Mike Church Show Episode 287: I Am Angry, Ugly Woman, Hear Me B**ch!

The hysteria seen on the Capitol mall Saturday is what Mike calls "The Angry, Ugly Women's March For D&C's In DC" Mandeville, LA – In this Episode we hear the introductory speech given by President Trump to incoming White House staffers "this is not about you, its about our country" he says. Mike talks about this and the hysteria seen on the mall Saturday in what Mike calls the Angry Ugly […]

todayJanuary 23, 2017 14
