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James Madison by Kevin Gutzman book

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James Madison and the Making of America

James Madison and the Making of America (paperback) by: Kevin R.C. Gutzman Book Description: In James Madison and the Making of America, historian Kevin Gutzman looks beyond the way James Madison is traditionally seen -- as "The Father of the Constitution” -- to find a more complex and sometimes contradictory portrait of this influential Founding Father and the ways in which he influenced the spirit of today's United States.  Instead of […]

todayApril 30, 2018 9

Founders Corner

Washington Irving’s “Life of Washington” – (hardback version)

Mike Church Presents - Washington Irving’s Life of Washington - Volume I (2nd Printing) “Mr. Irving, as usual, had been a good deal depressed about Life of Washington, and had avoided looking over it since its publication; but the following cordial letter from Bancroft helped to put him more in conceit of it, and made him hope that [the book] would not be the death of him, as he sometimes used […]

todayApril 27, 2018 11

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Small Is Still Beautiful : Economics as if Families Mattered

Small Is Still Beautiful: Economics as if Families Mattered autographed by Joseph Pearce Book Description: The sequel to E F Schumacher's best-selling SMALL IS BEAUTIFUL. E F Schumacher argued that our current pursuit of profit and progress which promotes giant organisations has resulted in gross economic inefficiency, pollution and inhumane working conditions. He proposed a system of intermediate technology, based on smaller working units and regional workplaces that use local […]

todayApril 26, 2018 5

Shop Mike's Store

The Incredible Catholic Mass: An Explanation of the Mass

Rev. Fr. Martin von Cochem, O.S.F.C. Book Description: An absolute revelation to most Catholics! Based on the Traditional Latin Mass, but actually about the essence of the Mass itself. Shows it is not just a prayer, but a powerful sacrifice given to us by Almighty God to fulfill all our spiritual needs. You will divide your life into "before" and "after" you read this book. Going to Mass will never […]

todayApril 25, 2018 12


The Return of Common Sense by Eric Szuter

There is a way to govern ourselves without politics-we can devolve the power from Washington, but that's not all. We can eliminate self-serving, professional politicians, abusive bureaucrats and chronic deficits at all levels, and ultimately we can pay down the national debt. There is a better way to select our legislators than by voting. Majority rule is simply a non-violent variation of "might makes right" - there is a better […]

todayApril 24, 2018 9


Where Do Conservatives and Liberals Come From?

Where Do Conservatives and Liberals Come From? (paperback) by Thomas Mullen Book Description:  Americans have tried electing Republicans. They've tried electing Democrats. They've tried electing both. Nothing has worked. The economy continues to weaken, civil unrest is smoldering and the world is falling apart. Americans of all political persuasions say they believe in the “American Creed,” the principles enshrined in the Declaration of Independence that we are all created equal […]

todayApril 23, 2018 6


#EXIT t-shirt

#EXIT t-shirt While it is true that Brexit signals a moment the hoi polloi have only dreamed of through films like "V" for Vendetta, we must channel this momentum into a movement to return to [r]epublicanism and subsidiarity. Will you join us in the #secede movement? T-Shirt Specs: 100% preshrunk cotton Seamless rib at neck, taped shouldter-to-shoulder sizes medium-4xl "The project of the Euro has been pushed by European socialists […]

todayApril 20, 2018 5


On the Roman Pontiff (De Controversiis) (Volume 1) by St. Robert Bellarmine S.J.

On the Roman Pontiff (De Controversiis) (Volume 1) by St. Robert Bellarmine S.J.  For the first time in history, St. Robert Bellarmine's work, De Romano Pontifice, On the Roman Pontiff, has been translated and made available in English! In this Theological treatise St. Robert Bellarmine takes on Protestant as well as Greek Orthodox objections to the Papacy. This Volume contains books 1 and 2 take up two subjects: First, that […]

todayApril 19, 2018 13


The Devil Hates Latin by Katherine Galgano

The Devil Hates Latin by Katherine Galgano Book Description: An African is elected Pope as the Barque of Peter encounters heavy seas. Everywhere, the Faith and the West are in decline. Ominously, occult practices have corrupted the elites, the media and powerful men in the Church. The new pontiff faces this unprecedented challenge alone, until an embattled American Cardinal sends his best exorcist to Rome, a young Dominican priest with […]

todayApril 18, 2018 11
