
6013 Results / Page 212 of 669



The Complete Definition Of The Music

Music is a form of art that involves organized and audible sounds and silence. It is normally expressed in terms of pitch (which includes melody and harmony), rhythm (which includes tempo and meter), and the quality of sound (which includes timbre, articulation, dynamics, and texture). Music may also involve complex generative forms in time through the construction of patterns and combinations of natural stimuli, principally sound. Music may be used […]

todayApril 3, 2020 361 12

Electronic music

Portland EDM Greats Announce Break Up

The group announced the disbandment on Facebook with an official statement, followed by a more personal one from founder and singer John Monster saying the decision rested on his shoulders. If I had my life to live over again, I would have made a rule to read some poetry and listen to some music at least once every week “I take full responsibility for the decision to part ways with […]

todayApril 2, 2020 358 10


Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

Thursday-Red Pill Diaries-Emperor Fauci’s CoronaHoax Has Now Disemployed 10 MILLION Souls, Here’s How To Reverse That!

Thursday-Red Pill Diaries-Emperor Fauci's CoronaHoax Has Now Disemployed 10 MILLION Souls, Here's How To Reverse That!  HEADLINE: The Next Coronavirus War by Daniel Henninger “For Trump, Phase 4 is about infrastructure. For Pelosi, it’s about a great battle for power.” This shows the Deep States contempt for the rest of America. 10 million souls have been displaced due to this deep state coup! They are so insulated they have no […]

todayApril 2, 2020 1


How To Gain The Power To Create Musical Emotion Have you ever wondered how your favorite musicians make such great music? The answer is this: They fully understand how musical emotion works, and how to use this to create intense emotions in YOU while you listen to them. Understanding musical expression is key to becoming a great guitar player and musician. When you control emotion in music, you will gain the power to greatly affect the listener's experience. […]

todayApril 2, 2020 285 6

Electronic music

4 Things That Kill Your Chances For Music Career Success What do you believe is the number one thing that musicians are doing to ruin their chances at succeeding in the music industry? Is it: not practicing their instrument enough? Not putting together enough good music industry connections? Living in a city with no music scene? The answer to all of this is NO - none of these things. There can be countless reasons why a musician would fail […]

todayApril 1, 2020 203 4

Pile Of Prep

Wisdom Wednesday – The COVID-19 Is Treatable For $20 So Why The Middle Class Destruction?

It's Thursday & The Reichstag Has Ordered The Geheimpolizei To Keep You "Safe & Quaranteened"! Today's Pile of Prep Feature and the theme of Today's Mike Church Show! Veritas et Sapientia - "To my mind this suggests the question many are asking these days: Is COVID-19 a punishment inflicted by God? Maybe. I don’t know. But throughout the history of the People of God in both the Old and New […]

todayApril 1, 2020 5


Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

Tuesday-Red Pill Diaries-Where Is The Resistance To Government’s Newly Claimed Powers To Shutdown Civilization & Damn The Cost!?

Tuesday-Red Pill Diaries-Where Is The Resistance To Government's Newly Claimed Powers To Shutdown Civilization & Damn The Cost!?  HEADLINE: Coronavirus Models of Uncertainty by the Editorial Board 81,114 over next 4 months - 90% confident  Here is a factor of 30 - the unemployment number. Where did the Government get these new powers to shutdown the country? 3% unemployment is where we started before COVID19 HEADLINE: Fauci offers more conservative […]

todayMarch 31, 2020 6

Governor Overlords

Pile Of Prep

Tuesday Prep – Living The Final Day of March In Corona Hysteria-Hell

It's Thursday & The Reichstag Has Ordered The Geheimpolizei To Keep You "Safe & Quaranteened"! Today's Pile of Prep Feature and the theme of Today's Mike Church Show! Veritas et Sapientia - "These closings are a sad commentary on the state of a nation that has turned away from God. Temporal and spiritual leaders are only considering material measures to fight the epidemic. These drastic measures targeting the spiritual welfare […]

todayMarch 31, 2020 1


Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

Monday-Red Pill Diaries-Its Time To Figure Out How We Are Going To Escape The Deep State Lockdowns For Covid-19!

Monday-Red Pill Diaries-Its Time To Figure Out How We Are Going To Escape The Deep State Lockdowns For Covid-19  HEADLINE: PETER HITCHENS: There’s powerful evidence this Great Panic is foolish, yet our freedom is still broken and our economy crippled by Peter Hitchens How do we escape these Lockdowns? These lockdowns are a product of the Deep State! BIOGRAPHY Mike Church Biography – “Too Catholic For Satellite Radio” In May of […]

todayMarch 30, 2020 2
