
6014 Results / Page 216 of 669



Wisdom Wednesday Prep-The Panic of 2020 Is Based on Fear, Corrupt Data & Bad “Models”

It's Coronavirus Panic Monday, great joy for Toilet Paper hoarders!! Today's Pile of Prep Feature and the theme of Today's Mike Church Show! Veritas et Sapientia - "It is as though the world is just one big narcissistic cesspool, where everyone is looking in mirrors echoing one another, and if the mirror doesn’t look like them or sound like them, then there’s an uproar, a sort of disbelief that someone […]

todayMarch 18, 2020 3

Governor Overlords

Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

Tuesday-Red Pill Diaries-CITIZEN! You Will Obey Your State Governor Overlords & Promote The Media Panic Talking Points, Citizen!

Tuesday-Red Pill Diaries-CITIZEN! You Will Obey Your State Governor Overlords & Promote The Media Panic Talking Points, Citizen! Governors Closing Down Entire Cities -  You can’t just shutdown all the restaurants in your towns/cities without the consequences.  11% of ALL employment of the state of Louisiana wis FOODSERVICE! That is 213,400 workers now unemployed. $10.3 Billion estimated sales in LA restaurants in 2018. We are now slaves to mathematical models. […]

todayMarch 17, 2020 4

Pile Of Prep

Saint Patrick’s Day Pile of Prep!

It's Coronavirus Panic Monday, great joy for Toilet Paper hoarders!! Today's Pile of Prep Feature and the theme of Today's Mike Church Show! Veritas et Sapientia - "A bad flu season is 80,000 dead, we’ve got about 18,000 dead from influenza this year, we have a hundred from corona. Which should you be worried about influenza or Corona? A hundred versus 18,000? It’s not a trick question…What I have a […]

todayMarch 17, 2020 6


Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

Monday-Red Pill Diaries-How The #NeverTrump Media & Elite Dems CoronaCrashed ‘Muricah

How The #NeverTrump Media & Elite Dems CoronaCrashed 'Muricah HEADLINE: Compared to what? by Heather Mac Donald Just because you test positive for COVID19 and die, doesn’t mean you died b/c of the virus. #NeverTrump media can't wait to pounce! You cannot say those 69 that have died in the USA directly from the COVID19. TRIVIA QUESTION: How many people died in auto crashes last year? TRIVIA ANSWER: 39,000 Over […]

todayMarch 16, 2020 3

Pile Of Prep

Monday Pile of Prep

It's Coronavirus Panic Monday, great joy for Toilet Paper hoarders!! Today's Pile of Prep Feature and the theme of Today's Mike Church Show! Veritas et Sapientia - "Masses have never been suspended in the history of the Italian Peninsula, and the Church has always been a point of reference even for non-Catholics, as it was under the German occupation during World War II." - Father Mario Alexis Portella. THE KINGDUDE'S […]

todayMarch 16, 2020 6


This Is What Live Music Looked Like Last Week

We had some truly stellar photos come out of our photographers this week, as they attended shows from Vance Joy, Ball Park Music, Matt Corby and Groovin The Moo sideshows, with the common theme being some amazing light shows. As Forbes notes, in the missive, Sixx and bandmates James Michael and DJ Ashba implore YouTube to work harder to protect the rights of artists whose work frequently appears on the […]

todayMarch 15, 2020 129


The Feast of Saint Longinus – The First Convert

Today the Church celebrates the Third Sunday of Lent and The Feast of Saint Longinus, the Roman centurion who pierced Our Lord's side with a lance. Tradition holds that Longinus was miraculously healed when the Precious Blood sprayed forth from Our Lord's side and onto Longinus who suffered an eye disease. The Slaves to The Immaculate Heart of Mary relate... He was the centurion who pierced the side of Our […]

todayMarch 15, 2020 28

Electronic music

Q Awards: Winners Interviews

John has joked with Q that he is yet to find any upsides to being a solo artist. Speaking in a Q25 video interview to mark his appearance on the cover of our special 25th anniversary issue, Q304, which is out now, the former Oasis leader. The Chief declares in the video interview you can watch above: “It’s more of a pain in the arse [being solo] to be honest. […]

todayMarch 13, 2020 76

Tammany Parish

Pile Of Prep

Free Phone Friday Prep – The #CoronaShamDemic Has Now Taken Christ Down

Its Free Phone Friday! Today's Pile of Prep Feature and the theme of Today's Mike Church Show! Veritas et Sapientia - "Masses have never been suspended in the history of the Italian Peninsula, and the Church has always been a point of reference even for non-Catholics, as it was under the German occupation during World War II." - Father Mario Alexis Portella. THE KINGDUDE'S RUNDOWN - Headline's and The King's […]

todayMarch 13, 2020 4
