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The Constitution

The Beer Party’s Home Tavern

UPDATE! THE BEER PARTY CREST IS COMPLETED (see below) - Welcome! Welcome One And All!  This is the official home tavern of the Mike Church's Beer Party.  Keeping in the Spirit of our Founding Fathers, who made regular visits to such notable drinking establishments, including City Tavern in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and the Raleigh Tavern in Williamsburg, VA, we come together to discuss liberty, freedom, dreams and our vision of the […]

todayMarch 3, 2010 10

The Constitution

Incorporation Doctrine for Dummies

The most frequent question I get from listeners about the Constitution is "Why don't you believe that the second amendment applies to the states you gun grabber!?" This then brings up the most misunderstood use of the Constitution: to "incorporate" the first ten amendments to the states (using the "due process clause of the 14th amendment). We need look no further than the complete Bill of Rights itself, in the […]

todayFebruary 3, 2010 12


James Buchanan’s “Public Choice Theory”

I briefly alluded to professor Buchanan's "Public Choice Theory" on Thursday, 7 January 2010. As I have been saying for overe a year now it is absolute folly to believe in "reform" or "reform candidates" when it comes to Mordor on the Potomac. Our Constitution is dead and Congress is an ad hoc government making its own rules up as it consumes the population. Here's an excerpt from Buchanan's "Public […]

todayJanuary 8, 2010 4


Brutus Cassius reviews Spirit of 76

Wow! More praise and acclaim for the Spirit of 76 at This review sums it up pretty well and we're delighted to re-post it here. If you're expecting Pixar you should probably buy a copy of Cars, December 12, 2009 By: Brutus Cassius "Brutus Cassius" - First of all, some of the comments on this films animation are ridiculous considering that it is the first EVER, American made - full length […]

todayDecember 12, 2009 6


Spirit of 76 Ad and Media Page

Download the .pdf Press Release here or click view it here. Do you want to help promote Mike's movie "The Spirit of '76-The Greatest Story Never Told"? This web page has all the media, banner ads , press release and graphics you need. The Movie Poster The Full size of the poster for reproduction is 17 x 24 inches. If you click the image to the left, the full size poster will display […]

todayDecember 2, 2009 8


Spirit of ’76 Special Edition!

NEW! The Spirit of '76 Slide Show in HD, with new stills from the Special Edition DVD is here, click to view! "Now 'The Spirit of 76' is presented true to the vision I always had for it with improved animations and special effects. This is the 'Star Wars' of American history films." - Mike Church Find this and other related items in the DudeGear Store The Special Edition DVD The Special Edition Audio  […]

todayNovember 16, 2009 16


Spirit of ’76 – DVD Final Edition

THE SPIRIT OF '76 DVD Final Edition The Spirit of '76 DVD Special Edition offers the real story of the writing and ratification of the Constitution in the new including the world’s first portrayal of the most important yet untold piece of the story: the Virginia Ratification Convention and the patriot Patrick Henry, who made famous the phrase, “Give me liberty, or give me death.” But you won’t just hear the historic […]

todayNovember 16, 2009 26

Fame Of Our Fathers

Philosopher David Hume in Fame of Our Fathers

This is the audio clip that Mike said he would put up.  This is a portion of the audio documentary "Fame of Our Fathers".  The Scottish philosopher is David Hume, who's political writings had a significant influence on our founding fathers and the structuring of the U.S. Federal Government, specifically the legislature.  Listen Here. To purchase "Fame of Our Fathers" or any other great Dude Gear Stuff, visit the Dude Gear […]

todayOctober 22, 2009 4

The Constitution

Ronald Reagan LOVED Constitution Day

Ronald Reagan LOVED the Constitution and in fact, issued Constitution Day Proclamations on every Sept. 17th that he was in Office! Were it only so today. I can find no mention of Constitution Day anywhere on the Whitehouse website and have heard nothing from President Bush. Most people will give some sort of "really. today is the Constitution's Birthday!? Yeah, whatever" or ".... hmmm, that's cool" response when learning of […]

todaySeptember 17, 2009 8
