Hodierna Verba Veritatis et Sapientiae "The Feast of the Blessed Virgin’s Immaculate Conception is the most solemn of all those which the Church celebrates during the holy time of Advent; and if the first part of the Cycle had to offer us the commemoration of some one of the Mysteries of Mary, there was none whose object could better harmonize with the spirit of the Church in this mystic season […]
Nancy Pelosi and the Respect Marriage Act Does she think putting to homos together is more beautiful than the Immaculate Conception of Mary? I can’t imagine a regular human doing this much less a ‘devout’ Catholic doing this TODAY of all days! We have Catholics that don’t even know or realize today is a Holy Day of Obligation. One simply cannot reconcile the two things here w/ Nancy. HEADLINE: The […]
Hodierna Verba Veritatis et Sapientiae "The Feast of the Blessed Virgin’s Immaculate Conception is the most solemn of all those which the Church celebrates during the holy time of Advent; and if the first part of the Cycle had to offer us the commemoration of some one of the Mysteries of Mary, there was none whose object could better harmonize with the spirit of the Church in this mystic season […]
HEADLINE: How U.S. Economic Warfare Provoked Japan's Attack on Pearl Harbor by Robert Higgs Many people are misled by formalities. They assume, for example, that the United States went to war against Germany and Japan only after its declarations of war against these nations in December 1941. In truth, the United States had been at war for a long time before making these declarations. Its war making took a variety […]
Hodierna Verba Veritatis et Sapientiae "The Roosevelt administration, while curtly dismissing Japanese diplomatic overtures to harmonize relations, accordingly imposed a series of increasingly stringent economic sanctions on Japan. In 1939, the United States terminated the 1911 commercial treaty with Japan. "On July 2, 1940, Roosevelt signed the Export Control Act, authorizing the President to license or prohibit the export of essential defense materials." Under this authority, "[o]n July 31, exports […]
Saint Nicholas HEADLINE: Whatever Happened to Saint Nicholas? by Father Dwight Longenecker HEADLINE: St. Nicholas: Hidden Patron of America by Daniel Dougherty HEADLINE: Why I Love St. Nicholas by Charles Coulombe FROM Father Dwight Longenecker: Eleven years later publisher William B. Gilley brought out Sante Claus, The Children’s Friend. Now the gift-giving saint arrived from the North in a sleigh with flying reindeer. This image along with a cute, didactic poem […]
Hodierna Verba Veritatis et Sapientiae "How did a fourth-century, heretic-slapping bishop from Southern Turkey wind up being a fat, Coca-Cola-swigging American elf? The popular version of the narrative is that the Dutch brought St. Nicholas Day customs to the new world. However historians disagree and suggest that it was German immigrants in Pennsylvania who kept the feast of St. Nicholas. They were the “Pennsylvania Dutch”—the “Dutch” meaning “Deutsch” or “German” […]
Hodierna Verba Veritatis et Sapientiae "Innocent’s world was not flat, timeless, and univocal. Christendom was dynamic, hierarchical, temporal, and analogical. It moved, governed by a master narrative of fall and redemption, sin and grace, law and freedom, the external and the internal, the temporal and the spiritual. Its meta-narrative was that of salvation history, the movement from paradise, through the stages of the Old Testament, into the New Testament, and […]