EXCLUSIVE: You Can Now WATCH The Mike Church Show on CRUSADE Channel TV, Click For Access! Veritas et Sapientia - "In a sense, this manner of speaking is truer to our modern selves if less so to reality. In a Godless world men are not made for truth, but for survival. What we see is what we expect to see, and it is difficult to persuade anyone who does not […]
EXCLUSIVE: You Can Now WATCH The Mike Church Show on CRUSADE Channel TV, Click For Access! Veritas et Sapientia - "I am under no illusion that I’m going to convince regime apparatchiks of any of this. However, if any are reading, I would ask them the following. I know you think it’s perfectly obvious that “Trump Is Guilty!” and that anyone who doesn’t agree is not merely insane, but A […]
Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts
HEADLINE: They Can't Let Him Back In by Michael Anton Love him or hate him, during Trump’s presidency, the economy was strong, markets were up, inflation was under control, gas prices were low, illegal border crossings were down, crime was lower, trade deals were renegotiated, ISIS was defeated, NATO allies were stepping up, and China was stepping back (a little). Deny all that if you want to. The point here […]
EXCLUSIVE: You Can Now WATCH The Mike Church Show on CRUSADE Channel TV, Click For Access! Veritas et Sapientia - "I am under no illusion that I’m going to convince regime apparatchiks of any of this. However, if any are reading, I would ask them the following. I know you think it’s perfectly obvious that “Trump Is Guilty!” and that anyone who doesn’t agree is not merely insane, but A […]
Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts
HEADLINE: Post Mar-A-Lago: There Is No "Union" There's Only Them And Us by Mike Church Murdering 63 million precious children was not enough blood to satisfy their Boss’s and by extension, their, diabolical appetites. The GOP promising hearings and investigations is not going to protect the people of this continent from this roaring and now out of control, menace and I am not alone in stating this for all to […]
EXCLUSIVE: You Can Now WATCH The Mike Church Show on CRUSADE Channel TV, Click For Access! Veritas et Sapientia - "Once the mother of false gods, but now the bride of Christ, O Rome, it is through Laurence thou art victorious! Thou hadst conquered haughty monarchs and subjected nations to thine empire; but though thou hadst overcome barbarism, thy glory was incomplete till thou hadst vanquished the unclean idols. This […]
Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts
HEADLINE: The FBI And DOJ Criminalizing Opposition To The Regime Is How The Republic Ends by Joy Pullmann Holder noted that the U.S. Department of Justice he formerly headed is working with the illegally constituted Jan. 6 Commission towards this goal. We know these entities are also working with the FBI, whose head bit his thumb at congressional oversight repeatedly in a public hearing last week. An indictment of former […]