Gentleman's Corner

Barbecue, Hogs For The Cause, And Mike’s Southern Cooking For Needy Families

todayJune 1, 2021 29


Mike Church explains why he is participating in his 11th, Hogs For The Cause event and why you should support him in it!

I Can Attest To The Uniqueness of Southern Living and The Beautiful Charity of Southerners

by Mike Church

Mike Church in Studio D, performing the Mike Church Show on The CRUSADE Channel’s 3rd birthday, Nov 11, 2018

There’s a cool piece at the American Conservative about The South, 90 years after “I’ll Take My Stand” was published. The author concludes that we may have surrendered 0ur agrarian lives for quasi industrial lives but there is still plenty to distinguish The South from the rest of ‘Muricah. I confess to not know anything about Southern funerals until now.

One thing that hasn’t changed is how Southerners do death. In a review of a book on Southern funerals, Reed remarks that “a genteel Southern funeral is not the time or place for innovation. Whether you’re talking about flower arrangements, hymns, liturgy, or funeral food, there’s a right way and a wrong way to do things, and the right way is usually pretty much the way it has always been done.” This includes making homemade mayonnaise to accompany the “tomato aspic God meant for it to go with,” though some traditions differ across denominations. Episcopalians “tend to drink after funerals…and often before, as well.” They will happily eat a “green-bean casserole with Campbell’s soup and onion rings,” but they would never bring one to a funeral. Methodists, on the other hand, “believe that to get into heaven you have to bring a covered dish.”

I love it! The piece is titled The Motley South and I am proud to participate in one its Motley events every year: The Hogs For The Cause Barbecue Festival. You can support my 11th anniversary efforts to raise funds for families that have children suffering pediatric brain cancers. The Barbacoa Brotherhood welcomes you in as a donor and patron!

Barbacoa Brotherhood ribs with our 2019 sponsor, Garlic Head Gold sauce!
Barbacoa Brotherhood ribs with our 2019 sponsor, Garlic Head Gold sauce!

Our proudest achievement in all this effort is the assistance we provided with 9 other spectacular, generous Hog’s teams, is in bring the Hogs House to life. Our own little buddy, Jude, who had open heart surgery at Children’s Hospital, NOLA, stayed with his family at Hogs House during his recovery.

Jude “Marvel” At the Barbacoa Brotherhood Suite at Hogs House-Children’s Hospital New Orleans
The Hogs House grand opening!

ANYONE who has a child that needs a procedure at Children’s NOLA and needs a place to crash during this stressful time, can stay at Hogs House and the entire Barbacoa Brotherhood is honored and humbled to be able to provide this assistance.

Hogs for the Cause has partnered with Children’s Hospital to provide on-campus housing to families who need it most, when they need it most. The Hogs House is a multi-million dollar project that offers these families a place to stay outside of the hospital where children are able to socialize with other kids, parents have a support system, and teams have ongoing opportunities to interact with these families.

The Hogs House serves as on-campus housing for families from outside the New Orleans region who have a child receiving ongoing healthcare treatment at Children’s Hospital. The multi-million dollar expansion includes 14 family suites with private bathrooms. The common areas include 2 family lounges, kitchen spaces, and a laundry room.

Support Hogs 2021 via the Barbacoa Brotherhood and consider supporting our continuing efforts. You can also pray with us for these children and their families via the Brotherhood’s Patron Saint, Saint Vincent dePaul. – Together, we can do something great!

Written by: TheKingDude

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