
Beltway GOP Strategies Include Congressional Theater And Shooting Self In Foot

todayOctober 22, 2013 5


Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Buchanan’s point of view, and this is pretty much the point of view that you have heard me enunciate or share with the audience over the last two weeks is that you were elected to do something.  You have a moral and principled obligation to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  “Here was the recommended beltway GOP strategy,” writes Buchanan.


Here was the recommended Beltway GOP strategy: House Republicans should vote to fund Obamacare in a clean CR. Then exploit the disaster of the roll-out to show what a horror it is. This will pump up our polls and improve our field position for 2014.

What Lincoln Killed flyer
Hear the story of the United States AFTER the Constitution like you’ve never heard it before

Patrick_Henry_American_Statesman_paperback_cover_DETAILThen we can pick up some seats!

Bottom line: Let’s vote to impose Obamacare on America and make Democrats pay the price of the calamity we voted to impose.

There may be a more cynical strategy than deliberately doing permanent damage to your country to help your party.

Right now, I just can’t think of one.

A party that would do such a thing would not only not deserve office; it would raise valid questions about the reasons for its continued existence. If this is how Republicans will behave when facing a decision on moral and political principle, why would conservatives want such a crowd representing them?

The Beltway GOP had best step back and take a hard look at the nation they are supposed to defend.

A decades-long failure to address mass immigration has brought to our shores scores of millions now being moved wholesale to ballot boxes to vote the Party of Reagan out of power forever.

With GOP collusion, the welfare state has grown so immense — with half the nation paying no income taxes and half now reaping benefits — Republicans who stand for fiscal sanity face increasingly insuperable numbers in many states.

With the Greatest Generation and Silent Generations passing on, Baby Boomers, the largest generation in history, are two years into Social Security and Medicare. Those programs are exploding, as the share of our working population is steadily sinking.

For the rest of today’s transcript please sign up for a Founders Pass or if you’re already a member, make sure you are logged in!
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[end reading]

Mike:  Then he goes on to tell a little more of the story of how rotten our economic affairs are and how they’re getting worse.  Buchanan’s point of view, and this is pretty much the point of view that you have heard me enunciate or share with the audience over the last two weeks is that you were elected to do something.  You have a moral and principled obligation to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.  To say that for a political victory you’re going to allow what you know to be anathema and mayhem to be foisted on the heads of the citizenry so you can boost your poll numbers and live to fight another day, as Buchanan says, is as cynical a statement as anything he has ever heard.  He can’t even think of one that could be more cynical.

road-to-independence-BH-RTIDE2-detailAG:  But is there any kind of him being naïve as to how the political process works nowadays, as bad as that is?  I understand what he’s saying.  I don’t necessarily disagree with it. Is it somewhat taking an idealistic view in terms of how politics works nowadays?

Mike:  Let’s review again.  Those that say there was no way to win and no purpose and this could not have produced anything other than calamity, blah, blah, blah, blah, again, do not understand the actual and realistic political process that you just asked me the question about.  Without the vote in the House of Representin’, the budget that we’re currently celebrating cannot become law.  The funding for it cannot come from solely the United States Senate.  To say there was no way for them to win, yes, there was.  They could have won if the stand is to be principled and if the stand was a moral objection to the obscenity that is the Affordable Care Act.  They absolutely could have won all the way until January of 2015.  That’s how long the line could have been held.  They didn’t have to cave in; they chose to cave in.  There was no constitutional law binding them that said they had to make the deal they just made.

Those that say [mocking] “They had no clear path to victory,” how do you define victory?  Is victory defined solely by what goes into the congressional record?  Is that how you define victory or is there another way to define victory?  I think it is a point of view that there was no way to win.  That is just simply not true.  Now, again, how do you define the victory?  If the victory is defined by he who has the most seats at the end of any political election year wins the game, then no, I don’t suppose that there was a path to victory.  Isn’t that really the problem, that it is the partisan politics and the partisan preferences that run the legislative machine inside, whether we like it or not, the largest distributor of wealth in the known universe?  It’s all distributed along partisan lines.  This word called principle, you insert that word in there and people just look at you with a blank stare like, “Huh, what’s that?”  [mocking] “Yeah, Mike, kid’s got a principal down at the school there, over there on the UB.”  It is the tale of two cities, one city that actually is shining and on the hill, and another city that is a ghetto.  The ghetto won.  The shining city is sinking like Atlantis into the Aegean Sea.

End Mike Church Show Transcript



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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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