Church Doctrine

Best of: Will Grandma Getting Groped by TSA become Blessing or Curse?

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    Best of: Will Grandma Getting Groped by TSA become Blessing or Curse? TheKingDude



2011 Mike Church

Hey Folks Mike Church here with Todays Church Doctrine WILL GRANDMA GETTING TSA GROPED BECOME A BLESSING OR A CURSE? The Church Doctrine is on, right after this.

A mouthpiece for the Orwellian arm of the aerial police state-the TSA-informs us that a 95 year old grandmother, diagnosed with level 4 leukemia, somehow triggered an alarm at the NorthWest Florida airport last Saturday. After the hair trigger sleuths at TSA were alerted to the grave threat grandma posed to air traffic safety she was then forced to undergo a 45 minute enhanced search which included her disrobing and removal of her Depends diaper.

Not to worry though Citizens, because the Double Spokesman for the TSA assure us that all procedures were followed according to TSA rules. Well, may I be the first to suggest that the TSA rules need to be changed or better yet there needs to be no more TSA around to fret over those rules. A free and independent society would never allow this level of police state disregard for civil liberties yet ours, complete with propaganda ministers, will certainly carry on. And to think that this week we are counting down to the annual celebration of Independence day.

Enquiring minds want to know exactly what are we independent from these days? Certainly not the pernicious taxes confiscated from us at the point of the IRSs gun that pay the salaries and uniforms of the TSA. Certainly not the theft of our earnings today that is occurring without notice: the theft that is inflation or devaluing of the currency. It is not as though we are unaware of these atrocities but what shall we do about them?

How about letting history be our guide? After Patrick Henrys VA resolutions opposing the Stamp Act passed the VA House of Burgesses Henry wrote of their predicament Whether this will prove a blessing or a curse will depend upon the use our people make of the Blessings which a gracious God hath bestowed on us.

Its hard to think of the violation visited on the 95 year old grandmother as a blessing but if nothing is done about it, it most certainly becomes a curse.

Red Pill Reading Suggestions:

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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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