
Andrew Bieszad-No Religion of Peace But Religion For The Perverted Pt 2

todaySeptember 15, 2014 35

God would not be a fan of Salvador Dali
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Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript, Andrew Bieszad Interview Pt 2 – We’ll introduce Andrew Bieszad to the Mike Church Show on the Dude Maker Hotline.  Andrew – “In the Quran, what happens is you can actually — passages that were so-called “revealed” maybe five years ago — by the way, this is in terms of absolute truth.  Passages defining dogmas of absolute truth are revealed.  They can be switched out five years later or ten years later, [speaking Arabic], whenever Allah wills, as he wills, because of the sake of will itself.  So the passages that may have supported, in some ways, peaceful actions, are immediately swapped out with the more violent passages, which come at the end of Mohammed’s life.”  Check out today’s transcript for the rest….

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Bieszad:  Absolutely.  By the way, Bat Ye’or is a great author.  She’s done some wonderful research about the situation of Christian and Jewish minorities living under Islamic rule.  What’s happening in northern Nigeria is really nothing new in terms of Islamic history.  A bit of backstory with this, as much as Islam will say it will accept non-Muslims, as in Quran 2:256, Islam has other parts of its theology.  Not only is it [speaking Arabic] but has what is called [speaking Arabic], which is obligation theology.  If you remember The Satanic Verses, the book back in the 1980s with Salman Rushdie, it actually comes from two verses of the Quran.  These two verses is where Mohammed claims — well, a little backstory.  Mohammed was preaching to the pagan Arab peoples and they asked him if they could worship their pagan gods three days of the week and Allah four days a week.  Mohammed said okay.  

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The reason why he said it was okay was because, for a moment, Satan went into his body and possessed him and made him say that.  Keep in mind, by the way, Mohammed is considered in Islam [speaking Arabic], the perfect man.  He is more perfect than Jesus.  Jesus actually submits to Mohammed within Islam.  Later that night Mohammed is sitting down and Allah starts talking to him and says: Mohammed, why did you say that?  Mohammed says: Well, Satan possessed me.  Allah says: That’s all right.  [speaking Arabic] abrogates those verses.  [speaking Arabic] Allah abrogates what he wills. 

In the Quran, what happens is you can actually — passages that were so-called “revealed” maybe five years ago — by the way, this is in terms of absolute truth.  Passages defining dogmas of absolute truth are revealed.  They can be switched out five years later or ten years later, [speaking Arabic], whenever Allah wills, as he wills, because of the sake of will itself.  So the passages that may have supported, in some ways, peaceful actions, are immediately swapped out with the more violent passages, which come at the end of Mohammed’s life.  As far as Boko Haram persecuting the Christians, the most famous passage [speaking Arabic], fight those who believe not in Allah, nor on the last day, nor forbid that which Allah, his messenger, has forbidden, and make them pay an onerous tax with willing submission until they themselves feel subdued.

Mike:  My follow-up, I was going to ask you about The Satanic Verses.  I’m glad you brought it up.  Where do we first see — we’re speaking about people of the Arab world, around the holy land, because that’s where they were at the time.  Where do we first see the use of the word or the term Allah?  Is there an origin for Allah?

Bieszad:  Oh, yes.  Allah goes back well before Mohammed.  Allah is just a grammatical term.  It literally means al and ilah, which is the god.  It’s the same in Greek as [unintelligible], which means god in Greek.  If you were to read a Greek bible, it’s the same word.  However, Allah itself, the concept of Allah as a god is very unique to Islam.  In the Christian and Catholic faith, God is defined as love, 1 John 4:8, and man is made in God’s image and likeness, Genesis 1:26, I believe.  As much as God’s ways are inscrutable and cannot be understood by men, you can define — God’s nature is understood, in human terms for Christians, as being love, love and mercy itself. 

If you’re talking about Islam, on the other hand, you ask a Muslim: Who is Allah?  He will start naming all these different descriptive terms.  They’re called the names of Allah [speaking Arabic].  There are 99 of them found in the Quran and the Hadith.  The problem with these names is that they’re just adjectives, merely descriptive terms.  They don’t actually give you a tangible sense of what Allah’s nature is.  However, if you look at the Quran and the Hadith, the one thing that remains consistent within Islamic tradition is that [speaking Arabic] Quran 14:27, Allah does what he wills.  Allah’s nature is defined solely in terms of his will.  It does what he wills, because he wills it, for the sake of will itself, because that’s what he wills at this time.  Allah can change his mind literally at any moment.  As I tell people, if Allah’s having a bad hair day, you better watch out.

Mike:  I don’t want to be around when Allah is having a bad hair day.  The prophet himself, the so-called prophet — there’s a Catholic priest and I listen to his homilies online.  He’s very well versed in some of this stuff.  He might listen to you or have spoken with someone like you.  He knows enough about the Quran and enough about The Satanic Verses.  He has spoken very passionately and in a detailed sense about the evil that was the so-called prophet.  If Mohammed had been a Christian living under the care of some saints or a bishop like Augustine, or even just your average diocesan monk or priest, he would have been one of the biggest heretics that ever walked the face of the earth.  Tell the listeners about the so-called prophet. 

Bieszad:  To quote blessed Peter the Venerable of the medieval period, around 1100, the founder of Islamic studies in the West, he said that Mohammed was the heresy arc of heretists.  When I tell you this, most people don’t believe me.  You can find, in the Quran and Islamic sacred scripture and the Hadith, Islamic sacred tradition, that Mohammed was a mass murderer, an assassin, a rapist, a dictator, a pedophile, a necrophile, a sadist, a highway robber, and represented everything that is unholy, amoral, and untrue.  Everything of those and more can be found in Islamic sacred tradition.  Mohammed, as I said, he taught that as long as it’s being done for the cause of Allah, it is permissible.  Now, initially he did not teach it this explicitly. [/private]

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What happened was, the Quran is divided into two halves, the first 12 years when he spent it in Mecca, what is today Saudi Arabia, basically talking to his tribe, trying to get them to join his religion.  Most people thought he was a fool.  People would join for a short time and then leave.  Then he got an invitation to come to the city of Yethrib, which is now Medina, Saudi Arabia.  He goes there and gives this big, impassioned speech.  It’s Quran 2.  He’s trying to convince the Jewish people of the city to convert to Islam.

They say: That’s nice, Mohammed, but we’re not going to convert, sorry.  At that point, not only does it mark the beginning of the Islamic calendar — the Islamic calendar does not start with Mohammed’s year that the Quran was so-called revealed.  It marks the establishment of the Islamic community in Medina.  Mohammed starts using horrific violence against people to get what he wants and it works.  Anybody who disagrees with Mohammed or makes him angry will feel the “wrath of the prophet.”

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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  1. Steve Skojec on September 15, 2014

    Hi Corinne,

    Andrew has written a book, which you can find here (although it appears to be out of print):

    He’s also written five articles for us as OnePeterFive:

    In addition, he appears on our first podcast:

    I hope that helps!

  2. Steve Youngblood on September 15, 2014

    Mike, I really enjoyed hearing Andrew on your show this morning. I wish everyone had access to the information he was sharing. Most have no idea what islam is, how it was established and what the consequences are to not knowing these things.

    Is there a way to get an audio transcript of the show? The executive pastor at my church Michael McCullar,, has given an islam seminar in the past and did so again just last week. His descriptions were close to Andrew’s as was his knowledge and analysis. I think though Andrew’s knowledge was much deeper and I’d like to send the show to Michael at JCBC.

    Enjoy listening on Sirius XM Patriot in the mornings here in metro Atlanta.

