
Big Business In Bed With Big Government And A Do-Nothing Congress

todayMarch 5, 2013 5


Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Folks, this MO, method of operation, that we have become accustomed to, which basically is members of Congress throwing their hands up in the air and saying: We can’t do anything about this, just as I have always told you has now been exposed as the copout, cheap way out of actually executing your duty.  You can’t execute your duty, though, ladies and gentlemen, when there are $3.7 trillion that are being spent in the execution of your duty and are supposed to be under your watchful eye.  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  Did you see the story where the Republicans in the House of Representin’ have decided to – hold on, let me make sure I get my facts right.  “House Republicans introduce bill to keep government running,” Rosalind S. Helderman, Washington Compost, reporting.


Republicans propose to offset that money with cuts elsewhere, such as extending a salary freeze for federal employees and members of Congress.

But even though the proposed shifts would make the sequester slightly less indiscriminate — particularly for the military — the measure would leave in place the $85 billion spending reduction, locking in the cuts through Sept. 30, end of the fiscal year.

The funding resolution would, for example, prohibit U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement from defunding beds in detention facilities where illegal immigrants are being held. [Mike: Maybe there’s something to this. Let me think about this. Maybe I should read this again.]

The funding resolution would, for example, prohibit U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) from defunding beds in detention facilities where illegal immigrants are being held.

[end reading]

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Mike:  Let’s just ponder this for a moment, shall we?  Let us give this our most solemn contemplation and consideration.  If House Republicans in a continuing resolution can micromanage the actions of the federal agency known as the Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and they can tell them “We prohibit you from doing X,” — let’s review, we have a bicameral, meaning two houses, Senate and Congress, legislature.  Our legislature, our national, almighty legislature writes the laws.  That’s what a legislature does, it writes the laws.  The executive branch, the one occupied by dear leader Mahatma Bama, that branch executes the laws.  Then we have a third branch called the judicial branch that will hear and preside over controversies arising under execution of said laws, and in some very rare instances perhaps might preside over hearings that would make null and void laws that have been written in contravention of the Constitution.  Let’s review what we’ve just learned, shall we, class?

The legislative branch writes and makes the laws.  That’s the way it is supposed to work.  If it’s supposed to work that way, then Congress is well within its legislative authority to tell any ICE agent how high they need to jump and at what time of the day they need to perform the job.  They are the legislative branch.  They can also instruct ICE on how much they are going to be paid.  They can also tell ICE: We have some uniform rules of naturalization here.  These are our laws.  We have written them.  This is how they are to be implemented.  You are to discharge that duty and you are to do nothing else.

Sidebar_ad_Secede_die_baseball_capWhat I’m driving at here, if you’re not following so far, if you’re not jumping out of your seat going, [mocking] “Oh, oh, Mr. Church!  Mr. Church, I know!  I got it!  I know where he’s going with this one!”  If you haven’t figured it out, Congress is asserting legislative oversight over the minutiae of an agency.  The last time I checked, the United States Department of Agriculture is a federal agency.  It is under the legislative branch’s control.  If your member of the House of Representin’ does not want your school to have its lunch program micromanaged by the czarbots and the brain-dead Obamabot zombies that USDA organized and empowered by the efforts of one FLOTUS, Michelle Obama, then Congress has the power of the purse.  They can say no.  They can say no.

I am just a little surprised that members of the House don’t see the grave danger they are putting themselves in by doing what many in the talk radio mafia would like for them to do, — if you don’t know what the talk radio mafia is, Google it — which is to make sure no illegal aliens are let go because Obama or whoever is running ICE claims they don’t have the money, or Janet Napolitano claims they don’t have the money.  AG, did you see yesterday she was asked that question?  She said: No, we didn’t let thousands go, we only let hundreds go.  Did you see that?  It wasn’t thousands; it was only a couple hundred.  And no, we’re not going to let that happen again.

My point is, and this is a very salient point — as if any of this matters when it comes to the federal leviathan, but I will soldier on with my duty nonetheless.  My point is, if Congress can pull rank on ICE and tell them that they can’t furlough illegal aliens and let them go free because of the sequester, and they’re doing this because they’re asserting legislative authority and oversight over this, then Congress can certainly tell the USDA to back off.  Congress can tell the USDA tomorrow morning: You’re not going to implement those silly school lunch rules.  Back off.  You don’t have any authority or jurisdiction here.  We’re taking it away from you.  You need to back off.  Scuttle the plan.  We don’t have any money to fund it anyway.  It’s an unfunded mandate.  The schools have enough problems to deal with.  They don’t need you prescribing what kind of Mott’s apple juice or what kind of Sunny D the tots and totettes can imbibe during the school day.

Congress is playing with fire here.  I bet you there aren’t a lot of members that realize this.  They’re probably like, [mocking] “We’re gonna stop Napolitano from doing this.  We run immigration around here.”  Okay, fine and dandy.  Why aren’t you running school lunches?  Why aren’t you stopping school lunches?  Folks, this MO, method of operation, that we have become accustomed to, which basically is members of Congress throwing their hands up in the air and saying: We can’t do anything about this, just as I have always told you has now been exposed as the copout, cheap way out of actually executing your duty.  You can’t execute your duty, though, ladies and gentlemen, when there are $3.7 trillion that are being spent in the execution of your duty and are supposed to be under your watchful eye.

We have yet another instance here where a busybody governing agency has no authority whatsoever, has manufactured it, has manufactured a crisis, and then seeks to swoop in and solve it.  You know, I guarantee you, you know at the end of the day this doesn’t have anything to do with nutrition.  This doesn’t have anything to do with any of the things they’re going to say that it has to do with.  What it has to do with is whoever it is that is selling the eight- and twelve-ounce varieties of USDA-approved school lunch beverages, that’s what it has to do with.

End Mike Church Show Transcript


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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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