Founders Television

Big Government Destroys Small Business

todayMay 3, 2012 4

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    Big Government Destroys Small Business ClintStroman

MANDEVILLE, LA – EXCLUSIVE AUDIO – The bigger the Federal, State, and local governments, the more regulations they make for business, the bigger a business must become to handle all of it. For instance, the Amazon case, where they are going to start charging taxes in some states, how does that affect the small business that sells to the other 49 states? If a small business has to keep up with sales tax to 50 different states, fill out 50 different forms, they’re going to have to hire extra people or at least purchase software just to handle THAT, and if the sales tax changes… well you can see this could be the death knell for many mom and pop’s out there folks.  Check out today’s Post Show Show preview for more…

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    Big Government Destroys Small Business ClintStroman

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    Big Government Destroys Small Business ClintStroman


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Written by: ClintStroman

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