
Big Sis Won’t Take Our Guns, She’ll Just Label Us All Terrorists

todayJanuary 18, 2013 4


Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – They fear, and I believe they’re correct, that ultimately the police state is going to try and track every single solitary transaction, and to write laws that make it illegal to act outside the way they want you to do it.  If you do that, brother, Big Sis Napolitano can then classify you as some sort of a militant.  That’s how they’re going to get to it.  They don’t have to confiscate.  All they have to do is improve and increase their monitoring. Check out today’s transcript for the rest…


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

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Mike:  Larry in Florida is next on the Mike Church Show.  Hello, Larry.

Caller Larry:  Hey, Mike, how are you doing today?

Mike:  All right, Lars, how are you?

Caller Larry:  Doing fine.  It’s Larry.

Mike:  I’m joking.  Come on, Lars, play the game.  It’s Friday, Larry.

Caller Larry:  All right, I’m Lars.

Mike:  [laughing]

Caller Larry:  Laissez les bons temps roulez!  I didn’t call to contribute to your sports talk but I will give you this offering: fire Les Miles now.

Mike:  Merci beaucoup.

Caller Larry:  You’re welcome.

Mike:  The nitwits at LSU extended his contract what, a decade?  I think they gave him ten years.  We want Les Miles to lose bowl games that are important every year.  It’s not good enough he’s lost two in a row, let’s go for twelve.

Caller Larry:  He can set a new record now for the school.

Mike:  He can outdo Stoops as the worst bowl coach in the history of man.

Caller Larry:  Well, what I called about is I’m a teacher.  I want my sidearm and my bulletproof vest.  I’m at ground zero to protect these children and myself.  Usually when a school shooting happens, the teacher is the first one to get it and then the students.  I work at an open campus.  Anybody can walk on from any direction.  We have a police officer that is here at the school.  Something like Newtown could happen before he could get himself out of his office to find out where it’s happening.  The school is so big it would take him a while to get there.  I think we’ve tried everything else.  Yesterday you were really understandably upset that Obama was hiding behind those children trying to promote taking away our assault rifles.  The fact is, in Chicago, 450 school-aged children were shot last year in probably one of the most stringent gun-controlled cities in America.

Mike:  There was a ban in place.

Caller Larry:  They can’t stand on their record, so they have to hide behind children to promote taking these weapons away from the citizenry.  When a school shooting happens, what usually happens is the police become more militarized and the citizenry loses their ability to protect themselves.

Mike:  One thing at a time.  I don’t believe you’re going to lose your ability to protect yourself.  There are just too many of those weapons out there.  Does that mean people won’t voluntarily turn them in and foolishly disarm themselves?  Some of them may.  I believe the aim of the Obama administration’s executive actions of Wednesday last is to expand the web of federal intervention and federal involvement in any way they can in the tracking and trafficking and distribution of, anything that has anything to do with arms.  I believe they’re going to be successful in that endeavor.

This quest for this universal background check — if I go to my friend Shane’s house and he’s got a hundred weapons he’s been collecting for the last twenty years, and he decides he only wants to keep half of them and could use the money.  He’s going to sell half of them.  I go to Shane’s house to buy those weapons personally from him — him to me, me to him — in a personal transaction.  Is Shane going to have to go and call the FBI and say: I’ve got this clown here that wants to buy my used Mossberg shotgun.  This is what Obama and Biden are talking about.

This would be similar in constitutional scope to the individual mandate without the act of Congress to go along with it.  They’re going to require or try and require every citizen basically to be an agent of the FBI at some level, and force you to have to go through these procedures before you can sell a weapon at a mock garage sale that only a few friends knew about.  Look for the day to be coming very soon where the transaction that I just described, one in which I actually have purchased weapons at and many of you have purchased weapons at before, are now going to be classified as some sort of a gun trafficking / terrorist activity.  This is how they’re going to get us.  They’re going to make illegal or criminal the activities of exchanging the firearms.

If you leave any paper trail behind whatsoever — this is why people are flocking to stores now and buying every available gun that’s for sale, and every clip of ammo they can get their hands on, every box of ammunition whether it’s practice or real that they can get their hands on.  They fear, and I believe they’re correct, that ultimately the police state is going to try and track every single solitary transaction, and to write laws that make it illegal to act outside the way they want you to do it.  If you do that, brother, Big Sis Napolitano can then classify you as some sort of a militant.  That’s how they’re going to get to it.  They don’t have to confiscate.  All they have to do is improve and increase their monitoring.

AG brought this point up yesterday, and it seemed to him that since the federal government was so incompetent in almost everything it does, how would they be competent in trying to track and then take away 280 million weapons.  As I said, I tend to agree with that.  If you consider the mini monologue that just transpired, I think you will see they don’t have to actually take the guns.  All they have to do is put the proper checks in place so that it comes more of an inconvenience, the size of the spyfare state expands, and before you know it, simple transaction of friends exchanging guns, even if they’re collectors, even if they’re as innocent as if they were picking daisies, then becomes criminal.

Think prohibition.  Who will have weapons?  Bad guys, because they don’t care about laws.  Who won’t have weapons?  Good guys, because we do care about laws.  If that’s not enough to make you reconsider, if the cut in the paycheck and now circumscribing the ability to legally transact firearms between friends, neighbors and family members, if that’s not enough to make you rethink why it is this union has utility to it, I do not know what is.  [mocking] “Mike, we just gotta elect the right guys to get in.”  No, once they enact this stuff, they don’t repeal it.  There’s no evidence that they repeal, none.  Once it gets in there, it’s in there.  We’ll all have to deal with it.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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