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The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
Audio Post Format TheKingDude
Mandeville, LA – Mike Church’s daily Pile of Prep, chock full of Bill of Rights contradictions, exposed plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125. “Conservatism has always recognized the essentially heterogeneous nature of society and is constitutionally averse from disturbing the delicate balance of social forces on which civilization rests. Socialism, on the other hand, is ready to sacrifice social equilibrium to an abstract ideal of equality which is based on moral prejudices rather than on economic or sociological facts.” – Christopher Dawson, 1932
The entire metro area of Boston was shut down by fiat-NOT Executive Order-to allow thousands upon thousands of military styled police to conduct a door to door “manhunt” that turned up nothing until a civi decided to go check in on his boat
LETTER: I am a Watertown resident…and I do not feel relieved or safe…”
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Do criminals like the Tsarnaez brothers get “Miranda” rights or are these SCOTUS fabrications only applicable to car thieves and non-terrorist murderers?
Listener Allon Spurr pens piece on “background checks” and thanks to his due diligence on “source material” manages to track down the Libtard source of the “40% of all gun purchases are through the ‘gun show loophole’ ”
Bill of Rights for Tsnarnaev!? What Bill of Rights, this is a FEDERAL matter with FEDERAL priorities, Citizen!
Larison: There is absolutely NO evidence at this time that the Tsarnaev brothers were part of a larger “cell” and antagonizing the Russians over it is non-productive
Ron Paul: The State ALWAYS uses “terror” to spread fear and undermine liberty
TIC – A history of conservatism from the great Christopher Dawson from the Whigs to the rise of the Progressives (1920’s)
SCOTUS Incorporates 4th Amendment and uses it to bludgeon states who have byzantine DUI laws like LA and TX which claim the right to draw blood from citizens who refuse breathalyzers at random checkpoints
Speaking of Al Michaels, sportscaster, is booked
Review: Donald Livingston’s ReThinking The American Union book
by Joseph Baldacchino at
Editorial Board pleads with GOP to not cave in to those pushing non-social conservatism
CPAC Star Speaker-Donald Trump- wonders whether or not Boston bomber is eligible for ObamaCare while convalescing in Boston hospital, wow, what intellectual brain-power Trump displays
Written by: TheKingDude
todayAugust 28, 2024 104 1
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Duane Cunningham on April 22, 2013
You wrote:
“The entire metro area of Boston was shut down by fiat-NOT Executive Order-to allow thousands upon thousands of military styled police to conduct a door to door “manhunt” that turned up nothing until a civi decided to go check in on his boat”
I understand the need for finding a terrorist, but how many have ceeded their responsibility as a citizen and hid themselves and or allow the government to remove them from the equation of finding a criminal or the deterence of acts like these within socieity? Should not our citizenry be trusted to play a part in the society or place they live, including the deterence of crime and tyrranical government, and act against of those who would do us harm? Am I wrong to say that the founder’s intended the citizen to play an active part in society and goverment within the institution of the republic? The citizen seems to not be trusted, and or allowed to play a part in society, removing us more and more from the (r)epublicanism and more toward tyranny. We are to be excluded in a march to security over freedom…