Post Show Show – 06 March 2012
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Only Ron Paul's plan actually balances the federal budget without raidingtaxes but Romney-Gingrich & Santorum's plans are WORSE than Obamas!Sheriff Arpaio's investigator claims Obama not only forged his birthcertificate but that his Selective Service registration is a fake aswellShockuh! HillaryCare (1994) did NOT contain an edict that religious groups mustpurchase […]
[mp3t track='05032012_Transcript_Limbaugh_contraception_and _lack_of_modesty_EDIT.mp3'] Begin Mike Church Show TranscriptMike: We are possessed of immodest people, immodest young people. Theres no modesty left. [mocking] Ive been out here doing it for years. Its expensive. Somebody ought to help me pay for it. Can I just say, you have to choose between paying […]
[private FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly|FP-Yearly-WLK][/private]
Only Ron Paul's plan actually balances the federal budget without raidingtaxes but Romney-Gingrich & Santorum's plans are WORSE than Obamas!Sheriff Arpaio's investigator claims Obama not only forged his birthcertificate but that his Selective Service registration is a fake aswellShockuh! HillaryCare (1994) did NOT contain an edict that religious groups mustpurchase […]
[mp3t track='01032012_transcript_investors_not _buying_a_13k_market_EDIT.mp3']Begin Mike Church Show TranscriptMike: You just said the key word there. I was in an email exchange last night with our friend, Professor Anthony Sanders, over some of the news here I have today. For example, the claim by some out there in the media, in the […]
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[mp3t track='breitbartinterview01-26-10.mp3']Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio & Video - Listen to Mike's interview with Andrew Breitbart from 26 January2010. They discuss numerous topics including the ACORN scandal, the artand artists that worked for Obama's propaganda election machine, and how Andrew and all of his websites have affected how we view […]
Out of the Closet: Ann Coulter finds the Mike Church Show, transcribes it then claims it is her own critique of SantorumThe lobbying and jockeying for Romney's VP choice begins with theDeceptiCONNED establishment demanding Rubio as Veep because "he's a REAL conservative" and I have some fule efficient, cheap electric […]
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