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Pile Of Prep

23 January, 2012 Pile of Prep

Polls now show GOP members are at least willing to listen to some common sense on non-interventionistEvangelicals: the people of faith and faith in never ending wars-just ask Joe Lieberman and  Newt GingrichSteyn: What the Cost Concordia says about the end ofthe age of chilvalry AND the West for that matterAnn Coulter: SC voters would rather feel good that Gingrich called Obamasome names and yelled at CNN's John King than they would like to beatObama

todayJanuary 23, 2012 8

Pile Of Prep

20 January, 2012 Pile of Prep

Fairy Tales: 3 convoluted explanations for how the housing bubble happenedand who our wonderful fiat currency system MUST be preserved if thesheople's fake standard of living is to endure-who writes this stuff!?The old "coot" warns of the SOPA and IPPA bills "disastrous" effects oninternet freedoms (which means the DeceptiCONS  must be behind thesebills)OMSNBC cheerleads "recovery" while their own reporting tells the real story"the avg. age of U.S. cars on the road has hit an all time high of 10.8years!"Gingrich campaign […]

todayJanuary 20, 2012 4


CNN-SRLC Debate Live Chat & Coverage from Charleston, SC

Comment(s)NEW ORLEANS, La.- Join Mike Church tonight for live commentary and analysis during the Republican Candidates debatebroadcast from TD Arena (College of Charleston), Washington, DC at 8 PMEastern sponsored by CNN and SRLC. Look for Mike's pre-debate analysis and commentary here, at 7:30 p.m.eastern. PLUS get exclusive discounts on DudeGear Store merchandise, withtonight's debate coupon code.... With Governor Gardosil dropping out of the race just this morning and Newt Gingrich "surging" the SC debate promises to be the last event for […]

todayJanuary 19, 2012 6

Pile Of Prep

19 January, 2012 Pile of Prep

Fairy Tales: 3 convoluted explanations for how the housing bubble happenedand who our wonderful fiat currency system MUST be preserved if thesheople's fake standard of living is to endure-who writes this stuff!?The old "coot" warns of the SOPA and IPPA bills "disastrous" effects oninternet freedoms (which means the DeceptiCONS  must be behind thesebills)OMSNBC cheerleads "recovery" while their own reporting tells the real story"the avg. age of U.S. cars on the road has hit an all time high of 10.8years!"Gingrich campaign […]

todayJanuary 19, 2012 6

Pile Of Prep

18 January, 2012 Pile of Prep

Wikipedia is shutting down by the time you read this to protest the ImperialCongress bloodthirsty desires to wrest control of the internet from thesheopleVIDEO: What a civilization! Gingrich promises to "knock [Obama] out... notjust bloody his nose", cue  up Medusa Hair Schultz and the Tea Party isviolent in 3,2,1...The Man In The Brooks Brothers last name (stole the title from AtlasShrugged) claims Ron paul supporters are misinformed, delusional cretins who buy more guns than they need to protect themselves from […]

todayJanuary 18, 2012 19

Pile Of Prep

17 January, 2012 Pile of Prep

When guys like Mark Steyn call Ron Paul "weird goofy gnome's"Paul Jacobsreminds us that this happens because the writer/host is IGNORANT notthat RP is arcaneNewsweek's latest cover "Why Are Obama's Critics So Dumb" unleashes a tidal waveof DeceptiCON outrage not seen since Newt's lobbying record was released recentlyColbert's "corporations are people too" routine has already gotten old and I have heard it but TWICE as his mocking of the nomination process AGAIN shows the total lack of seriousness our situation […]

todayJanuary 16, 2012 5
