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Daily Clip

The Immoral Nature of Coerced Charity

Government "Compassion" Relies upon Acceptance of Theft in order to Succeed(Audio)MANDEVILLE, LOUISIANA Mike talks about the immoral nature of accepting anational one-size fits all solution for social programs, whereby said benefitsmust be coerced away from one individual or state so as to distribute to theperson clamoring for government assistance, hence why they are referred to as transferpayments in budgetary parlance.

todaySeptember 22, 2010 14

Daily Clip

20 September – Clip of the Day

Let them who are without Sin Cast the First Vote.(Audio) Mike speaks to the ruling class elites tactic ofdredging up Christine ODonnells high school associations as if they walked apath of purity from the moment of their birth. Let those without sin cast thefirst vote.

todaySeptember 20, 2010 3

Daily Clip

End Baseline Budgeting to Shrink Federal Government

Rep Price (GA-6): Federal government has gone way beyond the Constitution.(Audio)MANDEVILLE, LOUISIANA As part of Friday's Constitution Day celebration Mike speaks with Representative Tom Price from Georgias6th Congressional District about ending the practice of baselinebudgeting as a means to reduce spending emanating from federal government inWashington.

todaySeptember 18, 2010 11

Daily Clip

The Unmasking of the “Architect” Karl Rove

(audio) MANDEVILLE, LOUISIANA Mike provides his analysis over Sean Hannitys deer-in-the-headlights look after one of his Conservative idols, Karl Rove went into a meltdown live on his Fox News show while fuming over tea-partier Christine ODonnells defeat of GOP establishment candidate and nine-term Congressional Representative, Mike CastleListen Now to Full Commentary

todaySeptember 15, 2010 9

Daily Clip

Federal Government’s Economic Policies Prevent Recovery

New Government Regulations on Small Businesses Bury Economic Engines in Paperwork(audio) MANDEVILLE, LOUISIANA By erecting ever-higher barriers to entry, the Federal government ensures, small-business will be unable to contribute to any recovery as new mandates hidden in the ObamaCare health bill will instead leave them mired up to their ears in 1099 tax paperwork.Listen Now to Full Commentary

todaySeptember 15, 2010 12

Daily Clip

Liberty or Tyranny; the Choice is Ours

Mike speaks to the dire consequences of leaving our heads in the sand, utterly hypnotized by "American Idol" and iPhones. The collapse by his estimation is inevitable due his understanding of history and wholly Fiat currencies which always end in total insolvency. Yet where some see only despair, Mike sees a chance to restore Liberty and the Republic.The choice is up to us, however inaction is no longer an option.Liberty or Tyranny; The Choice is Ours

todaySeptember 10, 2010 4

The Constitution

Framers Debate Rules For Naturalization

From Mike Church - This is the debate held in committee of the whole on the qualifications for holding office in the new federal government. The Framers took great care to discuss the influence that foreigners could weild if they were not careful. I originally came to this debate because it helps flesh out the reasons why the Framers included the enumerated power “To establish a uniform rule for naturalization” which upon review of this material clearly shows their purpose was […]

todayJuly 9, 2010 2


Obama Is Fighting A War – But Its Against US

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript Mike:  Oh, so predictable.  More Red Sox vs. Yankees.  More red vs. blue.  More liberal vs. conservative.  More Democrat vs. Republican.  At the end of the day, it doesn't freakin matter.  Both parties are in on this.  There are differences, slight differences, in philosophy now since the libtard wing of the Dumbocrat Party is basically running it now.  This will now, let me just explain something to you, or give you my theory on this, […]

todayJune 24, 2010 13
