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The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
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Mandeville, LA – Mike Church‘s daily Pile of Prep, Welcome to’s Pile of Prep, all the materials used to prepare the Mike Church show. The Trump Show, Season 1, Episode II debuts tonight on CNN and co-stars Ben Carson as “Doc”, Jebediah Bush as “JEB” and radio host Hugh Hewitt as “Harvard-Gunny”. CNN will be charging $200k for ads during this edition of political Prime Time that serves as a checkpoint in time for when The Corporation actually stopped working as the shadow government and started its march to SkyNet. That our political affairs must now be entertaining and are presented as such, all that is left if for the Panero Co. to become title sponsor to our panem et circunses, viz, bread and circuses. Heaven help us. “We may say that the best Art should be recompensed at the highest rate, and no doubt it should; but if the artist lets his work be influenced by considerations of marketing, he will discover that what he is producing is not Art. And we may say, with some justice, that an irreligious nation cannot prosper; but if a nation tries to cultivate religion for the sake of regaining prosperity, the resulting brand of religion will be addressed to a very queer God indeed. There is said to be a revival just now of what is called “interest” in religion. Even governments are inclined to allot broadcasting time to religious propaganda, and to order National Days of Prayer. However admirable these activities may be one has a haunting feeling that God’s acquaintance is being cultivated because He might come in useful. But God is quite shrewd enough to see through that particular kind of commercial fraud.” – DOROTHY SAGER
Must NOT See, GOP TV, Starring Trumpzilla and… Well Who Cares? – Congratulations DeceptiCONS, you have demanded and now succeeded in turning the primary process, itself a reform that sprang from electoral shenanigans, into a “reality TV Show” called the Trump Show. The losers are thought to be illegal aliens and crooked politicians but the real losers are those that will be governed by Clown King politics. “Strong demand for advertising time during the CNN debate has sent prices for a 30-second spot soaring into the $150,000-$200,000 range. Advertising on the main debate with the 11 top polling candidates is sold out, although there are only four commercial breaks in the telecast, compared with the 15 typical during three hours of CNN’s prime time. This is a television series that Trump has launched,” said Joe Peyronnin, a former TV news executive and associate journalism professor at Hofstra University in Hemptstead, N.Y. “The Republicans hope it gets canceled. In the meantime, it’s got everybody’s attention.”
DeceptiCONNED DEBATED? – Will debate “moderator” Hugh Hewitt inject enough bellicosity to make tonight a war-hawk, bomb ’em if they move, free for all? Will the Military Industrial Complex be watching with high hopes for increased profits from more wars, led by Republicans? Probably….
Trumpzilla as Commander In Chief-Operating Officer – Donald Trump delivered an address on his foreign policy “vision” that was very short of “vision” and “foreign policy”
Here Comes the French Revolution Without The Grey Poupon – 1/3 of “conservative” ‘Muricans see a military coup in their future and they aren’t worried about it. With the “war, war, war, kill, kill, kill foreign policy of the DecptiCONS now bearing their deadly fruit, it is time to start reading up on what the Vendee did wrong during the French “coup” that saw 250,000 slaughtered.
GOD DIDN’T PLAN THIS PARENTHOOD – The 10th video from the Center For Medical progress has been released and features Planned Parenthood executives acknowledging that to put a harvesting baby-body-parts in writing as a “policy” would just provide fodder for the “New York Times”. Watch the casual discussion of the process of procuring a dead babies eyes and “gonads” as if the discussion was over chicken livers.
Mordor On The Potomac’s “Conservatives” Coddle Planned Parenthood – What is the GOP plan to deal with the push to “defund” (a nominalism that implies funding is required) Planned Parenthood? Ummm, that’s easy, there IS NO PLAN.
European nations now see the threat of the Hijra that Andrew Bieszad spoke of on yesterday’s show and will speak on again today. What should emerge from all these events in the Mid-East is that the “New World Order” was actually ordered by the Serpent, in the Old World, through Islam and though it failed – see Vienna and LePanto – it is now back with a vengeance for a third attempt at Rome
Dr. Ben Carson & Humility of Heart – Has the GOP candidate read Fr. de Bergamo’s classic that I am currently reviving for modern audiences? DC McAllister thinks so…
MBD – Pope Francis’ “nullification reforms” amount to anathema to the Church and if they are taken and implemented in any serious way, the pledge Our Lord made to those who reverently and singularly venerate the Credo, will have to survive the greatest threat she has faced since the days of Augustine and the Donatists. “Francis deliberately conflates reasons to question the validity of vows undertaken with instances of failure to live up to them. This is ludicrous. And if the pope’s attitude is adopted in any serious way, it amounts to a dramatic reversal of the Church’s traditional position on marriage, which presumes the validity of first marriages made inside the Church or outside it. If churchmen, including the pope, really believed that half of any of the other sacraments performed by the Church were invalid, it would immediately be recognized as one of the gravest crises in the history of the faith. No other sacrament is held to standards like the one Francis proposes for the vocation that most Catholics have to the married life.”
“Conservatives” as a fixture in political life are fast becoming a joke as a result of the conservative rejection of serious discourse and contemplation in our public affairs. Rick Perry dropping out of the GOP “race” before it even gets started (in Iowa) is just the latest sign of this
ROME WASN’T DECLINED IN A DAY BY NEVER-ENDING WAR-HAWKS – How does ‘Muricah’s current state of affairs relate to the Roman State of affairs at the time of “the fall of Rome” to the Visigoths? Like ‘Muricah, Rome had ceased being vibrant, and diverse and had instead succumbed to militarism and a civil religion that replaced its stoic, republican roots…wait, this story sounds familiar.. that’s because it IS familiarly like the nose-dive to the bottom of the Atlantic sea of red-ink we’re on.
DeceptiLIBBED – Bernie Sanders goes to Liberty University to preach the message that socialists and Christians need to sit down and peacefully break bread together and defend each other’s rights “to our opinions” but what Sanders cannot grasp that makes up his error is that his “opinion” has merit, it does not. It is conceived in and proceeds from the error of secular modernity from which there are NO rights. The very concept that Sanders’ ideas haven’t received a “fair hearing” or that “conservatives” have not heard or seriously considered them and therefore this “dialogue” can be productive requires denial that “conservatism” viz “the other side”, has not considered Socialist ideas. Not only have “conservatives” heard them, indeed they have digested them and now promote them as their own.
PHILOSOPHIA PERENNIS – Early 20th Century Italian philosopher Augusto del Noce was critical of the West’s turn toward the perfunctory practice of wealth accumulation as the PRE-condition for modern living. del Noce would be proven more correct than he suspected had he lived long enough to see the collapse of any moral resistance to the sexual perversions that now pass as “dating” and “relationships” as the logical consequence of Marxism’s creep into all our affairs. “For the revolution against the transcendent to triumph, explains Lancellotti, “every meta-empirical order of truth” had to be abolished. Recreational sex replaced the truth of conjugal love. And the ideas of procreative sex and indissoluble monogamous marriage were destroyed since they presupposed, Del Noce says, “the idea of an objective order of unchangeable and permanent truths.”
BEWARE THE MUSLIM HIJRA – Islamic Scholar Andrew Bieszad is BACK, warning that the “refugee crisis” in Europe is not about refugees and diaspora, it is an invasion, just as I have been detailing the past few weeks.
‘MURICANS WANT THEIR CIVIL RELIGION ENFORCED AT THE PERIL OF ACTUAL RELIGION – Here is more proof that when someone starts yelping about “‘Muricah is a Christian nation!” they are actually yelping about the rise of the State as God. This poll shows that most ‘Muricans cheered Kim Davis being incarcerated for defying the Same Sex Marriage state. Does anyone have a map to Malta?
TRUMPZILLA EXPLAINED: ‘MURICANS APPRECIATE BAD TASTE – P.J. O’Rourke, the satirist William F Buckley hired to write for National Review, thrusts a comedy lance through the 2016 campaign for the Presidency. “Libertarian Senator Rand Paul is favoured by Republicans who consider themselves “fiscally conservative but socially liberal” .This means they want to get high and have sex while saving money. And who does not?”
FREEDOM OF THE PRESS FOR ME BUT FOR THEE– Office Depot refused (then apologized) to print a prayer card written by the National Right To Life Campaign because it might have offended someone. Yes, converting the
Baby Body Part Butchers Strike Back – Senator Mike Lee, Reminds those watching special orders on CSPAN2 that Planned Parenthood is still menacing, still butchering and still profiting from the unacceptable, ghastly murder of the soon to be born. I follow this by reminding readers that it is only the ‘Murican people’s tacit acceptance of this that allows it to continue. That acceptance is guaranteed by a culture that canonizes sexual vice and the sin it causes rather than opposing it as the existential threat it always becomes.
REFUGEES OR MUSLIM RECIDIVISTS? – Those refugees I was speaking of two days ago, desperately trying to barge their way into Hungary and now being welcome (foolishly) into Germany are not all the “wallowed in mire” poor the press corps has framed them as. Put another way, this invasion force of Muslims is larger than any army the Ottoman Empire fielded to attempt the annihilation of Christendom, but WHERE are the armies of Knights to repel the evil in the name of the One, True, Triune God? Probably watching Thursday night football’s European equivalent.
BenedictiCONNED: Let me see if I understand this correctly: A. Global Warming is in the last 20 years is REAL and ‘Muricah’s fault. B. This “warming” has caused droughts that the people of the Middle East, 6,000 years in existence, have never seen and cannot deal with. Because of A and B, thus, ‘Muricah must 1. Repent and stop causing “warming” and 2. Assist in providing homes, food and drought relief to the 80 million afflicted by our use of electricity and trains. Sounds like an angry essay posted at the Huffington Post or VOX, right? Well, it is posted by none other than “Benedict Option” promoter Rod Dreher who warns that many more “climate change refugees” are coming our way. The problem is, the people of the region in question have been dealing with FLOOD (see Noah see Genesis 6) and Drought (see story of Joseph in Genesis Ch 37-45) for their whole existence yet they are still here to be “Optioned” out and none of that was ‘Muricah’s fault or responsibility. Oh but, fair conservative, Benedict option friend, you MUST have a “belief” in climate change, lest you be in denial of the science gods and thus be…like…Amish people or even worse: flat Earthers! Well, I have no doubt that climate changes, and it changes for the benefit of life on earth even when that change includes an ephemeral, life constricting correction like an Ice Age or a large drought. Somehow (through God’s Grace) there is still a planet for God’s most cherished creation, Man, to inhabit and prosper in, yet Captain Benedict Option places us into the process of Despair that WE may miss a part of terra Shan-gri-lah. Put another way, did Noah have a “STOP GLOBAL FLOODING NOW” sticker on his ass?
MIKE CHURCH INTERVIEW: A SiriusXM Radio Personality Discovers Catholic Tradition and Perennial Philosophy. EXCERPT: “David Simpson: Why does that matter to you? What does history add to your understanding? What value does that add to you?
TRUMPZILLA meets BENTHRA – Dr Ben Carson quietly gains on Trumpzilla and has done so by exhibiting a peaceful sort of humility that I personally admire BUT as long as Carson is willing to tow the unJust War demagoguery of the GOP he is a flawed thinker and thus flawed principally
Does Kim Davis REALLY “hurt religious liberty”? Answer=NO. That is something being said all around the “conservative” internet and TRM and is the result of erroneous philosophical thinking. The original error begins with the misguided belief that to achieve religious “liberty” there must be “founders” and then there must be “constitutions” FROM those founders that “protect” said liberty. The True protectorate of religious liberty is its practice in humility and defense of its Truth by God’s Church.
DeceptiCONNED AND TRUMPZILLA’D on IRAN aka How Walter Mitty Would Do Foreign Policy as Donald Trump – Does Donald Trump really believe that yelling at et al reporters and the employees of AEI about “renegotiating” the Iran deal AFTER imposing civilian starving sanctions on them will produce a “better deal”? What will he tell the obvious pansies who negotiated for the other 6 countries to the compact “you’re fired”? What will he order the ‘Murican military to do while he plays a clown/redneck version of the neocon (sometimes)stooge Henry Kissinger? Oh wait, I forgot, he’s not one of THEM and the Mullahs always wanted a casino in Theran with that all you can eat buffet they last saw in a Trump resort in Dubai…it all makes sense now, if you’re Walter Mitty.
I’ve Got My Religious Freedom, Constitutional RIGHTS! – Hmmm, Really? W. James Antle III sees “warning Will Robinson, tyranny approaching” in the “conservative” embrace of Kim Davis and her religious opposition to promoting “gay marriage” via her occupation. Antle, like my show guest (yesterday) and friend Kevin Gutzman have their facts and the pragmatism of their arguments in the proper order BUT proceed from the not proven Universal that our “Constitutional system” is perfect and worthy of perpetual defense if we just arrange the deck chairs properly.
SURVIVOR:STRANDED OUTSIDE HUNGARY BY ‘MURICAN WAR-HAWKS EDITION – Are there consequences for all those UnJust, UnDeclared Wars that DeceptiCONS have waged in the Middle East? Yep, look no further than the same media that cheered the Military Industrial Complex’s muscle flexing now castigating the Christian Hungarians who know all too well what happens when Muslims are integrated into Christian countries of which Hungary currently is. POST SCRIPTUM: The Hungarians have “built a wall” in a matter of months to keep illegals out, why can’t Texas do it?
Teddie and The Cruisers II – Ted Cruz shows up to piggyback Mike Hucakabee who showed up to piggyback the Evangelical vote that Rowan County KY Clerk of Court Kim Davis seems to have awakened. That Republicans see Davis and public opposition to “homosexual marriages” as fodder for votes WITHOUT the foundational basis for that opposition sets up the continuation of the longstanding ‘Murican tradition of castrating authority that begin with flight from the —- read the English Reformation for the modern origins
Mike: I place a lot of emphasis on history because history informs our tradition. We can’t be traditionalists if we don’t know what the tradition is. It does form the tradition, but it also informs us of the past and we see that people have dealt with the same problems that we’re dealing with today.”
ON NULLIFICATION-THAT IS TO NULLIFY A CATHOLIC MARRIAGE – This theologian explains the changes in Catholic Annulment proceedings some of them are just procedural but 1 of them is inexplicably dangerous to the Magisterium and the souls it is to guide.
Gay SCOTUS when well known “liberals” defied the “will of the people” and refused to enforce state laws and Acts of Congress protecting “marriage” (as defined by the civil religion of the State) they were heralded as heroes for their “courage”. Not so much for minority (female) Kim Davis of Rowan County KY who is now breaking rocks ion a federal pen as HuffPo bloggers and radical homosexuals show their love
DeceptiCONNED on ObamaCare: Someone other than me recognizes the “strange” fixation that alleged “conservatives” have toward harnessing the taxing power of Leviathan in order to compel medical industry company’s to provide “healthcare” in a manner approved by the same Leviathan’s tax code authors. Confused? You should be and that’s why the government cannot be the solution to a problem it has largely caused, but don’t tell Rubio Walker and Jindal that.
DeceptiCONNED: Mike Hucakabee cannot escape the history of ‘Muricah as Civil Religion deciding every important facet of Moral Theology for the past 100 years including marriage. It is the fact that there is NO ecclesiastical authority that has defined these issues principally because ‘Murican Christians rejected that authority and transferred it to the State
There is no more E as in employment in GE’s American manufacturing plants as the appliance giant ships the remaining production of its refrigerators south to Mexico. Tim Carney fills in the sad details of why ‘Murican manufacturing is not going to make a comeback that few workers would apply to work in anyway.
Bring back Community to bring back [r]epublicanism and the Remnant will once again freely roam and maybe rule (because he is willing to BE ruled) the Earth. Samuel Goldman reviews the need for community as the building block of civilized life that the modern era has nearly eliminated and replaced with “connectedness”, the two are not the same.
John The Baptist-DeceptiCONNED – When THE Moral Code is abrogated by the “Law of the Land” what is supposed to happen? Well, civil disobedience is what is supposed to happen for faithful, regardless of an earthly court says. Isn’t that the lesson of the Christian martyrs including those were executed precisely because they would not follow the SCOTUS of their day’s edicts? Not according to the moral equivalency of “there are win-win” scenarios where homosexual “marriages” are blessed by the State and “nobody loses”. That’s funny to hear that God is a “nobody” who doesn’t care if he “loses”
St Thomas Moore and his devotees might continue seceding from leviathan by withdrawing consent as many in “The South” are currently being confronted to do when they are ordered by their federal overlords to issue “gay marriage licenses” for example. White martyrdom is here folks, the only question that remains is will it give way to its Big Brother: Red Martyrdom of which St Thomas Moore was a beheaded casualty.
GALILEO WAS WRONG, BACK TO SCHOOL MUST HEAR RADIO! – Today’s Special Guest, Robert Sungenis, gives us a 90 minute long presentation on WHY Galileo Was Wrong, the ground-breaking film series that finally challenges the “settled science” of Heliocentrism that never was confirmed. “Galileo Was Wrong reveals in spectacular graphics and painstaking research that the true scientific evidence not only puts Earth in a central location in the universe, but shows that it enjoys the unique privilege of being the only motionless body around which everything else revolves.” Listen to the 70 minute recap of this presentation and soon to come video with the all new Founders Pass Media Player
WE ARE FAMILY – 50 years ago Daniel Patrick Moynihan penned a study of the then young “Great Society” of LBJ, his predictions have been born out by a factor of 2 while his conclusions on what to do about it remain on a shelf and collecting dust. As this essay recounts, Moynihan knew that it was the natural, God created institution of Family that was key. “Morals and manners—more than legislation—primarily shape the direction of great nations. Any hope for regeneration will likely arise from our families with active and involved fathers, churches that foster family cohesiveness, and various ministries and nonprofits that make strong, nuclear families a priority.”
More Folly of We The Sheople – “The Constitution demands that Congress declare war on ISIS and “We the People should enforce it” is is a noble and laudable demand from this columnist for the Atlantic. But these demands are actually legal affirmations if there IS a Constitution still to be obeyed thus showing the impracticability of written Constitutions that, regardless of their noble intentions, rely on their own created entities for discipline and acknowledge no higher authority.
Ius ad bellum non decepio est – FINALLY someone other than this page and its author takes Obama, Dumbocrats and DeceptiCONS to the woodshed for a Founders whooping over the illegal and unconstitutional “war” Obama is waging with Congress’s tacit approval against ISIS
Darwin Was Wrong Pt I – Chris Ferrara reveals the story of a Jesuit monk who was actually making genetic discoveries in the physical world and not using the fallacious “hypothetical” that the sorcerer Charles Darwin used to explain “evolution”.
PREP BETTER: Download the original text file of Ronald Reagan’s E.O. 12333 in this week’s Prep Better section for Founders Pass Members. Not a member? Signup today for .17¢ per day.
Q: Was the 14th Amendment ever ratified? A: No, and Forrest MacDonald has the proof.
Today’s Latin Phrase of the Day: “Boni judicis est ampliare jurisdictionem,” Good judges seek to increase (amplify) their jurisdiction
Written by: TheKingDude
todayAugust 28, 2024 104 1
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