Founders Television

Boehner Forced To Eat His Own Crap Sandwich… Defends Ryan on Bailouts

todayAugust 14, 2012 11


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    Boehner Forced To Eat His Own Crap Sandwich… Defends Ryan on Bailouts ClintStroman


Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Audio and Video – Yesterday John Boehner was on “On The Record” with Greta van Susteren and was forced to defend VP nod Paul Ryan on TARP, the GM Bailout, and more.  According to Boehner, Ryan did what he had to do to “save the world economy”. Sounds like someone just took a giant bite out of that old crap sandwich, right Boehner? Check out today’s [r]epublican radio podcast for our news digest, monolgues, and Founders History segment.  And if you don’t have a Founder’s Pass, grab one today and enjoy all of our previous shows as well!

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    Boehner Forced To Eat His Own Crap Sandwich… Defends Ryan on Bailouts ClintStroman

Written by: ClintStroman

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  1. Clay Bowler on August 15, 2012

    Mike, to further promote your show, would you consider allowing an embed function on your audio clips? A lot of people want to know who this Mike Church guy is but aren’t ready to pull the trigger on a subscription to SiriusXM. You are the only reason I took out a lifetime subscription.
