
The Healthcare Debate Is Truly About Liberty

todayJune 25, 2013 8


Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Your care, the care of your life, your freedom to negotiate a deal that might bankrupt you, true, but would save your life, your freedom to do that isn’t worth the piece of paper that you would sign it away for in the eyes of those people that live inside that 10-mile square. And they’re aghast that you’ve figured this out. They have been running roughshod over you and I, you and me, for seven decades now. They’ve taken over our schools and ruined them. They’ve taken over our institutions and told us that our institutions don’t represent what we thought that they do. They have rendered our documents irrelevant. They have bastardized our founders. They have taught us history that never was history. Check out today’s post for the rest of the transcript…


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike: Your care, the care of your life, your freedom to negotiate a deal that might bankrupt you, true, but would save your life, your freedom to do that isn’t worth the piece of paper that you would sign it away for in the eyes of those people that live inside that 10-mile square. And they’re aghast that you’ve figured this out. They have been running roughshod over you and I, you and me, for seven decades now. They’ve taken over our schools and ruined them. They’ve taken over our institutions and told us that our institutions don’t represent what we thought that they do. They have rendered our documents irrelevant. They have bastardized our founders. They have taught us history that never was history.


They’ve told our children to go out and contract sexual diseases, and it’s okay because your government will give you a pill to fix it. They’ve told our young people to go out and get pregnant, don’t worry about starting a family, start one on your own. You don’t need a husband. Just go out and do it. It’s what all the kids are doing. Don’t worry, the government will pay you for it. They have taken our minority citizens, they have sold them a phony bill of goods. They have told them that they are to be cared for, and that they need not care for themselves. And they have told entire generations of young black children, “You don’t need a daddy. I am yo’ baby daddy.”

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And it’s all rolled into – you can take all of that, every single last stitch of it, every period, every comma, every word, every character in a word that has been printed on a piece of legislation that has come out of that gristmill of tyranny in Washington, D.C. And you can roll all that, baby, into that one simple discovery. They were willing to kill you. Yeah, I said it, Ed. That’s right. I said it. They were willing to stand in judgment of you. They were willing to stand in judgment, to appoint a board to stand in judgment of whether or not you were worthy as a human being of receiving a medical procedure that they deemed you are not worthy of because they hadn’t approved of it. That’s all you need to know. You don’t need to know anything else to revolt. If that’s not enough, I don’t know what is. What else could they possibly do to us? Or conspire to do to us?

road-to-independence-BH-RTIDE2-detailAnd guess what, they’re not finished yet. They’ve been told over and over and over again, they’ve been protested against – you know what this reminds me of? This reminds me of the run-up to the American Revolution. You had people that were saying, oh, no, we’ve got to give King George III another chance. Men such as John Dickinson, who came from Pennsylvania at the time, who were writing these things called “olive branch petitions.” “Please, King George, we beg you to reconsider.” Then you had guys like Jefferson and Adams going, like, these people will kill us, dude [chuckling]. They don’t want to hear your stupid petition. They’ve got 20,000 Hessian mercenaries on a boat headed this way to force us to do what they want us to do. They don’t care about us. They’ll kill us if we don’t do what they tell us to do. And then the light bulb goes off, and other people begin to wake up and say, wait a minute, this Jefferson guy, this Adams guy might be on to something here. Better pay attention. Read the Declaration of Independence and read the complaints lodged against the King of England and tell me that you’re not seeing the exact same thing.

Mike Church Show Transcript – The Affordable Care Act Ushers In Government Authority Over Who Lives And Who Dies

I don’t need 700 eyewitness accounts from this town hall or that town hall. I don’t need Chuck Todd. I don’t need David Gregory. I don’t need Brian Williams or Katie Couric or any of these other elite, lofty, having ascended to the highest ranks of journalism fools, to tell me who showed up and what they discussed. I don’t need to hear about your healthcare debate because it’s not a debate about healthcare. It’s a debate about life. It’s a debate about liberty. It’s a debate about happiness. And you nimrods, I am thankful to you, Nancy Pelosi, thank you. I am thankful to Ted Kennedy that he finally got his wish, and that European-style execution denial of medical service healthcare, put upon the people, managed against the people, for the benefit of the few, and it finally tried to rear its ugly head here. Let me serve notice to you, too, sirs. Your constituents are not finished protesting. If you don’t back off, you’re going to cause more backlash. You’re going to instigate more protest, not less. People aren’t going to fold their tents up and say, oh, well, they passed ObamaCare, and Grandma will stand in front of the death panel, like Sarah Palin said. Oh, so what. You do not entrust the state your life and death. You just don’t do it. Our forefathers demanded this of us. They warned us about it. And yet here we were.

article-v-pamphlet-adYou know who I heard the other night, and I thought he summed this up really well. You know that guy from England, the minister of Parliament Daniel Hannan? He was on with Sean Hannity, on “Hannity’s America” the other night. And Hannity asked him some really good questions. Well, actually what he did was he let Hannan speak and just got out of the way. No offense, Sean. And Hannan said, “Do not do this, Sean. Do not allow this to happen in America. The rest of the world has made the godawful mistake of trading just a little bit of security for the alleged – a little bit of liberty for the alleged security of healthcare. Don’t do it. You’ll never be able to get it off your backs. It is the most disgusting thing to watch people being denied care and services. And it has suppressed our people.”

People that are living this are begging us and telling us don’t do it because they don’t have anywhere else to go if we do. And they know what destructive nature – they know the destructive nature of it, I should say. We should listen to the British. We should listen to the Italians. We should listen to some of the other countries that are trying to repeal these things now, that are trying to get rid of them. And here we go, ready to dive into the pool. It’s not going to happen on our watch, is it, ladies and gentlemen.

End Mike Church Show Transcript


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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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