Boston Security Failed, So The Proven Experts Will Step In…The State
todayDecember 27, 2013
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(Originally published on 04 April, 2013)
Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript –“In other words, you peons in Boston are not to be trusted with your own security. You peons, you peasants in New York or New Orleans or Atlanta or anywhere else are not to be trusted with your own safety and security. [mocking] ‘Citizen, you don’t know what’s good for you, citizen.’ “ Check out today’s transcript for the rest…
Begin Mike Church Show Transcript
Mike: After a big event like this, you’re going to have all manner of recrimination and all manner of: If this would have happened, then that wouldn’t have happened. Lo and behold, here’s the headline from Foreign Policy Digest: “Saudi national no longer ‘person of interest’ in Boston bombings.” This is by Josh Rogin, posted last night.
The Saudi national injured during the bomb attacks at the Boston Marathon Monday has been cleared and is no longer even a person of interest, intelligence officials told lawmakers Tuesday.
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Director of National Intelligence James Clapper briefed members of the Senate Intelligence Committee behind closed doors in a pre-scheduled hearing that was supposed to focus on the budget, but Clapper began with an update of the bombings. Ranking Republican Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) emerged from the briefing and said he was told the 22-year old Saudi student who was injured during the bombings and remains in the care of a local hospital was no longer a focus of investigators.
“He was never categorized as a suspect; he was a person of interest. My understanding is that he totally cooperated and that he is no longer a person of interest,” Chambliss said. [Mike: That depends. He may be a person of interest to his parents. He may be a person of interest to his siblings.]
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Asked if there were any other persons of interest at this time, Chambliss said, “Not that I know of.”
Details about the bombings are still scarce and the investigation hasn’t yielded any firm conclusions about the perpetrator or the origin of the explosive devices yet, according to Chambliss.
“It’s a very fluid investigation…”
[end reading]
Mike:Why is a member of the United States Senate, who is from the State of Georgia, why in dude’s holy name is he disseminating information about this? It is not as though there are not ample amount of people in the Boston, Massachusetts area. You have the mayor, Menino. You have the governor, Deval Patrick. You have the attorney general there. You have the district attorney there. You have the chief of police. The police and fire department even have a $50,000 reward out for the capture of the perp. It’s not as though the local yokels aren’t involved in all this. There’s another part of this story that I thought was interesting and very illustrative of our current non-republican malaise.
“We don’t know at this point whether it was a home grown terrorist, whether it was an isolated incident or part of an overall scheme…”
[end reading]
Mike: Do we have audio of this? Did Obama call this an act of terror yesterday?
AG: That he did, yes. I’ve got it here.
Mike: It is now officially an — when the government makes it official, then it’s really an official act of terror. [mocking] “Citizen, you are not to be terrorized until your government tells you you are terrorized, citizen.” Here’s the president:
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[start audio clip]
President Obama: What we don’t yet know, however, is who carried out this attack or why, whether it was planned and executed by a terrorist organization, foreign or domestic, or was the act of a malevolent individual.
[end audio clip]
Mike:Can you hit that again?
[start audio clip]
President Obama:What we don’t yet know, however, is who carried out this attack or why, whether it was planned and executed by a terrorist organization, foreign or domestic, or was the act of a malevolent individual.
[end audio clip]
Mike:That’s what I was looking for. What is a domestic terrorist organization? Andrew, can you help me out with that? Do you know the names of any domestic terrorist organizations?
AG: Aryan Brotherhood.
Mike: They’re not terrorists. They’re lunatics, but they’re not terrorists are they? Have they bombed anybody?
AG: Yeah. They are definitely terrorists.
Mike: Okay, Aryan Brotherhood. Who did they bomb?
AG:They would, through violent acts at marches or things like that, I would constitute that as terrorist acts.
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Mike: No, I’m saying who? When? I’m not familiar with their — I know that they’re out there. Hell, there are Nazi groups that are out there. I’m just not aware that they have actually perpetrated terrorism. So it’s one thing to be accused of being a terrorist group but another to be a terrorist group. Anyway, when he said domestic terrorism, I’m thinking you can’t have domestic terrorist groups here. You guys have a five zettabyte intelligence farm going up out there in Utah. If you know that there are domestic terrorist groups out there, why haven’t you outlawed them? Pick them up. Bring them in. Send Sergeant Friday out there. Haul them in for questioning. I heard that yesterday and went: Domestic terrorist, what is he talking about? Anyway, I thought that was intriguing. One more point on this, again, I’ll ask the question why a senator from Georgia is commenting on the investigation going on in the State of Massachusetts. Did anyone from Georgia have to be called in to investigate or get to the bottom of what was called the Boston Massacre? I’m just reflecting here. Andrew, what year was it that the Red Sox won the World Series and some person was shot in the head with a rubber bullet?
AG: Was it 2003 maybe, 2004?
Mike: Was it that long ago? Wow.
AG:I think that was the first time they won. They’ve won twice, right?
Mike: They’ve won twice.
AG: I think the first one was 2003, 2004.
Mike: Was that where the cops thought there was a riot or the fans were storming the streets so somebody unloaded on the crowd with a machine gun or whatever full of rubber bullets? Do you remember that?
AG:Yeah, like beanbag bullets and like that?
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Mike: I don’t want to discount the loss of life, but somebody was popped with a rubber bullet. Anyway, I’m just thinking of whether or not anyone from Georgia was brought in to get to the bottom of the rubber bullet incident after the Red Sox game. Here’s Chambliss:
Chambliss did say that security around the country would have to change for large public events…
[end reading]
Mike: I knew it. All of you knew it. All of you knew it. This is another excuse. [mocking] “We’ve got gaps in our intelligence. We have to be 100 percent sure.” Did you not hear the story of how the bomb sniffing dogs and the bomb sniffing crew and all the cops that were there at the event? Folks, it won’t be long, we’ll all have tattoos, I’m telling you. We’ll all be tatted up and it won’t be a tattoo of an American eagle or the crow from the U.S. Navy on your forearm. It’ll be an ID tattoo that will look like a barcode. You’ll scan yourself in and out of these kinds of events. People say, [mocking] “I’m not waiting. I don’t want to wait. It’s too long. I just want to go to the marathon. I just want to go to the game.” You can’t do that anymore. You’ve got to go through this machine here. [mocking] “Citizen, bear your forearm.”
Chambliss did say that security around the country would have to change for large public event, including greater involvement by the federal government.
[end reading]
Mike: How much more involved could these people possibly get and to what end? You mean to tell me you really believe had they — would it be the Boston Marathon if they locked it down and they only let people in who would scan their forearms? Why is it every time something happens, these people spring into action as if they have fixed anything in the past, as if their track record indicates that they could actually fix these things or they could prevent these things from happening? Chambliss then climbed up on his soapbox and proclaimed:
“This was a soft target. It was not a target that was able to be totally protected,” he said. “This particular incident is going to cause the administration and Congress to evaluate our overall security programs around the country, particularly for major events. We can’t leave it just to the communities that host these events to provide the security.”
[end reading]
Mike: In other words, you peons in Boston are not to be trusted with your own security. You peons, you peasants in New York or New Orleans or Atlanta or anywhere else are not to be trusted with your own safety and security. [mocking] “Citizen, you don’t know what’s good for you, citizen.” For crying out loud. Someone was upbraiding me on the Twitter feed yesterday, [mocking] “If you can’t say something nice, why don’t you just shut the hell up or stay home? You’re not helping any. Let the government handle it.” Let the government handle it [laughing]. Let’s see here, who is in charge of the security?
Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Abortion, and even contraception, even in the prevention of pregnancy, is verboten in church teaching. This goes all the way back prior – this is taken directly from the gospels, directly from the Old Testament, and then passed on traditionally." Check out today’s transcript […]
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