
Brit Hume Through Moral Relativism On Sandra Bland

todayJuly 28, 2015 8



Secede_or_Die_Can_cooler_FEATURED-1024x733Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – No one wants to see an end to any of these things.  No one wants to see race relations smoothed over.  That would disemploy too many people.  That’s the grim reality of this.  That’s what those numbers are screaming at me.  That’s what they ought to be screaming at you and any person that has a soul, which is all of us that has even tangentially communicated with that soul and tangentially communicated with Almighty God.  Check out today’s transcript for the rest….

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  You want to talk about moral relativism, how people hold these – it has to be that they don’t know the stats.  They don’t know the numbers.  Or perhaps they’re provided to them and they just ignore them.  [mocking] “I’m not going to look at that.  I’ve got funds to raise.  I have people that I must keep angry.  There are minority people out there that I must keep angry and agitated, otherwise I might have to go out and find a real job.  As long as they’re angry, they’ll keep donating and they’ll keep paying me to keep them angry.”  Can you just imagine this?  What a sickness this is.  These professional – and that’s what they are – hucksters, whether it be for whatever minority or for whatever aggrieved or victimhood group they represent, are actually paid, earn their nonprofit living – just imagine that.  You earn a living from a nonprofit.  Talk about nominalism.  They earn that living by keeping people angry, by keeping people agitated, by ensuring that whatever atrocity it is that they oppose continues.

No one wants to see an end to any of these things.  No one wants to see race relations smoothed over.  That would disemploy too many people.  That’s the grim reality of this.  That’s what those numbers are screaming at me.  That’s what they ought to be screaming at you and any person that has a soul, which is all of us that has even tangentially communicated with that soul and tangentially communicated with Almighty God.  35,188 black kids killed in their mothers’ wombs.  Who knows how many of their little body parts were harvested by Planned Parenthood.  46.1% of all abortions in New York City and in nearby Connecticut are worried about the name of a fundraising dinner.  The numbers are equally shocking for the Hispanic population, 23,959 children murdered in their mothers’ wombs.  That is 31.4% of all abortions performed in New York City in 2011.  Does this sound like a city that you want to visit?  The only reason that maybe you would like to visit it would be that you’re going to stand out on the corner with Father carne from St. Louis and hand out rosaries and try to convert people.  In the year that was 2011 in Manhattan alone, 76,251 abortions.

Let me play for you Brit Hume on Fox News last night with Bret Baier.  I guess Brit finally couldn’t take it any longer and asked Bret: Can I come in and do a little commentary on this Planned Parenthood stuff?  Of course, Baier graciously accepted.  Folks, listen to Brit’s one-minute-long commentary.  What I want you to pay very close attention to is when Brit Hume is finished with his commentary

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and he does his crosstalk with Bret Baier.  Pay very close attention to the last 20 seconds.  This is an admission on cable news that is not supposed to happen.  You’re not supposed to hear what Brit Hume is about to say.  As a matter of fact, I still can’t believe I heard it.  You’re not supposed to hear this.  Now that it’s out there, Fox News won’t be able to take it back.  I think this is from last night.  I don’t see the date on it.  It was either last night or the night before.

[start audio file]

Bret Baier: … calls for investigations and defunding of Planned Parenthood over the alleged selling of body parts from aborted fetuses. There is a larger point to be made about the industry. Senior political analyst Brit Hume is here with that tonight. Good evening, Brit.

Brit Hume: Whatever comes of the revelations about Planned Parenthood and its participation in the traffic in fetal body parts, those revelations will have achieved one thing. They have parted the veil of antiseptic tidiness behind which the abortion industry has for so long operated. The sight of a senior Planned Parenthood official, and a doctor to boot, discussing the market for fetal body parts in between bites of salad and sips of wine was stomach-turning. That’s because it laid bare the essentially brutal nature of abortion. Let’s be blunt. Abortion involves the extraction and killing of a human life which within a couple weeks of pregnancy has a beating heart. Five weeks in, its hands and legs begin to grow. It is these tiny creatures, and too often the ones that are far more developed, that are pulled from a mother’s womb and crushed with forceps, oh, but oh so carefully lest body parts can later be sold or preserved. This gruesome procedure shows the extent to which we as a people have been anesthetized by the estimated 55 million abortions performed since the Supreme Court discovered a constitutional right to that procedure 42 years ago. Will we as a nation not someday come to look upon that decision and what it has done to us, not to mention the 55 million, with horror and regret? One can only hope we will.

Baier: Speaking of lives, back to that story all lives matter and the apology by Martin O’Malley at that Netroots Nation event. What do you make of that? [/private]

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Order Your hardback copy of Life of George Washington, out of print since 1920 but available now from Mike Church & Founding Father Films publishing

Hume: That was just astonishing that he should be forced, or feel that he was forced to apologize for saying that. I can’t by any scientific way tell you what the composition of the Netroots Nation people in attendance were. It does show you that at least one political party is politically incorrect to say that all lives matter. Thinking back on what I was just saying, it suggests that we’re a longer way away from that hoped-for day when we will regret all this that we’ve done, not just to living people but the unborn, may be farther off than we had hoped.

[end audio file]

Mike:  “We will live to regret all this that we have done,” that is as candid as it gets from Brit Hume.  He said it during his commentary.  Now will it finally dawned on people that this was a horrific mistake?  Good for you, Brit Hume.  That’s precisely what people ought to be saying.  How is it that the Clinton News Network and the other networks can spend days of broadcasting time fixating over whether or not this Sandra Bland woman was killed by the prison guard or the boogeyman in the cell or some wacko that got out of his cell and got in there and killed her?  It’s not to say that Ms. Bland’s life was not precious.  It was, but it was just that, a life.  By all indications now she probably took her own life.  But yet let’s spend entire days, let’s run the video over and over and over and fricking over of this cop pulling her over.  Oh, what horror.  She got stopped by a police officer.  Yet the actual real horror of the Josef Mengele-like Deborah Nucatola sipping wine and chomping down on salad and talking about selling baby parts that she has just ripped from a live, kicking, screaming – if it could – child.  We don’t want to run that.  No, that’s illegal.  That’s a woman’s right to choose.  What kind of a world, what kind of people, what edition of humanity does this and continues to do it?

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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