
Brother André Marie To Mike Church Show Fans: Keep This CRUSADE Going!

todayDecember 7, 2017 11


Mandeville, LA – The following email was sent out by my friend and radio colleague Brother André Marie of the Saint Benedict Center. Most of you know that Brother André has been teaching Philosophia Perrennis on this site and then the CRUSADE Channel since May of 2014. Brother also joined the CRUSADE Channel that I founded in 2015 as an original part of our talk-show host team and recently celebrated the 100th episode of his hit radio show ReConquest. Brother has taken a personal interest in keeping the CRUSADE Channel & thus the Mike Church Show going and by his own initiative is sending the following campaign out to his large following. Please join me in thanking Brother André for all his contributions. – Mike

I can tell you, as someone personally involved in the “message” that the Crusade Channel is promoting, that it is both solid Catholic material, and original content you will not hear elsewhere. If you listen to talk radio, wouldn’t you rather have something Catholic to listen to? Even for your news, political commentary, and financial advice? You will not get what Veritas Radio Network has to offer from Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Ben Shapiro, and the rest.

Dear Readers,

Pax Christi. It is the eleventh hour and things look rough. But, with your help, we will scrape by on the Twelfth Night.

I’m writing with a problem — and a solution. The problem is that an apostolic venture in online radio, one that has been making converts to the Catholic Faith, is threatened with failure. The solution is to build up the subscribing listenership quickly. At the end of this message, I will tell you how you can do that for yourself and for others at a deep discount off the regular subscription price.

I speak of the Veritas Radio Network’s Crusade Channel, a cause I am highly invested in because it is the online media outlet that distributes my weekly internet radio show, Reconquest.

Not only has this online radio venture been instrumental in a steady stream of converts to the Catholic Faith since its inception two years ago, it has also been responsible for some genuine “reversions” of fallen-away or non-practicing Catholics. About twenty people have come to, or come back to, the Catholic Church because of the Crusade Channel. And those are only the ones who have written to tell us. Through this radio apostolate, I personally have met people from Baptist, Evangelical, and Jewish backgrounds who have either converted, or are in the process of taking instruction in the Catholic Faith. A Jewish friend I made through the Crusade Channel, who studied Brother Francis’ Philosophy course with Mike Church and me, is now taking instruction from a traditional Catholic priest and longs to be baptized.

People are writing to tell us, excitedly, that they have never heard the Faith presented in this way, and they love it. The converts and the other listeners are learning to think as Catholics should about their faith, their morals, their families, as well as about social and cultural questions.

At the time that Mike Church approached me a little over two years ago to do a radio show, I had been mulling over the idea of having my own “podcast” as a way of extending the Crusade of Saint Benedict Center’s media apostolate beyond our present publications and recordings. Mike’s offer was very attractive to me for a number of reasons. First, I would have his coaching and advice on how do to a radio show (there is no replacement for experience). Besides that, I would have his sound engineer “tweak” our show for optimal quality. Moreover, I would not have to develop my own audience by trying to outshout everyone else on YouTube, Blog Talk Radio, or SoundCloud; my show would be distributed to a listenership that Mike had been cultivating during his many years as a well-known radio personality on SiriusXM Radio, and (hopefully) bringing with him to this new venture. The more I came to know Mike, the more I could tell that the man really knows what he is doing, having mastered the “talk radio” genre. If it were not for our partnership with Mike, Reconquest would not be what it is.

More than all that, as one of the hosts of a program on Veritas Radio Network, I would become (as I have), part of a family of Catholic broadcasters who have the same interest in converting America to the Catholic Faith, and consecrating the social order — so much in need of repair! — to the Our Lord Jesus Christ the King.

While Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel are still in their beginnings, my show reaches hundreds every week and thousands every month. Please don’t let it die now!

The Crusade Channel has many great offerings from that “family” of broadcasters:

The flagship Mike Church Show, by the host of the longest-lived Sirius-XM radio show
The True Money Show, with attorney and financial adviser, David Simpson
The Pearcing Truth, with Mike Church and the Catholic man of letters Joseph Pearce
Reverse Deception Radio, with technology and intelligence expert, Gregory Carpenter
Sermon Sundays, a lineup of great sermons from traditional priests organized for broadcast by Steve Cunningham (of Sensus Fidelium fame)
Reconquest, with your humble servant

And various special projects, like the Deliver Us from Evil Tapes and The Modern Wrong World Made Right.
The first couple of years have been a lot of hard work for Mike, but the network is still surviving. He is passionate about the project — perhaps more passionate than most people would be about their private or professional obsessions. Mike is putting his life savings into keeping this venture going, not because he hopes to become a millionaire by it, but because he believes that the important message we are taking to internet radio is sorely needed. He wants to get to “the next level” — to the number of subscribers it needs to sustain itself — and then he wants to line up new programming.

I can tell you, as someone personally involved in the “message” that the Crusade Channel is promoting, that it is both solid Catholic material, and original content you will not hear elsewhere.

If you listen to talk radio, wouldn’t you rather have something Catholic to listen to? Even for your news, political commentary, and financial advice? You will not get what Veritas Radio Network has to offer from Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Ben Shapiro, and the rest. Even the one (nominal) Catholic on the list will not provide you with thinking on social or political questions that is remotely Catholic.

Please help make Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel a success, and keep my show and the others going to an ever growing audience. Please subscribe, and give out gift subscriptions to introduce your friends to the Crusade Channel.

This promotion was my idea, and I asked Mike if he could muster up some specials to help me promote the work. So, from now till Twelfth Night — that is, the Epiphany (January 6) — you can subscribe to the Veritas Radio Network’s Crusade Channel for HALF PRICE, at either the monthly or annual level. In addition, you can purchase gift subscriptions for friends — whether you already subscribe yourself or not — at 30% off. There is no limit to the number of gift subscriptions you can purchase.

To get this great deal and help sustain a worthwhile radio apostolate, please click here. The coupon code for 50% off Founders Pass memberships is: benedict; the coupon code for 30% off gift memberships is benedictgift.

Feel free to forward this message to others.

God bless and Mary keep you!

In the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
Brother André Marie, M.I.C.M.

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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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