
Bruce Fein On The DudeMaker Hotline

todayDecember 2, 2010 17


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articlev-detail largeMandeville, LA – Fortunate enough to have Bruce Fein back on the showwith us today, a preeminent outspoken authority on matters of foreignpolicy who is always welcome here on The Mike Church Show. First topicof the conversation is what’s most prominent in the media currently,the WikiLeaks, which Bruce gives a thorough synopsis of how he feels onit, what the real issue is, and how to solve this and put it behind us.From here we shift gears a bit when the KingDude brings up our recentinterview with the great Reid Buckley, and how he stated that culture,or a lack thereof, is what has brought us to this state of societywe’re wallowing in. Bruce agrees, adding that the plight we’re in is anentire degradation to our political culture, because it’s the politicalculture that’s given the President more power, the morphing ofpolitical culture has enabled Congress to act on the things that arenot justified in the Constitution, as we see here daily.

The second half of the interview touches on great pianists, Van Halen, the ‘A’ chord, Clark Gable and Frank Sinatra. Somehow,all these things are relevant and related. You might ask yourselves howand why, or you may have just lost interest. But just know that theonly way to truly understand all this nonsense is to….listen.

Bruce Fein Interview, pt.1 – 

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Bruce Fein Interview, pt.2 – 

Related Material: Continue your Fein/Church fix here with another clip from the archives of The Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM’s Patriot Channel:

American Empire Before The Fall With Bruce Fein and Mike

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript – Quick Quote: Fein On WikiLeaks

Mike:  So before I made my final, put my final thoughts together on this WikiLeaks thing, my first reaction before Thanksgiving, and I knew we couldnt get you on last week, was to tell Andrew, my producer, please get Bruce Fein on because I want to hear from Mr. Fein what his thoughts on it are.  So the floor is yours, sir.

Bruce Fein:  Well, the WikiLeaks, I think, shows why the governments claims of urgent secrecy in order to run our foreign policy is bogus.  And it reminds me of my baptism in Washington at the time of the Pentagon Papers, where you had similar release of classified information, 47 volumes about the Vietnam War, the lies that were told.  And there were certainly disclosures of diplomatic communications.  And it was said that would be the end of diplomacy, the end of sharing of intelligence between the CIA and other organizations.  And not a whit of damage was ever established between that release of the Pentagon Papers and any harm to the United States.  If anything, it accelerated our Vietnam War folly.  We exited in a disgraceful fashion in 1975.  And you remember, Mike, all the claims, the domino theory, the domino theory, my gosh, all of Southeast Asia, Northeast Asia will fall like dominos to communism.  And here we are, years later, and did any of that happen?  No.




Bruce:  In fact, we have had some smooth trading relations with Vietnam, and Vietnam turns out to be one of Chinas chief enemies, not an enemy of the United States.  And thats an example of why, I think, the WikiLeaks is disclosing information that the American people are able to absorb.  And the benefits of disclosure are always vastly better than any conceivable information edge you could give our adversaries out there.  Theres no doubt that its conceivable maybe someone will detect some kind of way to drive a further wedge between the U.S. and Pakistan by comments that the President, Mr. Zardari, is a little bit weak in the cerebral faculties or whatever.  But those are minor compared to the major issue, Michael, is whether we should be there at all, whether we should even undertake these adventurous measures abroad.  Are they worth the gamble?  Thats the major issue.

And that is why these disclosures are so helpful, because you keep coming back to the question, why are we even there?  Why are we making these statements abroad?  Why are we concerned about whether or not theres stability in Chad or in Bosnia or whatever?  How does that relate to the security and freedom of Americans, with our trillion-dollar defense and national security budgets, which should be focused on protecting Americans?  The influence abroad is the influence of our example, by scrupulous adherence to due process and freedom for Americans.  And we encourage others to emulate it.  But if they dont, thats not our business.  Were not sending our men and women abroad to risk that last full measure of devotion so Afghan women or Iraqi men can have freedom of speech or avoid discrimination, et cetera.  Its not callous, its just a recognition that we do not have a moral obligation to save the world from evil.

End Mike Church Show Transcript


2010 Mike Church Show

Written by: TheKingDude

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