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Caller 17 Yr Old Kelsie-Why Are There DeceptiCONS Mitter Church, Why!?

todayNovember 8, 2011 6

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    Caller 17 Yr Old Kelsie-Why Are There DeceptiCONS Mitter Church, Why!? TheKingDude

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    Caller 17 Yr Old Kelsie-Why Are There DeceptiCONS Mitter Church, Why!? TheKingDude

Mike Church Show Audio – 17 Yr Old, home schooled, Kelsie from Indiana calls in and wants to know why DeceptiCONS continue their deceitful ways against the Constitution? Mike dedicates the following answer to some of the recent cadre of DeceptiCONS bombarding his e-mail box and FaceBook pages with attacks against himself, Professor Gutzman, Professor Woods, Ron Paul and others. No Liberal disguised as a conservative stone is left unturned in Mike’s challenge to these [former] listeners (they have all sworn to tune out forever in search of some radio Gawd who doesn’t support Ron Paul and his defense of the Constitution. You can leave your answers to Mike’s query here: Which part of Paul (and Mike’s) defense and fidelity to the U.S. Constitution would they tell young Kelsie to jettison, "get a life" and stop being "a hack for [James Madison]. If you know a Ron Paul/Constitution hater, forward this to them and demand a written answer for young Kelsie.

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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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