
Caller Brian Wants to Know Why Talk Radio Mafia Disregards Mike’s Work on Founders

todayOctober 3, 2012 10


Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – As Lew Rockwell has been quoted as saying, “Being right is overrated.”  We just kind of slog on and I’m happy that we have discovered new friends and listeners like yourself, and the other millions who I have passed through their stereo speakers or their iPhones or internet connections and computer speakers, or computer screens reading transcripts.  I’m just thankful that I am blessed with the audience that we have.  God’s will be done, my friend, there’s really nothing I can do to influence those other people and what they say or think.  I’m just kind of happy to be where I’m at. Check out the rest in today’s transcript…


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  John in North Carolina just happens to be next up.  Hello, John.

Caller John:  Good morning.  How are you, sir?

Mike:  Well, good, fine, thank you.

Caller John:  All due respect, I’m gathering you are kind of the redheaded stepchild, so to speak, of morning talk radio.  I listen to this station a lot.  I catch you on morning drive, but I never notice anybody ever mentioning your name.  A lot of these guys have their own little secret club and Mike Church never really comes up.  It’s a shame because I actually enjoy listening to you quite a bit more than the others.  I guess my question is, do you find yourself to be the proverbial redheaded stepchild of talk radio?

Mike:  I find myself to be the only republican amongst alleged Republicans.

Caller John:  Little ‘r’ versus big “R,” correct?

Mike:  That’s correct.  To tell you the truth, family and friends spend more time obsessing over it than I do, because I would drive myself crazy with what you just said.  Am I aware of it?  I think I would not be human were I not to be aware of it. Am I aware that my colleagues in the industry have totally ignored and even some have insulted my efforts to bring the history of the founding generation into multimedia form?  You’d think that men and women of such high caliber and such high station in life that regard so highly the founding fathers would venerate any effort to bring them to the masses, but such is not the case.  I don’t dwell on it and there’s nothing you can do about it.  You can’t compel those people to do it.

As Lew Rockwell has been quoted as saying, “Being right is overrated.”  We just kind of slog on and I’m happy that we have discovered new friends and listeners like yourself, and the other millions who I have passed through their stereo speakers or their iPhones or internet connections and computer speakers, or computer screens reading transcripts.  I’m just thankful that I am blessed with the audience that we have.  God’s will be done, my friend, there’s really nothing I can do to influence those other people and what they say or think.  I’m just kind of happy to be where I’m at.

Caller John:  Just so you know, you have a strong, loyal following here at the air force base in Raleigh, North Carolina.  There are those of us out here.

Mike:  John, I could pull a Howard Stern and say I ought to have a contest.  AG, we could grade tapes of people calling into other shows and sneaking my name in on their air, like Stern used to do.  I think that’s beneath how we try to conduct our affairs here.  We’re not always perfect.  I’m not always perfect.  I yell at people sometimes that I shouldn’t.  I don’t yell at people sometimes that I should.  I just think that is beneath a gentlemanly effort at what it is we’re trying to do here.  Again, John, the fact that you acknowledge that and call the radio program and you said it publicly is evidence enough of that which you say for me.  You made my day, man.  Thank you.

Caller John:  You have a great day.

End Mike Church Show Transcript


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Written by: ClintStroman

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  1. Phil Uzzo on October 3, 2012

    I have to say Mike, it took me a little longer than the required 8 weeks. Everything I do now I owe to you, I’ve wanted to call, but I”m never in 1 place long enough. I’d hate to sit on hold for a long time and get in a bad area and not be able to talk to you.

    You took everything I thought I knew about conservatism and turned it on its head. It took me a while, but I finally got it. I started listening in 2005 and I don’t get to listen much anymore, only on the weekends I get to hear your replay. I’ve heard you on what seemed like some of your worst days. Days when you were saying that you just wanted to quit and do something else.

    Well, I’m with John on this one, I’m glad you’re still doing what you do. You’ve been an inspiration to me. When I do get to listen, it’s you and Wilkow, you guys are really the only 2 I care to listen to. Of Course, I listen to Slater on Sundays while I’m out delivering gas. I think you’d really like him, he sounds like a younger version of you.

    As you probably know, I did start a re-founding fathers society on facebook with the intentions of having regular meetings. It’s not getting very much attention though, nobody seems to want to participate. Maybe we should start Neo-Cons Anonymous for recovering neo-cons like myself, what do you think? Thanks again Mike, keep on keepin on!

    • TheKingDude on October 4, 2012

      I am so glad to hear that the show could be of help to you as it was doing the show that brought me to the changes I experienced.


      Mike CHurch
