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Caller Eric: “Jihadis Coming To Get Us Through NO FAULT of Our Own”

todayOctober 9, 2012 5

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    Caller Eric: “Jihadis Coming To Get Us Through NO FAULT of Our Own” ClintStroman

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Audio and Transcript – Just going to let Eric speak for himself here, “I have to ask you a question.  The world is so small.  These radical Muslims would love nothing better to slice my throat, your throat, our children’s throats, you get it.  How can we be — this is what I don’t understand and I can’t fathom this — how can we be so isolationist, as you talk about?  I listen to your points of view, but I just disagree so strongly when if we don’t have some sort of a presence there, and I mean a big presence in terms of knowing what these people are up to and letting them know don’t mess with us; if you mess with us, we’re going to kill you.  I just don’t know how, if we want to protect our children — I have two beautiful, young children.  I happen to be Jewish as well.  These people would love nothing to kill us, kill the Jews, kill the Americans.  They’re nuts and we need to annihilate them.” Check out the rest in today’s audio and transcript…

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    Caller Eric: “Jihadis Coming To Get Us Through NO FAULT of Our Own” ClintStroman


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  Eric in Florida, first up here today.  How are you?

Caller Eric:  I’m doing great, man, how are you?  Good morning, Mike.

Mike:  Good, thank you.

Caller Eric:  I love your show.  I like your show because I don’t agree with a lot of what you say.  I’m a conservative.  You’re a smart guy.  I have to ask you a question.  The world is so small.  These radical Muslims would love nothing better to slice my throat, your throat, our children’s throats, you get it.  How can we be — this is what I don’t understand and I can’t fathom this — how can we be so isolationist, as you talk about?  I listen to your points of view, but I just disagree so strongly when if we don’t have some sort of a presence there, and I mean a big presence in terms of knowing what these people are up to and letting them know don’t mess with us; if you mess with us, we’re going to kill you.  I just don’t know how, if we want to protect our children — I have two beautiful, young children.  I happen to be Jewish as well.  These people would love nothing to kill us, kill the Jews, kill the Americans.  They’re nuts and we need to annihilate them.  I don’t think you —

Mike:  Annihilate them?  Wow!  Annihilate them?  All of them or just certain ones?

Caller Eric:  The ones that are hell bent on wanting to destroy us and our way of life and want to impose Sharia law, absolutely.

Mike:  You said an awful lot, if you’ll just give me a chance to respond.

Caller Eric:  Go ahead.

Mike:  Thank you for letting me host my show, by the way, I certainly appreciate it.  Very, very kind of you, thank you.  Question: why don’t they want to kill the Australians?

Caller Eric:  Why don’t they want to kill the Australians?

Mike:  Why don’t they want to kill the Australians’ way of life?  It’s at least as backwards as ours is.

Caller Eric:  I think if they had their way, they would.  They’ve got to start with the biggest and baddest and that’s us and Israel.

Mike:  Why would you start with the biggest and baddest?  That makes a lot of sense.

Caller Eric:  We’re the ones that pretty much police the world.

Mike:  What are the rest of the ones, that are not ginning up to destroy the planet and take it over, what are the rest of those people that hear people like you say “We need to annihilate them,” what are they to think?  We come in peace?  Take me to your leader, we come in peace?

Caller Eric:  No.  When I say them, Mike, I don’t mean all Arabs, I mean the ones that are hell bent on destroying us, the Hezbollah, the terrorist groups.  I want to just follow up on your point.  You said Australia.  Why do they do stuff in Spain and England, which largely Spain hasn’t meddled in those affairs, yet they still attack those countries?  How do you answer that?

Mike:  The Spanish actually did meddle in their affairs once upon a time.  Wasn’t it the Francs that drove the Moors all the way to the ocean and then back to the Barbary Coast from whence they came?

Caller Eric:  We’re going back 500 years.

Mike:  Muhammad goes back 1300 years.  You want to count years or not?

Caller Eric:  No, I do, but come on.  Here and now, the Spanish government has largely stayed out of it.

Mike:  Why would somebody sitting in a cave or a mud hut in the middle of an Afghan prairie, why would they so desperately desire, why would they covet so death, mayhem and destruction of people 8,000 miles away that they have no way to get to?  Why?

Caller Eric:  Because they’re so hell bent on their religion.  The Jews are the devil to them.  We support the Jewish State, which I don’t believe we should be slaughtered because we support another country.  That’s our decision.

Mike:  No, that’s our government’s decision.  It’s not our decision.  I don’t get to vote on it.  I don’t get to vote on whether or not to have trade with all and alliances with none, as we were counseled to have.

Caller Eric:  Sure you do, Mike.  In a republican government such as us, you vote the politicians in that are going to not support Israel if that’s what you want or support Israel if that’s what

you want.  You do have a vote.

Mike:  Yeah, the senator that represents 36 million people in the State of Texas really is respondent to the voice of the people out there.  Really?

Caller Eric:  That’s the system of government we have.

Mike:  The same government that’s not responsive and shoves ObamaCare down my throat does everything I want it to do in foreign affairs?  Really?  Seriously?  I suppose I also have a choice in whether or not I want to have the IRS haranguing me every day with threatening letters.  What about that?  I don’t vote for any congressman that tells me they’re going to sic the IRS on me, yet they all do, do they not?

Caller Eric:  That’s correct, but if we had a large enough group of people, such as you and myself, conservatives when it comes to finance —

Mike:  What does conservative mean when it comes to finance?  Why don’t you enlighten me, explain it to me?

Caller Eric:  My opinion is the government should not tax the heck out of us the way they do.

Mike:  Should they mildly tax us?

Caller Eric:  They more than mildly tax us.

Mike:  No, I said should they mildly tax us?

Caller Eric:  Well, should there be some form of tax?  I guess there’s got to be some form of tax.  It should be as low as possible.  I think a country does best when you tax people lower and they have more money.  I’m an attorney and I own a pretty decent-sized law firm.  If taxes were lower, I would hire more and more employees.  So yeah, they overtax us and they’re killing us with taxes.  Do we need some level of taxation?  Of course.  There are certain things that are essential that we need money to fund.  The public takes money to fund.  I don’t think anyone should be taxed more than 25 percent.  I’m on my way to work right now —

Mike:  Wait a minute.  Let’s go back to ancient Hebrew texts.  You’re commanded to tithe ten percent to God and you think it’s okay to tax 25 percent to go to the state?  Who’s writing the scripts around her?  I’m just asking questions, fair questions, I think.  We’re only supposed to give ten percent to God, but 20 percent or 25 percent is acceptable to give to people that are not God, that play God and do a poor job at it?  I don’t think that’s a bargain.

Caller Eric:  I don’t think so, either.  If I had it my way, I would cap it at ten percent.  The problem is with these liberals, you know there’s never going to be any kind of a compromise at ten percent.  That’s why I say let’s do 25 percent.  I think we could still have a good business in America, lower the tax rate to 25 percent to a flat tax, make the liberals happy and call it a day.  Anything lower than that, these liberals will never — they won’t even go for 25 percent.

Mike:  Eric, I just want to go back to the beginning of the phone call.  Although we’re being civil, I don’t believe there’s ever been anything I’ve ever said on this show you’ve agreed with.  That’s fine.  I’m glad that you called.  I’d like to read a poem to you, Eric.

AG:  One of the things that Eric said when comparing Australia and the United States as to why they don’t necessarily go after Australia, I thought he almost slipped it in there and answered his own question.  Eric, you cited that the U.S. acts as the world police.  That’s part of the reason why there are attacks.  Should that not be looked at in itself?

Mike:  Andrew Gruss, watch that blowback stuff.  That’s a figmentation of Ron Paul and Michael Scheuer’s imagination.  There’s no such thing as blowback.  We’re the only people on Earth that ever get angry when our people are threatened.  No one else does, because they understand we are God’s chosen bombers.  We are God’s chosen MP military policemen.  The rest of the world knows this, so they do not question us, right Eric?

Caller Eric:  Yeah, that’s correct.  Like I said, I have a duty to protect our children.  Those people are hell bent on killing us.  Those radical Muslims, learn about them. They’re nuts.

Mike:  I didn’t say that they weren’t.  Gruss makes the great point, why weren’t they hell bent on killing Hawaiians?  Hawaii is halfway between the 7,000 miles and here.  It seems to me, if you wanted to attack America, you’d pull a Pearl Harbor.  Why not have a jihad against Honolulu?  Let’s start with Kauai.  Then they get a nice vacation home that has all the comforts of what they’re used to.  They can have caves.  They have sand.  They have tropical-style weather.  They have all the benefits of home.  Why not the Hawaiians?

Caller Eric:  Mike, if they had the Twin Towers in Hawaii, the attacks would have been in Hawaii.  I’m telling you, these people are nuts.  They’ll get to Hawaii.  They’re going to start with New York City first.

Mike:  So they’ve got to go to New York even though Hawaii is in between there?

Caller Eric:  They want to set a big example.  Look what they did.  They knocked down the Twin Towers.  You’re setting the biggest example.  Look at al-Qaeda.  Look what we’re going to do.  We’re going to attack America.  We’re going to attack American interests.

Mike:  When they say they’re going to attack America, are they saying they’re going to attack America or are they going to attack those that they say have attacked them?  Again, there’s no cause to any of this?  They just woke up sometime in 1998 or 1999 and said, “I think it’d be cool if we started a jihad against the biggest military superpower in the history of the world.  What could possibly go wrong?”

Caller Eric:  Yep, that’s exactly right.

Mike:  Why wouldn’t they have picked an easier target like the Australians?  The Australians drink beer.  The Australians engage in divorce and sodomy.  The Australians do all the things that they allegedly hate about us.  Remember, they’re trying to end our way of life.  Why aren’t they trying to end the way of life in Australia?  Why aren’t they trying to end the Swiss people’s way of life?

AG:  You can hit the opera house in Australia.  That’d be a huge attack.  That’s a monument to the first world and commerce and capitalism.

Mike:  That’s right.  Eric, have you seen the movie Battleship?

Caller Eric:  No.

Mike:  Watch it.  There’s a gigantic tower in Hong Kong that is taken out by a wayward alien spacecraft crashing down to the Earth.  I’ve seen these marvelous glass towers that are in Hong Kong, where there is evil, despicable hedonism and strippers and alcohol and divorce and all kind of anti-Muslim or anti-Sharia law mayhem going on there.  Those are easy towers to take out, too.  Why didn’t they take those out, too?

Caller Eric:  They’ll get to them.

Mike:  Oh, these people are good.

Caller Eric:  These people are nuts.  They’re nuts.  They’re uneducated.  They live in a cave.  They’re despicable people.

Mike:  But they’re going to take over the world from a cave?  Alexander the Great wasn’t able to do that and he actually had a palace.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: ClintStroman

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  1. Alex on October 10, 2012

    oops…earlier I meant to say that it has nothing to do with acting as the “world police” not “being a police state.” My mistake.

  2. Alex on October 10, 2012

    Mike and AG, the reason these radical Muslim terrorists have attacked the U.S., Spain, etc, is because these countries are all WESTERN nations. Also, the west has (or used to have at least) a strong alliance with Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East. It has nothing to do with being a police state or military occupation of Middle Eastern nations. The west represents freedom and that is something that those radicals cannot tolerate in their mentalities. They cannot stand the idea of free people living their own will and would love for the entire world to be under Muslim rule and that is why they would love to slit all our throats. This has nothing to do with religion either. Instead, they USE their religion as means to justify their actions after they have killed a bunch of innocent people. Like caller Eric said, these terrorist groups are nuts and they need to be stopped.

    • Wil Shrader Jr. on October 17, 2012

      How about our national government is nuts and needs to be stopped? Read about the origination of WESTERN intervention in the Middle East. There are radicals in every sect of religion, politics and culture. As for free nations, we are not free. If our current condition is one of liberty and freedom, we have woefully lost grasp of these concepts.
