Caller Jeff Explains Different Chemical Weapons And Their Effects
todayAugust 30, 2013
Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Tear gas. In the military, we’ve been trained to watch and observe certain signs and symptoms. If it had to have been VX sarin or mustard gas, you would have saw blistering. You would have saw people in the act of seizures. There wouldn’t have been anybody filming it unless they were properly dressed. It calls to pause the voracity of that video. Check out today’s transcript for the rest…
Begin Mike Church Show Transcript
Mike:I want to go to the phones. Let’s talk to Jeff in Texas. Jeff, you’re next on the Mike Church Show.
Caller Jeff: Mike, my erudite friend, excellent analysis on the use of CS gas to try to draw us into war.
Mike: What is CS gas?
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Caller Jeff: Tear gas. In the military, we’ve been trained to watch and observe certain signs and symptoms. If it had to have been VX sarin or mustard gas, you would have saw blistering. You would have saw people in the act of seizures. There wouldn’t have been anybody filming it unless they were properly dressed. It calls to pause the voracity of that video. Also, the British just told Chairman Maobama to go fornicate himself. We’re not playing that game.
Mike:That’s a very gentlemanly way to say that, go fornicate yourself.
Caller Jeff: You can imagine that in a very posh British accent.
Mike:Or as Rodney Dangerfield said in Back to School: flunk me, flunk you.
Caller Jeff: That’s exactly right. Also, where’s the benefit of the doubt come from? In 2003, the intelligence was a lot stronger from different sources, France, Germany, Czechoslovakia. There weren’t any video but there were hard evidence, probably because we and several other countries sold Saddam Hussein weapons of mass destruction, which ended up in Syria, I might add. Now we see all this hypocrisy, rank hypocrisy. In 2007, Senator Obama said: We can’t just go tell Syria and Iran if you don’t do what we want to do we’re going to bomb you. It doesn’t work on them. Where’s that Obama? This saber rattling because you are perceived as being weak, and that’s probably a reality, it doesn’t necessarily go. There are guys like me whose lives are getting put at risk. Obviously we can’t go on strike like the McDonald’s food workers and say no. How’s that for fitting in five or six subjects into one phone call?
Mike: That’s pretty good, man. Before you go, let me ask you a question about CS gas. Does it come in different strengths? Is there super we really want you to tear up and wretch over and double over in pain, and the mild it’s just a glorified pepper spray?
Caller Jeff: When we go to the gas chamber, it’s CS in a can and it’ll make you wretch over and puke. It’s better obviously when it’s in an enclosed space. If they did that in a room and set this up like they do us, make you take off your gas mask, I guarantee you will cry, wretch. You’ll look like a reveler during Mardi Gras on Bourbon Street.
Mike: That you know of, is there any other gas or chemical dispersant that can be used that is potentially lethal but not lethal in all exposures?
Caller Jeff:Not that I’m aware of. Obviously we’re aware of sarin, VX, mustard gas and chlorine gas. These things are known to be very lethal. Tear gas or riot dispersal agent, that’s what causes the sweating and gets your nostrils to start emitting mucus and everything. Nerve gas is a lot more powerful. You lose control of your bowels. You have what’s called an acetylcholine shutdown. All your parasympathetic nervous system goes to pot. I didn’t see that on the video, just based on my training. I am by no means an expert, but based on the training I’ve received over the years of being in the military, it just looked like tear gas.
Mike:Thank you very much, Jeff. Have a great weekend.
Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Abortion, and even contraception, even in the prevention of pregnancy, is verboten in church teaching. This goes all the way back prior – this is taken directly from the gospels, directly from the Old Testament, and then passed on traditionally." Check out today’s transcript […]
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